At school at gunpoint
The general public today is actively pedaling the topic of child abuse. Bookshelves are littered with tips for parents and educators on how to prevent or prevent bullying. Nevertheless, the situation in schools remains the same …
"Violence in schools - emotional, physical or sexual violence committed by children or teachers against school students or students against the teacher."
The general public today is actively pedaling the topic of child abuse. The bookshelves are littered with tips for parents and educators on how to prevent or prevent emotional and physical bullying. Nevertheless, the situation in schools remains the same and there is no trend towards improvement. All available facts and observations are not systemic and are often very contradictory. Naturally, all sorts of advice are also not useful, even if written by a psychologist who has worked at school for a certain number of years.
Opinions differ widely about victims of school violence. Someone believes that absolutely any child can become a victim, especially if he has some physical disabilities (wears glasses, hearing aids), or some features in behavior (pronounced introvert), or in appearance (protruding ears). Nevertheless, this theory does not take into account the fact that not all children with glasses are subjected to violence, and some even, on the contrary, use it. Therefore, these factors can in no way be regarded as determining.

On the other hand, a child who has become a victim is often explained that the reason for such treatment is not “glasses” at all, and even (attention!) They are encouraged to take into account the “demands” of the collective. As a single piece of advice, it is recommended to go to the director, to the police, to change schools, etc. All these measures often do not lead to the desired result - a rare children's team will refuse the opportunity to kick a “school pear” or tease a certain scapegoat. Children are not angels, but little animals acting archetypally. The weaker ones, who have not yet learned to ensure their own safety, find themselves under the pressure of the stronger ones. Often, spectators are involved in this kind of "games", they are kind and defenseless by nature, they are not able to stand up for themselves.
Without the right to bite
The most vulnerable in the team is the skin-visual boy - an absolute extrovert, often more than pleasant in appearance. How to explain that it is he who often becomes "superfluous"? The fact is that the primary task of a person before puberty is to realize his place in the landscape, that is, his role in the flock. The flock is a prototype of a modern school class as well.
When they say that a person should be self-sufficient, these are nothing more than beautiful words. A person is realized exclusively in a team, even if he is an absolute introvert and has little interest in communication.
All men, except for the skin-visual, have their own specific role, which determines their place in the pack. Skin-visual - the only one that does not have a specific role. A man incapable of killing, and therefore incapable of mining, he has only recently learned to survive in the landscape.
The reasons for the bullying and ridicule are called his emotionality, impressionability and some external resemblance to a girl. But these are only apparent reasons. They mock not those who are physically weak, but those who do not know how to rank. The skin-visual in the flock is the only one not taking part in the ranking, without the right to bite. Therefore, he experiences certain difficulties with social adaptation.

The right approach to his education can be the key to his successful adaptation in school. For example, the ability to play the guitar and sing will give him the cultural (acquired) right to bite, which will allow him not only not to become a victim of violence, but even earn some respect among his peers.
Parents and children
A child with almost any set of vectors can become a victim of school violence. The exception for certain reasons is the olfactory vector, urethral and oral. If your child has any of these vectors, you do not have to worry about his social adaptation.
Clashes and socialization problems arise not so much as a result of a bad school, teacher or class, but because of the improper parenting of children.
Each child has his own abilities, developing and realizing which, he grows mentally healthy, finds his place in the team. If a child is depressed by his parents, does not have the opportunity to develop his potential, then this becomes the cause of serious stress, which others immediately feel. This even applies when the child is being taken care of, but given the wrong direction. For example: if a child with creative potential is sent to a boxing school instead of a theater club, or vice versa. It is easier to hurt such a child, to use it as a means of satisfying someone's interests. Excessive custody and pressure exceeding the tolerance threshold of a particular child also have a negative impact here. Therefore, you should not overly protect your child, not giving him the opportunity to independently develop adaptation skills in the world around him. By protecting him from all troubles, we, paradoxically, only complicate his future life. Such upbringing will make the most extraverted child a social maladaptive and will definitely not help him in the future, but only harm.

The danger for the child is a frustrated anal parent with sadistic manifestations, a stressful or unfulfilled skin mother with inadequate prohibitions and restrictions, an unrealized over-caring anal parent and, of course, a spectator in fear, who sees a maniac with an ax chasing her children around every corner.
Exceeding authority
Of course, school violence doesn't always come from children. Sometimes stories come up in which a sadistic teacher, a pedophile teacher appears.
This is always a man with an anal vector, whose specific role is to collect and accumulate experience for transferring it to children and adolescents. He has a powerful undifferentiated libido that drives his desire to educate boys. His sexual desire is directed primarily at adolescents and is taboo by nature, while for the second time such relationships are prohibited by law.
A developed and realized anal sex is an ideal teacher who is absolutely disinterested in his work and students. But the undeveloped, sexually or socially frustrated can pose a serious threat to society and should never be admitted to school. Unfortunately, pedophilia is gaining momentum today. In the modern world, anal values, like anal workers themselves, are not in demand as much as they used to be. Skin value systems, the accelerated pace of life are contrary to their ideas about life. The healthy skin civilization of the West creates the conditions under which anal professionals can develop and fulfill themselves. But in the CIS countries, where archetypal skin is at the helm, such people succeed with much more difficulty.
Summing up, I would like to appeal to you, dear parents! Remember that the social well-being of your children depends only on you. It is you who first of all determine whether it will be subjected to violence or not, whether it will take place in society or not. Yuri Burlan's training "System-vector psychology" will teach you how to accurately differentiate your child by vectors and bring him up accordingly with these features. At the same time, at a glance, you will recognize the anal man and the degree of his development, which means you can protect your child from dangerous encroachments.