A man in depression: how to get rid of weakness for the stronger sex
To understand how to deal with male depression, how to treat it, whether it is dangerous and what the consequences may be, you first need to understand its causes. Each vector has its own reasons, its manifestations and characteristics of human behavior in depression.
We know from childhood that a man should be strong and confident. Responsible and reliable. A man is the one who solves problems, doesn't create them, right? What to do when a man is depressed? How to deal with this scourge, how to get out of this state and what kind of treatment is needed?
I feel sick from myself, and attempts to cope with a bad state and remove it with the help of volitional efforts do not bring success. Maybe you shouldn't strain, and the spring beriberi, the age crisis of 40 years, or even a bad horoscope for Lions or Scorpions for this month is to blame?
Willpower really has nothing to do with it. However, like the spring awakening of nature, age crises and horoscopes. The causes of both female and male depression lie in the peculiarities of our psyche. Any of us feels happiness and joy only when we fully realize the talents, desires and aspirations inherent in us by nature. But each of us is different. What are the differences?
System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan says that we differ from each other in our innate set of vectors, each of which sets its owner certain interests and inclinations, types of values and preferences.
Therefore, in order to understand how to deal with male depression, how to treat it, whether it is dangerous and what the consequences may be, you first need to understand its causes. Each vector has its own reasons, its manifestations and characteristics of human behavior in depression.
The systematic approach explains that genuine, deep male depression, with a feeling of loss of meaning in life and suicidal thoughts, is experienced only by those representatives of the stronger sex who have a sound vector. There are only 5% of them, and they will be discussed in detail below.
And what about everyone else? Representatives of the other seven vectors have shortages in the social and sexual spheres, which in modern society are often also called male depression. Let us consider how these shortcomings manifest themselves in different vectors.
The causes of depression in men who are active, mobile and purposeful
The owners of the skin vector are striving for career growth, property and social superiority. Such a man can perfectly realize himself in his own business or in a leadership position.
The natural aspiration of skin people for novelty also allows them to realize themselves as an inventor, engineer, developer of all kinds of technologies. The ability to self-restraint and to establish rules and restrictions for others allows the owner of these properties to perfectly express themselves in lawmaking and jurisprudence.
The cause of male depression in representatives of any vector can be sexual or social frustration (lack of realization).
In the skin vector, male depression may have the following prerequisites:
Social lack (frustration). Perhaps the skin man is in a position or specialty that does not meet his natural aspirations. For example, the need to do something slowly and carefully, to focus on details can irritate such active and active people, literally driving a skin man into depression over a long distance. After all, it is important for him how long the task takes, he seeks to save time and complete everything quickly.

They can hardly endure long-term "sitting" in the same place, in one position. It is important for the owner of the skin vector to grow up the career ladder. If this does not happen, he will strive to change jobs. Otherwise, permanent male depression is guaranteed to him. Monotony and routine oppress a man with a skin vector.
The reasons for bad conditions can also be situational: the implementation of an important business project is "stuck" and is not progressing, problems have arisen in negotiations with significant partners, etc. Age-related depression in such men is more often manifested between the ages of 30 and 50, when the period of active achievements does not come the realization of his ambitious desires.
A depressed skin man becomes irritable and angry. Symptoms of depression in men with such properties can also express themselves in physical manifestations: persistent skin rashes or nervous tics, problems with the spine, tremors of the limbs. How are these manifestations treated? Systems psychology says that medication is not enough, it is necessary to remove or change the causes of the bad condition.
Sexual lack (frustration). Owners of the cutaneous vector have a relatively low, balanced libido, their testosterone level is low. Therefore, with successful social implementation, they usually do not have any frustrations associated with the intimate sphere. But in case of problems in a social sphere that is significant for a leather person, he seeks to relieve tension, gaining in sex the pleasure he needs from novelty that he needs.
How long a man's bad condition lasts depends largely on the woman. To get a man out of depression, try to ensure that his natural variability is realized, first of all, in intimate relationships. New impressions, postures, and experiments will help to overcome male depression. Use every opportunity to help him "switch", change the environment, until he himself has not changed the environment in a new relationship.
Male depression in slow couch potatoes
For completely different reasons, there is male depression in slow couch potatoes with the properties of an anal vector.
By nature, such men do everything slowly and carefully, paying attention to the smallest details and nuances. It is not so important for them how long it takes to complete the task - they strive for quality. They have a phenomenal memory and analytical mind.
