Business In Russian: Too Much Personal

Business In Russian: Too Much Personal
Business In Russian: Too Much Personal

Business in Russian: Too Much Personal

Everything is different in our country, not like theirs. Our business appeared and began to develop in the 90s of the last century in conditions when, as a result of the reforms, the social pyramid was turned upside down and the entire "sediment", that is, asocial elements, mainly archetypal skinners, were at the top and began to establish their own "laws" …

Business is organized by people and therefore bears the characteristics of this or that mentality, the representatives of which it was created. The peculiarities of the national business in Russia are determined by our urethral-muscular mentality, therefore it simply cannot develop as in Western countries, despite attempts to copy their technologies and management methods.

Business is a product of skin people

The USA - a country with a skin mentality - is one of the most developed countries in the world with a powerful economy, which has become so thanks to a constantly developing business. Business is a product of the skin mentality, "his flesh".

This activity requires such skin qualities as pragmatism, prudence, consistency, rationality, flexibility, the ability to interact with people. Only people with a skin vector have such qualities. They are able to make decisions in a rapidly changing environment, flexibly adapt to these changes and manage to benefit from them.

In the United States, business has only one goal - to make money, there is nothing else. Therefore, business should not be burdened by any personal relationships, any good intentions, morality or cultural restrictions - there is no place for such concepts in fierce competition. And business will not tolerate them.

After all, it is he who manages his owner, dictates to him what and how to do, what decisions to make, so as not to miss the benefit and not to miss the benefit. He develops discipline in a businessman, teaches him to plan and set goals. No training courses are needed here - the business will teach everything itself, but only a leather worker is able to get positive marks in this "educational institution".

Healthy competition, skin striving for leadership, for social and material superiority help to develop business, make us seek and apply the latest technologies, modernize production, and attract the best specialists. This is how the personal ambitions of businessmen propel entire industries forward.

A well-functioning credit system also helps business development. Americans are accustomed to living on credit, which allows them to enjoy all the benefits of civilization today, and to pay for them for many years. A person is forced to give a certain part of his earned money every month. If this is not done on time, they may take away property, ruin their credit history, and for them this is tantamount to a ruined life. Such credit slavery keeps people in fear of losing their jobs, makes them very loyal, makes them work with all their might, efficiently - this is one of the reasons for the high labor productivity in Western society, which in turn creates an overall high standard of living.

Business successfully uses such a tool as advertising. For consumers, it is a navigator among a huge variety of goods. They treat it with confidence, since the law does not allow the inclusion of clearly inaccurate information about the product in advertising.

The law is the basis of the life of the whole society with a skin mentality, including business. He stands guard over private property, which allows business to develop, protects trade secrets and information, and protects intellectual property.


The birth of business in the new Russia

Everything is different in our country, not like theirs. Our business appeared and began to develop in the 90s of the last century in conditions when, as a result of the reforms, the social pyramid was turned upside down and the entire “sediment”, that is, asocial elements, mainly archetypal skinners, were at the top and began to establish their own “laws” … The urethral libertine turned into a skin chaos. Taking advantage of the weakness of the newly formed state, they began to impose tribute and “cover” the remaining enterprises, redistributed property, and corruption flourished. According to the magazine "Voprosy Economiki" No. 7, in 1997 in Russia in 1992-1993 85% of the total gross domestic product was plundered!

Developed people find it difficult to adapt in such conditions. A developed person is one who has absorbed the culture developed by previous generations, that is, the value of human life is unshakable for him. Therefore, he does not accept methods that allow to take away someone else's property or life. A lot of decent people were out of work, as factories were closed and specialists were on the street.

In such conditions, people with archetypal qualities felt comfortable, that is, undeveloped, without culture, capable of robbing, deceiving or even killing. These people imposed their "concepts" on the country instead of the law, good old traditions and culture. The result was such a combination of incompatible urethral mentality and archetypal skin.

