An offensive ball, or gloating and mate will grind everything. Part 2
All obscene words are about intimate. Therefore, when obscene words are pronounced with a threat or dirty overtones, at an unconscious level, sexuality begins to be perceived as something vulgar, obscene, dirty, as a way of violence and humiliation. Such a knocked down tuning of the unconscious will not allow the relationship between a man and a woman to develop into real closeness and trust in each other.
Part 1
Where are you, love?
Today there is a massive infection of society with obscenities - obscenities spread like a virus. And what does the public use of the mat lead to? If people knew how our unconscious reacts to mate, they would hardly agree to such a "mental disability" …
Mate devalues sexuality, depriving a person of the chance to be truly happy in a pair relationship, to experience deep sexual satisfaction. How?
All obscene words are about intimate. Therefore, when obscene words are pronounced with a threat or dirty overtones, at an unconscious level, sexuality begins to be perceived as something vulgar, obscene, dirty, as a way of violence and humiliation. Such a knocked down tuning of the unconscious will not allow the relationship between a man and a woman to develop into real closeness and trust in each other.
A man who constantly uses mat will unconsciously perceive a woman who makes love to him as dirty, and it will be difficult for him to build a relationship with her. Such a man turns out to be incapable of a long-term relationship with one woman and at the same time will not even be able to explain why they parted, because everything seemed to be pleasant, everything was fine. Of course, the hope remains in my soul that on the other hand everything will turn out differently, but, unfortunately, the scenario of unsuccessful, unsatisfying relationships is repeated over and over again …
And a woman will perceive a man who wants intimacy with her as a source of aggression, causing her damage, humiliation and violence. The panic button, hidden deep in the unconscious, will not let her open up with a man, completely trust him, even if he is the best man. At a key moment in the development of a relationship, when it is necessary to take an important step towards each other, she will close or get scared and run away. Or he will in every possible way provoke a man to leave himself.
It doesn't matter how he and she will describe the reasons for their breakup - these are all rationalizations that our consciousness delivers. The saddest thing is that without modern knowledge about the human psyche, neither he nor she will ever find out the true reason for their failures in their personal life, which is hidden in the unconscious and is not realized …
The result is sad: both are deprived of the chance to become happy and to make their partner happy. And if the relationship still persists, then there will be no chance to realize in a couple all the initially laid potential - the relationship will be far from what he and she dreamed about with excitement in their youth …

Where are you, shame?
With the help of the knowledge gained at the training "System-Vector Psychology", one can see another paradox of our society - problems with a sense of shame. Shame has changed the "place of deployment": there is no shame where it should be, but it appeared where it should not be. What does this mean?
This means that if today you are not ashamed to speak obscenely in public, to steal what is bad (at least to download stolen content on the Internet), to take a bribe, to deceive a client, to push your son or daughter to a “warm place”, then this does not mean that shame no more.
If shame is absent where it should be, it will manifest itself where no one expected it. So a person begins to be ashamed of real feelings and manifestations - he becomes ashamed to defend the weak, ashamed to admit the feelings of his beloved, ashamed to tell a person the truth to his face, ashamed to prove himself honest and kind, ashamed to adequately respond to an insult … Well, the maximum is “let him go to heaven” an offensive gift.
And gradually bright human feelings become inaccessible to him. Where there is no true joy, happiness and love, there is only room for suffering, disappointment, apathy.
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