Secrets of the dollhouse, or the Theater of one pedophile
It seems to us that a pedophile is some kind of monster. In fact, such a person often makes a pleasant impression on others. How is this possible?
Part 1
Once upon a time there was a girl
It was an ordinary, unremarkable family. Mom, dad and teenage girl. Everyone who knew them could say that this family was prosperous. The house was kept clean and tidy, and smelled of fresh baked goods.
The girl was almost never rejected. She was surrounded by parental love, care and attention even more than many of her peers.
She could be the first to boast of a new cool phone model. She could often be seen in expensive, fashionable new clothes. Although the family was not rich, only branded clothes were bought for the girl. Moreover, they dressed her with great taste. She seemed to have stepped off the cover of a fashion magazine, and not just left the entrance of an ordinary high-rise building located in an ordinary residential area of an ordinary city.
The girl grew up kind and sympathetic. She could at any moment rush to help her friend or even a stranger. She was open, emotional, sociable. She often laughed loudly, played the fool with her friends.
It never even occurred to anyone that her well-being was just scenery, and that her happy, carefree life was a play that she played brilliantly that helped her hide from reality. No one knew that the girl had another, darker side to her life. That this fragile, gentle creature is regularly subjected to cruel violence, in its most perverse form - pedophilia.
Where do monsters come from?
It seems to us that a pedophile is some kind of monster. In fact, such a person often makes a pleasant impression on others. How is this possible?
Yuri Burlan's System-Vector Psychology helps to answer this question. According to this science of the psyche, pedophiles are people who could potentially be the best fathers, husbands and members of society.
But let's start in order. To better understand the causes of pedophilia, you will have to familiarize yourself with at least the basics of the structure of the human psyche.
System-vector psychology operates with such concepts as vectors. A vector is a set of innate properties that determine a person's character, preferences, and system of values. There are eight vectors in total: muscle, skin, anal, urethral, oral, olfactory, visual, sound. More information on each of them can be found here.
Several of them are usually found in one person.
It is worth emphasizing that there are no good or bad vectors.
We can say that vectors are talents. And how a person disposes of his talents - for good or for evil - largely depends both on himself and on other factors.
The environment in which he grew and developed - family, school, street - has a huge impact on a person. Many psychopathologies come from childhood.
The psyche of an adult is subjected to strong pressure from the outside, because he is responsible not only for himself, but also for his family. Not everyone has the strength to resist this pressure, especially when the country is in crisis.
Our country in the dashing 90s experienced a number of shocks that provoked a huge number of psychopathologies. As a result, we were swept by a wave of crime. Millions of people have died from heart attacks, poisoned with fake vodka, and died at the hands of bandits. The number of cases of pedophilia has also increased.
Pedophile - there is no worse word
It's a strange thing - when we hear that dozens of children died in an accident, drowned in a lake, we react less painfully than when we learn about just one single case of pedophilia.
It would seem that no one died. The child, although he received a mental trauma as a result of violence, thank God, remained alive. However, for some reason we begin to shake, pound from the inside.
This is how our psyche reacts to the violation of the primitive prohibition - the taboo on sex with children.
Shakes not only especially impressionable people. Well-worn policemen react no less painfully than any other person, not to mention the child's immediate environment. His family receives the brunt. But even distant relatives, friends, neighbors - everyone who knew this family experiences this horror, disgust and inner anxiety that has come from nowhere.

Next, we will go through all the points, we will analyze the reasons pushing a person to this crime. And, most importantly, we will draw a psychological portrait of a potential pedophile. How does he manifest himself, how he behaves in everyday life. Everything will be at a glance for you.
Psychological portrait of the world's best father and husband
Before we get down to the psychological portrait of a pedophile, we will look at its opposite - the most honest, deeply decent person. A family man, a reliable husband, a caring father, and also an impeccable citizen.
All these characteristics refer to the developed and realized owner of the anal vector. About 20% of representatives of humanity are endowed with this vector. For them, the most important thing in life is family and children.
Nature has endowed these people with a good memory and a desire to learn. At school, they are the most diligent and diligent students, they are distinguished by perseverance and obedience.
And when they grow up, they often become teachers. This is their oldest profession, the so-called species role. In the distant "cave" times, men with an anal vector taught teenage boys the wisdom of hunting and war. They did this not for a reward, but at the call of their hearts.
