How To Deal With Laziness So As To Overcome This Laziness Forever

How To Deal With Laziness So As To Overcome This Laziness Forever
How To Deal With Laziness So As To Overcome This Laziness Forever

How to deal with laziness?

Laziness - like the lack of energy to do anything at all in life - is a very rare phenomenon. And 100% you are not lazy if the question comes to your mind how to deal with laziness. And you began to seriously think about this topic, so much so that you even drove a request - how to deal with laziness - into a search engine and came to this article)))). But “I don’t want to” is NOT at all equal to “being lazy”. This condition is fixable …

Before trying to fight laziness, read a folk tale and answer the question - is this kind of laziness you personally have?

A long time ago there lived a lazy person in a village. Didn't do anything, just lay under the tree. The villagers were tired of fighting him and with his laziness - they decided to drown. They put me on a cart and drove to the river. And the lady goes to meet. She felt sorry for her lazy, no, but a man. Even if he is lazy, such a vice, but do not kill for it. The lady orders:

- Let go of the lazy, I have an unnecessary barn, let him live there. I always have bread from the table. He will be full, he will live. Albeit with laziness.

The villagers are glad and gladly agreed to let the lazy go. But the lazy man himself suddenly says to the lady:

- Will you bring me bread to the barn? I myself do not like to walk, I am lazy.

- Yes, the servants will bring.

- Will they put it in my mouth? I don't like to move my hand myself. I'm lazy.

- Yes, I will say, the servants will put bread in their mouths.

- And will the servants chew and swallow it for me? Or will I have to chew myself? I am too lazy to do this.

- Have mercy, lazy, but how can servants chew and even more swallow bread for you? It’s impossible!

- Oh, they won't, then ?! Well then, good people, take me to drown. Otherwise, chew her bread, and you will have to swallow it yourself. I don't want to, I'm too lazy.

If you feel that THIS is not really your case, then keep two news. The first is good: you do not suffer from laziness that cannot be overcome, you just have no desire to do what you need to do. The second is not bad, but difficult: until you find out why it happened this way, no forces will be able to overcome this pseudo-deer.

Irresistible laziness picture
Irresistible laziness picture

Irresistible laziness and pseudo-deer - what's the difference?

Laziness - like the lack of energy to do anything at all in life - is a very rare phenomenon. Yuri Burlan's "system-vector psychology" finds and shows the roots of such a state - it happens only and exclusively in people with a muscle vector. As a result of improper upbringing, usually in early childhood, such a child has a breakdown in normal development and a rejection of his inherent desires. This condition is called vector neurosis. The neurosis of the muscle vector is pathological laziness. Growing up, a person seems to toil all his life - he does not need anything, he does not want anything, and such a person is not even going to fight laziness. Generally.

The vast majority of modern people actually experience other laziness.

Remember, it only seems to you that you are overwhelmed by irresistible laziness, but you are no lazy person if:

  • Instead of one important thing that needs to be done, you do other things that need to be done too, just not so quickly.
  • You don’t want to do something that is unpleasant for you, that causes you irritation, resentment, in a word - any negative emotions that cannot be dealt with.
  • Instead of doing something that is right, you play computer games, talk on the phone for hours, lie on your bed, watch TV shows endlessly.
  • Instead of doing what needs to be done, you sit on the couch and think “I'll do it tomorrow,” and so on for many days, weeks, months in a row.
  • When you need to do something, you lose heart and an inner question arises, “Why do I need this? It's pointless!"

And 100% you are not lazy if the question comes to your mind how to deal with laziness. And you began to seriously think about this topic, so much so that you even drove a request - how to deal with laziness - into a search engine and came to this article)))).

In a word, when you have at least some desire in life - it does not matter whether you realize it or not - then you are not lazy. And yes, even depression, that is, a feeling of complete meaninglessness of their actions - behind this is also a desire: to find out what their meaning is. This state has nothing to do with laziness.

It's just that for some reason life has developed in such a way that you don't know how to satisfy your subconscious desires, perhaps you don't even understand them. And the lack of filling is painful. Therefore, I do not want to do what does not bring pleasure. But “I don’t want to” is NOT at all equal to “being lazy”. This condition is fixable.

How to deal with laziness? Rather, with a pseudo-leg

It is possible to fight and overcome pseudo-deer. The main thing is to understand what exactly will bring pleasure to you, for the sake of which you will want to get up from the couch.

How to deal with laziness picture
How to deal with laziness picture

To do this, you just need to know as much as possible - yourself and your desires and what prevents you from acting. Indeed, very often laziness can be associated not only with the wrong choice of profession or field of work, but also with other reasons. For example, the contradiction of their own desires, which interfere with each other - in the end it is impossible to achieve anything.

Or another example, when one desire is so big that it drowns out the others - having no fulfillment, it does not allow any other desire to be fulfilled. There is a feeling of complete lack of strength to do anything - you even want not to wake up in the morning, life seems so hard and meaningless. This condition is typical for people with an unrealized sound vector.

Fight laziness to truly live - try and succeed

There are many pseudo-lazy people in the world today. And the reasons for laziness in different people are so different that it is impossible to describe them in one article, and even in a whole book. Each has its own life and its own story. Therefore, no one can find why and because of what situation laziness has settled in your life, except you personally.

And here we are helped by the unique knowledge already mentioned above, which can be obtained at the training "System-vector psychology" by Yuri Burlan. It is with the help of this tool that anyone can understand why it is impossible to fight laziness and how to overcome it.

Everyone can try to change the situation, understand himself: at the introductory, absolutely free online trainings. You can find out the nearest dates of the training and register for it at this link.