Such a man can perfectly realize himself in the profession of a teacher, he can become a scientist, critic, analyst in various fields. Or maybe engage in manual labor that requires thoroughness. For example, the anal vector in combination with the visual one gives such a person the abilities of an artist, jeweler, photographer.
The owner of such properties may have the following prerequisites for the occurrence of male depression:
Social frustrations. At work and at home, the owner of the anal vector requires respect for himself, recognition of the importance and value of his merits. For him, this is much more important than any career growth. Signs of depression in men with these properties can manifest themselves in conditions where his merits at work or at home are devalued. They also take it hard when they are cut off in mid-sentence or are not allowed to finish the job they have begun, forcing them to constantly switch.
Unfortunately, in the modern world, men with an anal vector often follow the tendency to "spin and make money." In his case, this approach can only drive a man into depression, but does not contribute to an increase in earnings. It is worth choosing a place of work only by relying on your innate inclinations and talents.
Signs of depression in men with an anal vector can be as follows: a huge number of deferred affairs or even a syndrome of deferred life (procrastination), criticism, devaluation of the actions or qualities of other people, picky about any little things. A severe degree of frustration in the anal vector pushes its owner towards aggression, physical or verbal.
Physiological symptoms of depression in men with an anal vector can be as follows: constipation or stomach ulcers, heart problems.
Sexual frustrations. The libido in the owners of the anal vector is very powerful, the testosterone level is high. Lack in the sexual sphere (especially in the period from 30 to 50 years) may well become the cause of male depression for such a person. Unlike a leatherback, the owner of such properties is not at all excited by novelty. Quite the opposite, it causes rejection.
However, a man with an anal vector enters into a certain rhythm of regularity of sexual relations and further supports it. A sharp change in the usual rhythm can lead such a man into depression, for example, the departure of his wife for a long time or the breakdown of relations with a permanent partner.
Symptoms of depression in men seeking meaning in life
Real severe and deep male depression occurs only in representatives of the sound vector. These people are natural introverts, focused on themselves, immersed in their thoughts. And the questions they are trying to comprehend have nothing to do with the material world.
Who am I? What is the meaning of my life? What is the plan of human existence on earth? These are the questions the sound engineer asks.
Even with a well-paid job and a good family, the sound engineer does not get joy until the answers to the most intimate questions in life are found. Male depression builds up in the sound engineer gradually, but inexorably, even if he tries to work with depression, to maintain his usual way of life. Headaches and sleep disturbances can be very disturbing. The soundman withdraws into himself even more, does not call relatives and does not communicate with friends.
Life begins to be perceived by him as painful and meaningless, with a gray series of monotonous days. He stops worrying about his own appearance and what he eats. Treatment of depression in a man with a sound vector with the help of medications is usually prescribed by specialists when depressive conditions become his constant companion.
However, the pain of the soul is not treated with pills. We enjoy life only when we realize our natural desires and aspirations. For a sound engineer, this is knowledge of oneself and the structure of the universe. The sound specialists succeed in realizing this aspiration in its entirety at the training on system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan.
If a man is depressed: tips for the fair sex
When a man experiences depression, his life friend often seeks to understand how to help him overcome this state and get out of it. A woman is looking for ways to cheer up her life partner, trying to recognize the reasons for his behavior (for example, why she does not call, does not communicate, or rarely speaks to her). This aspiration is not accidental, because in fact a lot depends on a woman.
But in order to get a man out of depression, it is not enough just to give him vitamins, provide him with proper nutrition, or kick him out for a morning run. There is a way out of depression, but a woman has a real influence on a man differently - through her condition.
An attractive and inspiring female state has already been found at the training in system-vector psychology by many of his listeners. It easily allows a woman to bring her man out of any depression, to cheer and inspire him to conquer new heights.
In addition, a systemic perception of the psychological characteristics of a partner allows a woman to independently recognize the causes of her man's poor conditions. She no longer needs to guess on the coffee grounds about whether his blues are dangerous, how long it will last, age or love and what consequences to expect.
Faced with depression in a man, such a woman will know exactly how to help.
Does a man's depression require treatment?
To enjoy life, the owner of any set of vectors needs to realize and successfully implement their talents and properties in society. Then any male depression becomes completely surmountable on its own. This is evidenced by the massive results of the trainees of the training in system-vector psychology.
To start your path to a joyful and fulfilled life, register for free online lectures on system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan using the link.