The fundamental structure of a man's psyche with an anal vector is such that, along with an attraction to a woman, it also contains an unconscious attraction to teenage boys. At the same time, a prohibition is imposed on the attraction to boys, which redirects this attraction into a desire to educate teenage boys.
There is no teacher or mentor without an anal vector. Only such a person - meticulous and patient - is able to teach children, pass on knowledge, experience and skills to them, as well as traditions accumulated in generations. In addition, he does his job from the heart. He is selflessly devoted to children, ready to give his life for them. An example of such dedication is Janusz Korczak, who, during World War II, found himself in a concentration camp with his inmates, did not leave them, but followed them into the gas chamber.
Another well-known incident that occurred today. The traffic police inspector in his service car took the blow of a truck loaded with rubble. He did not turn the steering wheel, did not even try to avoid the collision, because a bus with children was driving behind him. The inspector - the owner of the anal vector at its best - closed this bus with himself.
Cheated, thrown, framed … and other reasons for pedophilia
It happens that under the pressure of circumstances, having gone through a series of shocks, the owner of the anal vector, instead of becoming the best husband, father, mentor, turns into his complete opposite - a pedophile.
It is important for an anal person to be appreciated and respected. But not for nothing. He does his job conscientiously, bringing the result to the ideal. To do this, he needs time, it is important that he is not rushed, not tugged, not given new tasks until he has finished the old one.
We live in the skin phase of development - the era of speeds. This rhythm does not suit anal people, drives them into a stupor. In pursuit of success, they are guaranteed to lose, flying to the sidelines of life.
Honesty, decency, straightforwardness - today these qualities of the anal vector are worthless. An anal person is too gullible by his temperament and often becomes a victim of "scammers" - archetypal skin criminals.
Here they offended, they did not praise there. Deceived, thrown, framed. In especially severe cases, it can go so far that the anal person goes into resentment and turns into a sofa couch potato. Now he defends himself from people with total distrust, sees a catch in everything.
Loss of realization in society leads to social frustration in the anal vector. Other losses often follow. The wife leaves, unable to bear the constant nagging and lack of money. The anal man - the owner of a powerful libido - begins to accumulate sexual frustration. All this together can blow up the psyche, break the internal prohibition on attraction to boys. Desires appear that were not there before.
A mental breakdown occurs, and instead of a desire to learn, he begins to feel a sexual attraction to teenage boys. In the beginning, this attraction is unconscious. When a man realizes it, then not everyone is able to live with it. Someone dies of a heart attack. Someone is trying to find salvation in alcohol, and some even lay hands on themselves.
Actually, a pedophile is attracted to boys. But his desire stumbles upon another early prohibition - a prohibition on male-male sexual contact, which does not lead to procreation. Natural shame does not allow violating the prohibition. In our Russian mentality, this shame is especially strong. We have a sharply negative attitude towards "same-sex love". And then the pedophile makes a "compromise" - enters into a relationship with a teenage girl or a girl of five or six years (the age of primitive maturation). His frustrations break through only one taboo: sexual intercourse with an immature child.
Part 2
Dad, mom, I am a friendly family
From the outside they looked like a small friendly family. And only those who had known this family for a long time knew that dad is not dad, but stepfather. Well, what's wrong with that? Look for fathers like him! The man did not like the soul in the girl, he called her only a daughter, a daughter. I bought her expensive things, and for every birthday I always bought something very special.
Every evening the family gathered at a common table. After a delicious dinner, all three usually went to watch TV. Dad and daughter often fooled around, jokingly pushed each other. Dad often showed his beloved girl different "tricks" so that she could stand up for herself if suddenly some boys decided to offend her.
“Okay, enough karate for today! You prevent me from watching my series,”my mother grumbled. In fact, she liked that the husband and daughter get along so well with each other that the stepfather became the girl like her own father.
Years will pass, and the woman will remember these family evenings with a shudder. “How could I? How could I bring this person into my house? How could I not see what was happening right under my nose?"

We love mom together
The stepfather described above, along with the anal vector, was also endowed with a visual one. The spectators are open, emotional, they easily establish contact with other people, especially with children.
