How to get back to work after the New Year holidays?
It would seem that almost two weeks is enough time to get enough sleep, communicate, change the environment, relax and miss work. But instead of being full of strength and rushing into battle, we are experiencing another attack of apathy and laziness. It seems that he was even more tired than before the start of the holidays, when they were driving the plan, finishing projects, running with the children to the Christmas tree, preparing for a corporate party, choosing outfits, purchasing food for the festive table. Why?
Only we are used to getting up without an alarm clock, every day to visit and watch a movie, have a delicious breakfast, lunch and dinner at the festive table, not strain and have fun, as we have to return to working days. The thought of this leads to apathy, I want to take sick leave, take a walk, oversleep, run away … just not to go to work.
How to cope with the post-New Year depression, get into a work rhythm after the holidays? We will not give general advice, because what likes and helps one person may not suit another at all. System-vector psychology differentiates the problem by vectors.
How do you relieve stress? Each vector has its own advice
Since it so happened that returning to work is not a joy, but a stress, then first let's figure out how you can mitigate it.
New hairstyle and new wardrobe. This is something that will delight and give confidence to any woman - not only the owner of the visual vector. Why not go shopping on your last free day, try on a new dress or shoes, and stop by a beauty salon? It will cheer you up and drive away apathy. And the desire to demonstrate a new image to colleagues and hear their admiration will overpower the unwillingness to go to work tomorrow.
The owner of the anal vector will be reassured if he prepares in advance for going to work - he chooses and perfectly ironed a suit, tidies up his bag, checks his e-mail: what if there will be some changes in the new year, writes a rough work plan. The predictability of the first work morning will calm him down and alleviate stress.
New goals for the year. When to take a vacation? How long does it take to sign up for a gym? And which one? Maybe you should change it? Increase your income … times? New tasks, new projects - this is what includes the work of the owners of the skin vector. And you can also remember the material reward. This will help you get back to work too.
And general advice to everyone. It may seem banal and obvious, but many people constantly fall into this trap - so much they want to extend the pleasant moments of New Year's holidays … Nevertheless, you should not sit at midnight at the table, in front of the TV or computer. After all, the next day you have to get up on the alarm clock. And you can meet friends, watch a movie or chat online after the first working day or next weekend.
How to start your first working day?
Sensual owners of the visual vector need to restore weakened emotional ties, feel unity and be inspired to get started. Start your morning by chatting with colleagues, ask about the holidays, exchange your impressions, have tea or coffee together, and treat everyone to cookies or sweets.

The owners of the anal vector, who are thorough in any business, can start by cleaning their workplace: wipe the furniture, put everything neatly and in place, folder to folder, crust to crust. It always calms and sets you in the working mood. A new notebook and the opportunity to start the new year from scratch will give strength and self-confidence.
Far from thinking about material pleasures, seeking solitude, the owner of the sound vector can start the day by updating the programs on a laptop. A few minutes of silence, running numbers on the screen and the rustle of the keyboard make it possible to concentrate. An impressionable, beauty-sensitive viewer can put a new beautiful headband, and bright colored pencils into a glass.
The active owner of the skin vector, focused on innovation and profit, is best mobilized and will help to enter the working rhythm with a new project, new goals and clear time management. Didn't you get a new project? Take the initiative and talk to your boss. Perhaps this is what will help you start meeting your goal of increasing income in the coming year.
General advice to all. Do not forget that this is the first working day after a long break, do not set yourself unbearable tasks and do not sit up after work. As in sports: do not immediately put the usual weight on the simulator, if you have not been to the gym for a long time, return to loads gradually, start with a warm-up.
Now that the stress has been relieved, the question arises again of why, in principle, one does not want to return to work.
Why don't you feel rested after the holidays?
And the truth, it would seem, almost two weeks is enough time to get enough sleep, communicate, change the environment, relax and miss work. But instead of being full of strength and rushing into battle, we are experiencing another attack of apathy and laziness. It seems that he was even more tired than before the start of the holidays, when they were driving the plan, finishing projects, running with the children to the Christmas tree, preparing for a corporate party, choosing outfits, purchasing food for the festive table. Why?
Such devastation happens when we do not get joy from life and from work. It seems to us all the time that we need to rest a little more and then strength will appear, distract and everything will work out, wait it out and everything will work out. That is, in fact, we get tired not from work, but from an ineffectual struggle with ourselves. But man was conceived not for suffering and fruitless struggle, but in order to experience joy and bring it to other people. To get high from a difficult task, a new project, and not from the fact that the working day is finally over and you can leave. To be happy with a job well done, not a piece of cake.
Post-holiday depression does not threaten those who know how to get more pleasure from the active realization of their talents, and not from "relaxation" and rest. Greater taste and pleasure is not really in rest, but where we realize our properties in greater volume, in greater involvement in the process and striving for results. And this pleasure is possible for absolutely everyone, regardless of any circumstances. After all, everyone has desires and all the properties for their realization, you just need to understand them, separate false and imposed goals from true, heartfelt desires. Then it will be possible to enjoy both holidays and workdays.
Hundreds of people were able to find themselves and their purpose after the training "System-vector psychology", leaving in the past apathy, despondency and unloved work:
Feel joy, happiness from every day lived. Wasn't that a wish you made when the chime struck twelve? It's time to fulfill it.