"Puss in a poke", or How to find your partner on a dating site
In our age of the Internet, Wi-Fi and 4G, only the gray-haired and wrinkled veterans of flirting are capable of saying to girls on the streets “We met somewhere”. To the modern public of childbearing age, such courtship seems ridiculous and deeply old-fashioned, because over the past 10-15 years, a completely new cultural layer has formed in the field of dating, courtship, flirting and, sorry, renting.
In our age of the Internet, Wi-Fi and 4G, only the gray-haired and wrinkled veterans of flirting are capable of saying to girls on the streets “We met somewhere”. To the modern public of childbearing age, such courtship seems ridiculous and deeply old-fashioned, because over the past 10-15 years, a completely new cultural layer has formed in the field of dating, courtship, flirting and, sorry, renting.
Actually, for a long time there are neither rentals nor tenants - there are pick-up artists and just party-goers. Dating at discos-dance floors was transformed into casual meetings in clubs. Friendship by correspondence (postal) died out with the development of social networks, and street dating has become a bad form. Well, who can meet on the streets? Only those who have neither a tablet nor the Internet, that is, they are definitely dense and hopeless people.
However, this is all relevant for the young and daring. And what can those "over 35" afford in terms of dating? Of course, in some places there are still atavisms in the form of matchmakers, clubs and dating services, but the Internet also took the leading role in this age sector of those looking for relationships and family ties. If you type in any search engine "dating site", then the list of links will drop out one that cannot be viewed in a day.

The beauty of these sites is that the options for choosing a potential partner are practically unlimited. You can search and find anyone and anything: from sex for one night to "lived happily ever after and died in one day." From an easy affair to building a strong online family, today everything is available to active users of dating sites.
We choose, we are chosen …
The first thing that catches your eye when you look through the profiles on dating sites is the exaggerated requirements for candidates with complete tolerance for their own shortcomings. Women often have such a position: I am looking exclusively for a prince without a / p and m / f problems, but let him love me the way I am … Men are not original either. They demand a slender, successful, healthy and problem-free beauty and at the same time make it clear that even without having anything in their soul and in their pocket, offering themselves to a woman, they are doing her a gigantic favor and a fabuloust.
It is much easier for skin one night adventurers to make a choice: look at the photo, go through the list of sexual preferences - and make a date. And there, how lucky.
But for those who want to find a serious relationship (often with an anal vector), it is much more difficult to make a choice. Try to understand by the scanty lines of the questionnaire and the standard answers to standard questions who is looking at you from the monitor screen - an ideal husband or a potential home sadist. Or maybe he is a reveler-bully without a king in his head … It is not easy to understand a person even by looking into his eyes, let alone according to some description on the site.
And yet, the number of couples who have struck up relationships through dating sites is growing steadily. Perhaps the reason is purely statistical: more and more Internet sites for finding a life partner, more and more people who do not have the time and opportunity to look for their soul mate "in real life", the method of acquaintance "through the site" is becoming more and more common and commonplace … However, for that In order to find a person with whom you want to go further in the heap of other people's photos and names, you have to spend a lot of time on communication, correspondence, empty conversations and disappointing meetings.
If you approach the choice of an applicant for a real meeting a little more competently, perhaps fewer dates will be needed before your heart starts beating faster and prompts "this is her" or "this is him" …
Cat in a bag
Almost everyone who is “in active search” tries at least a little, but to embellish their personality before putting themselves on the fair of brides and grooms. We carefully select and even Photoshop photos, trying to appear before the eyes of potential chosen ones in the most advantageous light. We sometimes underestimate our age or hide bad habits and, willingly or unwillingly, flatter ourselves on the pages of our own questionnaire, editing our data towards the ideal stuck in our head.