The anal-visual pedophile gradually approaches the child. He has sympathy for him, a sincere interest, and the child reacts well to this. It all starts off pretty harmlessly. Mom won't let you eat ice cream? Okay, daddy will buy you ice cream, and we won't tell mommy.
The stepfather and the child have common secrets. And this is a certain degree of intimacy. Further more. The stepfather buys expensive gifts for the child, hides his little pranks from his mother.
The pedophile plays on the child's feelings for the mother. “You love mom, and I love her. Together we love mom very much. " An emotional closeness develops between the stepfather and the child. The child infinitely trusts "dad". To love, to create emotional connections - no spectator can live without it.
In our case, the girl was also endowed with a visual vector. The emotional connection between stepfather and stepdaughter literally arose by itself.
When it came to sexual contact, the girl at first did not know how to react to her. Definitely, she didn’t like it, it caused an internal protest. But the pedophile very skillfully manipulated the child, forcing him to remain silent.
In addition, the girl was very afraid of her "loving" stepfather. Despite the fact that he was often kind and generous, much more often this person turned his back side.
Kind, evil stepfather
The warm, friendly relationship between a stepfather and a child is not in itself a cause for concern. Developed and realized stepfathers with an anal vector can become a stranger's child closer to their own father. But not in our case.
The stepfather was extremely strict. He constantly criticized his wife and daughter, pointing out their shortcomings. Everything about them was wrong, everything was wrong. Starting from the manner of dressing, inability to cook, and ending with poorly done house cleaning.
Representatives of the anal vector often become experts in a particular area, professional critics. They are naturally analytical and critical. In a state of frustration, the anal person becomes a critic - he sees flaws in everything, even where they are not.
Because of one speck found on the floor, he could throw a real scandal. He didn't just swear, he spewed a stream of foul language.
As Yuri Burlan's system-vector psychology explains, foul language with an abundant content of toilet vocabulary is the primary sign of frustration in the anal vector. Not the fact that this is a pedophile. But throwing mud at everyone and everything, Internet trolling, the abundant content of words indicating the act of defecation (f … a, g … o, wed … t) is a reason to be wary. This is the first "bell" of homosexual, pedophile, frustrations.
Emotions overwhelmed him, a grown man was wailing like some hysterical woman. Even his voice changed at the same time - it became like a woman's.
This behavior is characteristic of representatives of the visual vector in bad conditions. This often indicates the underdevelopment of the vector. He is not capable of feeling pity, compassion. He only requires emotions in relation to himself. But not love, but blackmail and hysteria.
A word that hurts more than a knife
Constant nagging, humiliation, insults - all this is nothing more than verbal sadism. As Yuri Burlan's system-vector psychology explains, verbal sadists are the owners of the anal-visual ligament of vectors in poor conditions.
What causes these conditions? The first violin here is played by frustrations in the anal vector. An anal person receives them due to insufficient realization of his properties in society. Resentment towards mom, taken from childhood - this is also one of the reasons for sadism in anal people. Such a person enjoys hurting others.
However, the presence of a visual vector gives its own characteristics. The nature of the visual vector is such that it resists any physical violence. And then sadism becomes verbal - verbal. However, we know that a word can also break and even kill.

Not a single day of rest
After the stepfather entered the girl's life, she and her mother did not have a single day of peace. Stepfather's mood could change at any moment, quite suddenly. Just now, he was kind, laughed, and a minute later he screams, swears with the most selective abuse. And all scandals start from scratch.
Frequent mood swings are a characteristic feature of the visual vector. Tantrums are not the best manifestation of the properties of this vector.
Mom and the girl were very afraid to anger their stepfather. They did everything to please him, just to keep him from getting angry. Several times a day they vacuumed the apartment and wiped off the dust. Everything in the house was rubbed literally to a shine …
Frustrated anal people often fixate on cleanliness. By nature he is clean, but when he lacks realization, he sees dirt everywhere. It seems to him - dirty. And this dirt, in fact, is not outside - it is inside him.
The stepfather controlled everything. He was especially angry with his wife when it seemed to him that she dressed too frivolously. He told her: "You dressed up like a whore …" Because of him, the wife went exclusively to a sports jacket, which was too big for her, and sneakers. She had long forgotten what it meant to dress beautifully.
