The story of one corruption. And again I got caught
How much can you? Why did I do it again? How can you treat people so cruelly? Why am I such a naive and impressionable fool?
The ceiling is icy, the door is creaking
Behind a rough wall, thorny darkness …
Why did I come here? I'm scared here. A dark corridor, rough wooden benches, a low ceiling with bunches of herbs hanging in the corners. It smells of smoke and incense. Above the door is a small icon of the Mother of God. Dull footsteps echo across the plank floor … My heart pounds, goosebumps, I want to run away.

- Come in, child, do not be afraid, - is heard outside the door. I get up, dumbfounded that she knows about my fear.
In a room drenched in the bright sun, it is not immediately possible to navigate. Someone takes my hand and leads me to the shop. A little old woman in a white headscarf with a tired face and very kind and surprisingly understanding, even penetrating eyes turns to me, looks somewhere, as if through me, and shakes her head.
- You have a lot of envious people, they do you a lot of dirty tricks. And your fiancé loves you, but you will mumble with him, your rival is in the way, she is going to bring damage to you.
I'm shocked. How does she know all this? About my promotion at work and jealousy with gossip, and about the groom, and about his ex, even though he fills that she has long been over - that's a bastard! Blimey! A real clairvoyant. Yes, she will definitely help me.
I did not go home, but flew above the ground. Now everything will be fine, no misfortunes are scary to me anymore. Calm and joy filled my heart. I was incredibly happy! The feeling of the impenetrable protection around me gave me confidence and made me feel completely safe.
There are still really gifted people who sincerely help others. She will pray for me - what a kind and bright soul she is!

Since then, my life has changed: those around me have become more benevolent, my beloved - more attentive and gentle, night fears have disappeared, the whole world seems to have acquired new colors!
This happiness lasted two weeks. Then something went wrong - either the protection weakened, or I did something wrong, but there was some kind of anxious feeling. My beloved began to stay up late, saying something about the end of the block, at work they began to whisper behind me again, the ATM stubbornly refused to give me money, nightmares returned.
My first thought was: "We urgently need to go to her!" Apparently, new damage, stronger …
Remembering my experiences now, I understand that this is the only way I could have thought. I lived my fears mixed with fantasies. Just flying over the earth in euphoria, I could one day collapse from there into terrible melancholy. Relying on mystical protection, I sincerely believed in its power and ability to change my life. I was sure that the reasons for all my troubles are in terrible bad luck, induced damage or evil eye.
Without understanding the reasons for your fears, it is very difficult to manage emotions, especially if you have imaginative thinking and a rich imagination.
It was later, at the training "System Vector Psychology" by Yuri Burlan, I learned why all my nightmares are associated with darkness, and the fears, rolling in suffocating waves, accompany me all my life …

The eyes of people with a visual vector have a special sensitivity, therefore, in the dark, where vision does not distinguish objects and cannot notice danger, we are always uncomfortable, we lose control over what is happening and fantasy turns on. Eerie images, generated by the native fear of death, come to life in the dark, at night, alone. And now the black hand from under the bed at midnight - grab! And we are shaking in fear under the covers.
The guy's phone runs out of power, and in our experiences we are already drawing terrible pictures of car accidents and murders, emotionally rocking in our fear and dialing the same number over and over again. Returning home twenty minutes later, he finds us in tears, with valerian in trembling hands, calling hospitals and morgues, and on the phone 389 missed calls.
Noticing the unkind glance of the boss at the general meeting, in a minute we present in detail our call to the carpet, a tense conversation, which simply necessarily ends with a dismissal without severance pay, although in fact this look was not addressed to us personally. But we'll spend half a day staring at our work phone in horror.
And it’s funny and sad to remember … Having discovered the visual vector in myself and understood its states, I was able to look at the situation from the outside for the first time.

The devil is not as scary as he is petted
Remembering the words of my clairvoyant grandmother, I gradually, and for the first time in my life, began to understand that such "prophecies" can be adapted to any young girl. And besides, she didn't say anything concrete. Well, who doesn't have envious people? Who doesn't care about the sincerity of a young man's feelings? And the rest I successfully thought out myself. Of course, I paid her for the reception and for the special protection that she put over my head, and for all nine days I strictly followed her instructions for reading strong prayers and drinking a glass of water "to cleanse from corruption."
And when doubts began to creep in about her supernatural abilities, I stubbornly drove these thoughts away from myself, afraid to admit to myself that I was once again fooled. It was so comfortable and calm to believe and know that with her protection, no intrigues are terrible for me, and that my beloved is now definitely ONLY mine, and that everything will now work out for me for sure, because they helped me SO! And if I start to doubt, everything will immediately collapse and my life will fall apart before our eyes.
Over time, an epiphany and disappointment came, and along with it some kind of emptiness appeared inside, and all my fears returned with renewed vigor. I wanted to cry from helplessness and despair, from my own stupidity and short-sightedness. How much can you? Why did I do it again? How can you treat people so cruelly? Why am I such a naive and impressionable fool?

We, the spectators, experience any emotions, negative or positive, with special force, so joy for us easily turns into happiness, and annoying grief into a nightmare. Bursting into tears over a dramatic plot twist in a movie or flying in the clouds on a clear spring day are common things for a visual girl.
We are great lovers of creating emotional connections - if we fall in love, then with all our might, we are very afraid of losing our object of love and suffer madly at the break.
The eyes are the main organ for acquiring new knowledge. Basic learning, knowledge of the world goes through sight, but when we start to be lazy to learn, stop in our development, it becomes easier for us to take someone's word for it than to look for the answer ourselves.
This is where we find explanations for all our troubles, failures and bad luck in supernatural forces. We go to all kinds of psychics, shamans and witches for help, already ready in advance to believe in everything they tell us. Having a rich imagination and imaginative thinking, we easily conjecture ourselves all their prophecies and admonitions, swinging from fear to joy and vice versa.

That is why, after a short amount of time, there is a certain emptiness, loss of emotional connection, unjustified hopes, and our emotional state goes down, into melancholy and pain, fears return, phobias develop. And now we are again looking for an easy way out of the situation, trying to shift the responsibility for our fate to the next sorcerer.
Now I remember with a smile my torment and search for protection from all kinds of psychics. I understand what I was afraid of and why. The fear of the dark is gone, the nightmares are over, now it is quite difficult to get me out of balance, all the envious people at work simply ceased to exist for me.
Most importantly, the world has become more benevolent, I smile at people and am not afraid to open up to them, communication now brings me pleasure.
I no longer doubt the feelings of my husband (now he has already become my husband). He loves me - that's for sure - and he knows that I know how to love him like no one else in the world, because I was born to give love!
I focused on those feelings that make me feel happy. I began to give all my love to my loved ones, without demanding anything in return. It is becoming more and more, and I thought about the fact that I can share it with someone else, with someone who is deprived of it, who needs warmth, affection and care. Perhaps it is worth doing charity work - after all, I want to make this world a better place.

And also during a trip to the sea, I discovered that I was no longer afraid of the depth. I enjoy swimming with my husband, although earlier the lack of support under my feet caused panic. A trifle, but nice. And all this happened thanks to the training of Yuri Burlan.
To understand your essence, look into the unconscious to see the true motives of your behavior and find an application for innate properties - this is what can change your life once and for all.
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