And, of course, we are almost not shy about choosing epithets when describing character. If we draw a conclusion about humanity only on the basis of questionnaires on dating sites, it turns out that all earthlings are entirely cheerful, positive, kind, successful and responsive people with practically no bad habits and negative qualities … Really the best part of humanity is free men and women, not burdened families, but just trying to find them ?! Following this logic, it is the relationship that spoils the character, because in life we often observe drinking and nervous husbands, hysterical and irritable wives … Why then strive to create a family, since it destroys so carefully fashioned images of ourselves, forcing conflicts and scandals with her half?
The question is, of course, rhetorical. Man is a social being, he needs communication. And what could be more pleasant than constant communication with a nice representative of the opposite sex? But just before rushing into the maelstrom of this communication, it would be good to decide which partner is best for you. What kind of person will life together be the most comfortable and joyful. At the same time, it is advisable not to include clearly contradictory requirements for candidates for hand and heart in your "wish list".
For example, girls often dream of princes on white horses, imagining how these "princes" perform feats for their sake, throw half a kingdom at their feet and look them in the eyes tenderly all their lives, forgetting about everything in the world. Alas, equestrian-minded princes are not meant to be sedentary. Even dismounting to present the rose to the beauty and kiss her hand, they think about how to jump back into the saddle and rush towards the wind and adventure …
If you translate the age-old girlish dream into the language of the training "System-vector psychology", then such a prince, most likely, will be the owner of the urethral vector. A stormy wind in your face, madness and adventure, feats for the sake of beautiful ladies - all this cannot be taken away from such. But all this musketeerism has a downside: it does not at all fit into the picture with a quiet pier, a cozy family nest and eternal love to the grave. The urethral needs freedom, the ability to break loose in the middle of the night; he needs adrenaline and admiring glances directed at him, preferably numerous and different. Yes, it can be ringed, but it can hardly be domesticated. Therefore, having become the wife of the urethral prince, you must be prepared for the fact that his campaigns and feats of arms will not end with the marriage ceremony, and while you wait for him in the matrimonial bed,he will climb windows to completely different women …
On the other hand, a great number of cavaliers are strenuously posing as princes, in fact they are not. This is precisely the main catch of online dating, which in 99% of cases offers an awl in a bag. And how painfully this awl will prick you depends on you, on your attentiveness, on understanding yourself, your vectors and your goals on a dating site and your priorities in approaching the choice of the man you need.
Looking for a family man
If you want to find yourself a support husband, and your children a loving father, then you need to look for an anal-visual man. Or anal-skin-visual. Or anal-muscular … In general, the main thing is that he has a sufficiently developed anal vector. Such men are prone to creating a patriarchal family, in which they always sit at the head of the table and give praise to someone, censure to someone, teachings to someone. Such fathers are the best mentors and teachers, wise, knowledgeable, loving. They are the real family men - faithful, loyal, reliable …

But how do you find one in a screaming dating site vanity fair? Not an easy task, but doable. To begin with, you should pay attention to the appearance, the choice of photos, to any additional information indicated by the man who interested you. Owners of the anal vector are usually quite modest and even shy and hang one, maximum two photos in which they look serious and respectable. In the photo, they are often in a suit and tie, at the workplace. Neatly trimmed and combed, generally neat and pedantic. They tend to be overweight, often with short, thick fingers. Among these there are many owners of a dimple on the chin, which, as it were, divides it into two parts. On the whole, they look like good-natured, trustworthy bumpers. Reading more information,pay attention to hobbies - such men are usually lovers of a leisurely and comfortable pastime: fishing, quiet mushroom hunting, rest in the country and barbecue picnics. Very often they are fond of collecting (coins, stamps, paintings, postcards, figurines, etc.). Among them there are also fans of the epistolary genre, for example, writing memoirs or amateur fiction.
The owners of the anal vector are also well characterized by their life credo, favorite sayings that are often suggested to be chosen on a dating site: take care of honor from a young age, repetition is a mother of learning, patience and work will grind everything, hard in learning - easy in battle, I am not vindictive, just at my memory is good, my home is my fortress, truth-mother, etc. The priorities in choosing human qualities for such people are decency, loyalty, hard work, homeliness, hospitality, reliability. Talking about themselves, they often focus on these qualities, and also emphasize their professionalism - work experience, qualifications, experience and even the presence of professional awards.
Of course, this is all very superficial information, however, having paid attention to them, you can select several applicants who are closest to the desired "ideal", and get to know them better already in personal communication. It is important to understand the state of the person you have chosen. The training by Yuri Burlan "System-vector psychology" will help to learn to accurately determine this.
I am looking for a profitable party
Those who value that the husband is primarily a breadwinner, provides for the family and, as a headliner, would pull the whole family to social heights and material wealth, should look for men with a developed skin vector among the applicants. Such people usually have several diverse photos in their profile, in which they demonstrate not only their social status (for example, a photo behind the wheel of a cool foreign car), but also their physical shape (a photo in swimming trunks at some fashionable resort). Sometimes leather workers have intricate tattoos on their bodies and expensive rings on their fingers.
The hobbies of such men are varied and dynamic: traveling, fitness, diving, gambling sports. They monitor their physical condition, run in the morning, go for a massage and even, scary to say, sometimes get a manicure! Among the qualities that are important for them in a woman, they often indicate beauty, intelligence, sex appeal, sportiness, intelligence, style, ease of lifting, tolerance. For them, the material attributes of success mean a lot, therefore in their profiles they often indicate that they have a car, an apartment, a summer residence, and high income. And when it comes to professional achievements, they often focus on their effective position, on income and bonuses, on business trips and prestigious awards.
Among the favorite sayings and credo of leatherworkers are: in a healthy body - a healthy mind, through thorns to the stars, a penny protects a ruble, the owner is a master, a small spool, but expensive, everything is bought, who cannot be bought for money - you can buy for a lot of money, I wish you happiness and health, and we will buy the rest, if you want to live, be able to spin, etc.