For an anal man, purity is an overvalue. Everything should be clean. The house is clean, and its women must be "clean", that is, behave decently, look modest. But when the demands of a man go beyond all boundaries, one should be greatly concerned. This is a very alarming signal.
The girl was allowed much more. She dressed beautifully, fashionably. The stepfather bought and combined clothes for his "daughter" himself.
The anal-visual vector ligament is a good aesthetic taste. All famous artists, designers, fashion designers are endowed with this bunch.
Before the stepfather entered their life, my mother had many friends and acquaintances. Guests often came to the house. With the advent of their stepfather, male friends first disappeared from their lives. Then the girlfriends. Soon even relatives became unwelcome guests in the house.
The woman was not afraid to invite guests, she could not even make an extra call to her sister or friend without her husband beginning to be indignant. All her friends and relatives, he said, were exceptionally bad people. He could throw mud at them for hours (of course, behind the eyes), and his wife was forced to listen to him in silence.
This begs the question: why did the woman not leave such a husband? Why put up with him for so many years?
The girl's mother tried several times to get out of this relationship, but she did not succeed. The stepfather pursued them, begged them to return, asked for forgiveness, cried. When this did not work, he began to threaten, blackmail, intimidate. He never hit them. But his words hurt more than a knife. In addition, he skillfully manipulated his wife and daughter. He always adjusted everything in such a way that they ended up on his "hook", in one way or another becoming dependent on him. He could, if he wanted, hurt them a lot. And this, among other things, kept the woman in the relationship.
Psychologist and manipulator
The anal-visual ligament of vectors is a natural born talent of a psychologist. A developed and realized person uses his properties for the benefit of people. He subtly feels the emotional states of his patients, empathizes with them and helps to cope with difficult situations.
The pedophile, the verbal sadist, uses the properties of a born psychologist to skillfully manipulate their victims. Mom and daughter did not have a single chance to escape from the psychological web that the man skillfully weaved around them.
If you look at the situation objectively, then there were no insurmountable obstacles that prevented a woman from leaving this terrible man.

Everything he said was in many ways just his sick fantasy. But he had a special talent for persuasion. Mom and daughter believed in the terrible pictures that he painted in front of them when he described what would happen to them if they did not obey him.
How did he do it? The point is again in vectors. The anal-visual ligament of vectors is the talent of a storyteller, a person who speaks competently, convincingly and beautifully. The visual vector endows a person with figurative intelligence. When this is a psychologically healthy person, then he has a talent to convince, to convey information intelligibly, captivatingly, which he uses in his work, for example, a teacher.
In our case, a person staged whole "performances" for his household. And these were terrible dramas, where the wife and daughter were assigned the role of victims, and the man himself was a ruthless bloodsucker. And this despite the fact that in real life he could not even kill a spider. However, the stepfather told with such ecstasy exactly how he, if anything, would deal with his wife and stepdaughter, that the poor fellows did not even have doubts that this would be the case.
Instead of an epilogue
And yet they parted, after it became known that in fact everything is much worse than it seemed. The woman found out that her husband had sexually abused the child.
A statement to the police, court. He was imprisoned for many, many years. Mom and daughter received severe psychological trauma. Their life, it seemed, would never be even normal, not that happy. Visits to psychologists brought only temporary relief. Time heals, but the terrible consequences of the experience come back in nightmares and memories.
This trauma is much easier to survive when a person knows and understands what actually happened to him and his loved ones. Why exactly so and not otherwise. Why with me. When we clearly and definitely see and understand the cause-and-effect relationships of certain events, the deep motives of the actions of the people around us, our mental pain, fears, memories cease to affect us, cease to lead our life, pulling the strings like dolls.
Such knowledge is provided by Yuri Burlan's training in system-vector psychology. Even the most severe, long-standing psychological traumas are worked through at the training, and forever. You seem to start living anew, old wounds cease to bother you, fade and disappear into oblivion. You get rid of the nightmares associated with them.
Sign up for free online lectures by Yuri Burlan today, and you will save yourself and your loved ones from many troubles. After all, now you will be able to see and recognize yourself and others from the inside, and therefore "calculate" the scenario of your relationship. This knowledge gives you confidence and calmness and increases your resistance to stress.
Register using the link. And see you at the training!