Black-black House In Black-black Forest - How To Overcome Fear?

Black-black House In Black-black Forest - How To Overcome Fear?
Black-black House In Black-black Forest - How To Overcome Fear?

Black-black house in black-black forest - how to overcome fear?

Anyone who has experienced real fear at least once understands how tempting it is to take the path of avoiding a traumatic situation. But this will only lead to the fact that phobias will affect new and new aspects of life - such is the psychology of fear.

Today you also decided not to leave the house? That's right, you can go to the store tomorrow. Why bother yourself once again with all this crowd, fussing people, the need to communicate with the cashier? It is better to sit at your favorite computer or on a soft sofa - quiet, warm and safe. But tomorrow comes, and pressing need pushes out of the house. It is better to go down the stairs, the elevator is an unreliable thing, and you will get stuck. By the way! Is the door locked or just closed? Is the iron turned off? Window! Are the windows closed? Suddenly a thunderstorm?

All these thoughts are natural, they force us to take care of our own safety, but only if they do not exceed their powers, that is, they do not become obsessive states of fear - phobias that require treatment. How to overcome fear, how to get rid of a phobia forever without drugs and hypnosis, how to start living a full life again - the story in this article.

Sometimes they turn

"In the black-black forest stands a black-black house …" Or here's another: "A girl, a girl, a black hand enters your house …" It's funny, isn't it? Now we are adults and we believe that childhood fear is gone forever. For many, it seems that this is true. But there are other, more emotional, more sensitive to visual images, people who have long outlived the feeling of fear of the "black hand", only for some reason prefer not to turn off the light at night.

System-vector psychology distinguishes a separate group of people, which it designates as visual by the name of their main sensor - vision. It is in the properties of the visual vector that the root fear is embedded, which can cause all kinds of fears and phobias. Even without knowing anything about the representatives of the visual vector, you can easily see them around. Look! Here they enjoy the beauty of the landscape from the window of a tourist bus, willingly decorate themselves and everyone around them with cute trinkets and believe that beauty will save the world. It is their visual prints (films, paintings and photographs) that people who do not have such a developed ability to see beauty admire. And this one saw and showed: “Look! Oh! What a beauty! Oh! Don't step - the chick fell out of the nest, let's save it! All humanism, all culture built on compassion for one's neighbor,created and developed by carriers of the visual vector. But the reason for the creation of culture was … the fears of people.

In the distant past, when we were just becoming humans, acquiring the properties of the psyche necessary for this, the species role of the visual individual was to protect the flock. Only the keenest eye could notice the smooth movement of the snake in the fluttering of the foliage and loudly … be frightened: "Oh, snake, snake!" Even then, more than anything else, the visual guard was afraid to go blind and become unnecessary ballast for the flock, which means - to be eaten by a predator. And he was also afraid of the dark, because without light he could not see anything, which means that his life was in real danger.

How to overcome fear
How to overcome fear

To protect themselves and somehow overcome the fear of being eaten, visual people once banned cannibalism within the flock, today we call this ban culture. There is a ban, but even after 50 thousand years we are ready to devour our neighbor, if not literally, then at least in a figurative sense, and we say: "Yes, he will eat you with giblets!"

And although today no one eats anyone and, it would seem, there is nothing to be afraid of, this unaccountable fear sits deeply in every spectator. The only difference is that some manage to neutralize it, turning it into completely different emotions, while others live with this primitive fear, which takes the form of various phobias. How are human phobias treated? The arsenal of medications and psychotherapeutic agents is expanding, even a part of the brain has been found that suppresses people's fears. But how to stimulate it in time, when from the horror “the breath has stopped in the goiter”? It's probably easier to move the appendix …

Avoidance, struggle, or … awareness?

Anyone who has experienced real fear at least once understands how tempting it is to take the path of avoiding a traumatic situation. But this will only lead to the fact that phobias will affect new and new aspects of life - such is the psychology of fear.

Paradoxically, fighting fear is akin to fighting windmills. Thousands of brave Don Quixotes give their strength, or even their lives, in this unequal and senseless battle. Let's pay tribute to their courage, but let's go the other way. It's no secret that there is a huge distance between phobias and their treatment. Attempts to treat mental, unconscious states with purely medicinal means are ineffective, people's fears are eaten into flesh and blood, manifesting themselves somatically, but they themselves are not material. And they need to be treated only by means of psychoanalysis, awareness of the hidden unconscious.

System-vector psychology follows the path of understanding the causes of fears. Eliminating the cause, we will get rid of the consequences. Numerous lucky people testify: during the training they not only easily diagnosed signs of phobias in themselves, but also received specific practical recommendations on how to get rid of these phobias, and, interestingly, without any struggle. You just go to bed one day and fall asleep, calmly descend into the subway, calmly continue to tell a funny story in a stuck elevator car, and spit on the fear of heights from the high bell tower … And only then you understand what happened, which made it easy to breathe, and it seems all doors - there is no more fear, phobias of a person have left!

How to overcome fear
How to overcome fear

Win by giving

The reason for the success of system-vector psychoanalysis is that during the training we work not with a host of endlessly mimicking phobias, but with the root fears of a person as a species. Systemic knowledge gives an understanding of fear as the root of a completely different, opposite state, the ascent to which is the goal of a person. This state is love for one's neighbor, compassion and empathy. Ultimately, the feeling of fear is always anxiety for yourself, for your integrity, for your life. By bringing fear out into empathy and compassion for other people, we move from fear to love and receive the endless pleasure of giving as a reward.

You can learn more about how to overcome fear at the training. Defeating fear is easy, the main thing is to know how.