When you come across a similar candidate, you can safely take it into development. Just remember that even the most developed and successful skinners may have their own shortcomings and weaknesses, which can greatly spoil the happiness from living together. For example, many representatives of the cutaneous vector do not consider casual sex to be adultery and if you do not want to share your "packed" husband with your mistresses, you will need an eye and an eye on him … However, you may be lucky and it will not come to adultery. For example, if you accompany him on business trips or secretly mount a hidden camera in his watch … If, of course, on a dating site you will get along with him and relations will develop outside the Internet.
Looking for love
For those who are looking primarily for mutual love, saturated with emotions and feelings of feelings, the dating site is unlikely to give out the desiredt on the first request. If it does. Many men are capable of true love, but in order for this feeling to be heady, dizzy and at the same time natural, like breathing, a man must be the owner of a visual vector that endows him with emotionality and the ability to subtle experiences. The good news is that there are such men in nature and are even quite common on dating sites. Not very good news is that they come there, as a rule, having experienced and experienced more than one love disappointment. As they say, beaten by life, with a bitter experience of loss, with a touch of cynicism and frustration.
If you are ready to spend a certain amount of time and effort, first on the search, and then on cleaning the desired visual man from this "plaque", then it is quite possible to be patient and go in search. A characteristic feature of photos in the profile of a visual man is the expression of his eyes, and it does not matter if he is in a suit, in a T-shirt, with weekly stubble or clean-shaven - his gaze will definitely catch you with its expressiveness. Listen to how you feel when looking at a photo of a stranger. If, when looking at an anal or skinny person, first of all the epithets solid / cool, serious / effective, full / sporty, etc. will come to your mind, then looking at the viewer you will think: cheerful, sad, thoughtful, anxious, ironic, etc. That is, words will come to mindin one way or another associated with any emotional state. Of course, there is no one hundred percent guarantee that this will necessarily turn out to be a visual man, but the chances will be great.
For spectators, female beauty, sincerity, responsiveness, the ability to understand and empathize, emotional relaxedness, the general level of culture, and a broad outlook are important. In other words, the chosen one should be such that one would like to admire her and there should be "something to talk about" with her.
The spectators' favorite phrases convey an emotional message in one way or another. For example, beauty will save the world, not that lovely, which is beautiful, but that beautiful, which is lovely, with a lovely paradise and in a hut, out of sight - out of mind, loving does not deny, be afraid of the indifferent, etc.

Having found such a man on a dating site, do not seek to take him by pressure. Chat on abstract topics - about life, about culture, about your favorite writers. Try to understand with what emotional attitude he came to the site. Perhaps he came to find just the same as you - understanding, affectionate, disinterested and ready for anything for love. But are you really like that?
On the other hand, a great number of cavaliers are strenuously posing as princes, in fact they are not. This is precisely the main catch of online dating, which in 99% of cases offers a pig in a poke. And how painfully this cat will scratch you depends on you, on your attentiveness, on understanding yourself, your vectors and your goals on the dating site and your priorities in approaching the choice of the man you need.