Business in Russian

Thanks to our mentality, business is not so much the desire to make a profit as the desire to dominate, to be the coolest. As soon as the first money appears, our businessman immediately acquires the most expensive car, a luxurious house, the most prestigious watches, a haute couture suit and other "trick".

Western businessmen behave quite differently, they do not demonstrate their worth by buying expensive things. On the contrary, they invest the money they earn in their business, which contributes to its development. They do not dominate, they compete with each other, investing even more effort and energy in their business to make it more efficient and to outperform competitors.

In our business, as opposed to the western one, “everything is personal”, everything is based on personal relationships, therefore “own” people work in the most responsible places: relatives, friends, children of relatives and friends. This is negatively reflected in practice, since blood or spiritual relationship does not provide the properties necessary for business, and a person may simply not correspond to the position held.

If you fire him, it will be a lifelong insult. Our national habit of running around with resentment is very destructive and greatly interferes, because everyone can be offended: employees, partners, contractors, and clients. Our businessmen have to strain all their abilities in order not to quarrel with the environment and to run a profitable business.

Of course, with such procedures, the business cannot be efficient and develop rapidly. Too large personal spending and irrational business conduct do not allow modernization of production; many enterprises still have Soviet machine tools that are more than a dozen years old.

There is not enough money to pay normal wages to workers, hence low labor productivity, no one wants to work for a pittance. The skin lending system does not work for us. This is due to the greed of archetypal skin - they set too high interest rates on loans.

The standard of living in the country is low. We have practically no middle class; there is a huge gap between a few very rich people and a large number of poor people. Just like in pre-revolutionary Russia!

The new social formation did not bring the expected rise in living standards for most of the population and could not bring, does not accept our mentality, skin values. The skin consumer society does not want to flourish on non-native soil.

Urethral in business

A person with a urethral vector - a leader by nature - is successful in whatever business he undertakes. This is facilitated by natural self-confidence, a sense of their own status. These qualities manifest themselves unconsciously, at the level of pheromones, sensing them, other people at the subconscious level accept his supremacy and obey him.

There are no better businessmen than urethralists. As the head of the business, the urethral is generous and fair to his subordinates, but he demands full commitment from others, since he does not spare himself. Companies headed by urethralists have the highest wage funds and a complete lack of democracy, since he does not need anyone's advice and decides everything for himself.

Urethralists are adventurous, can find unexpected solutions, are able to take risks. Their ebullient energy and many ideas bring high profits. However, in order to implement these ideas and preserve what has been achieved, his team (pack) must have very developed skin people. To preserve is not the business of the leader, it is the function of the skinners.

It is this urethral property that explains a large number of remarkable inventions and discoveries made in our country. The urethra is a breakthrough into the unknown, into the future. Skinners should follow her and turn the discovery into benefit for all and benefit for themselves. We did not have such leather workers, therefore these discoveries were never introduced into production and remained on paper. But these ideas were picked up in the West, implemented, and now we are acquiring from them what we could produce ourselves and much earlier than them.

How to believe in yourself and create a business

For many Russians, their own business is the ultimate dream. Many people think that having a business can solve many problems and get rich, but few people decide to start their own business. People do not believe that it is possible to conduct business honestly and be protected from the state. In addition, we have a mental rejection of money. But every person wants to live more comfortably and ensure a decent future for their children. Everyone is concerned about the question: how to achieve this?


Yuri Burlan's training "System-Vector Psychology" helps to answer it, which helps to understand what is given to us at the mental level and what depends on innate properties - vectors. Separate the properties and desires given to us at the unconscious level from those that consciousness dictates to us. When the contradictions between consciousness and the unconscious are realized, it already becomes clear what needs to be done next.

Fears pass and self-confidence appears, I want to live and even create my own business, if there is a skin vector, of course. A lot of people have done just that and then wrote reviews to share their successes. You can read about them here - and share your achievements there after completing the training.
