"Generation Of Janitors And Watchmen" - Where It Came From And Where It Went. Part 1

"Generation Of Janitors And Watchmen" - Where It Came From And Where It Went. Part 1
"Generation Of Janitors And Watchmen" - Where It Came From And Where It Went. Part 1

"Generation of janitors and watchmen" - where it came from and where it went. Part 1

Speaking about the situation preceding the emergence of the phenomenon of Russian rock, I recall one of the episodes of Yeralash, where the mother says to her son: “Do not hang out with Proshkin! He will teach you bad things! " The boys took the maternal prohibition exactly the opposite and completely tormented the unfortunate Proshkin, pursuing him on his heels and pulling: “Proshkin! Well, teach the bad!"

The Western world and, in particular, rock music became such "Proshkin" for the Soviet youth.

The phenomenon of Russian rock as a response to the sound shortage of Soviet youth in the 80s

USSR. Late 70s - early 80s. There are still several years left before Gorbachev's perestroika, but the air is already saturated with the expectation of impending changes. Although, it would seem, who needs them and why - these changes? The state nurtures its citizens as a caring mother - it feeds, dresses, teaches, heals. He does not forget about spiritual food: the best domestic and foreign films, literature, music - all of this could be fully enjoyed by the Soviet people.

On the one hand, this contributed to emotional and spiritual fulfillment, but on the other hand, it created the false impression that all modern Western culture and life itself is of the same high level as what was on our television screens and bookshelves. Especially among young people of those years, thanks to whom such an original cultural phenomenon of the late 20th century as Russian rock emerged.

Speaking about the situation preceding the appearance of this phenomenon, I recall one of the episodes of Yeralash, where the mother says to her son: “Do not hang out with Proshkin! He will teach you bad things! " The boys took the maternal prohibition exactly the opposite and completely tormented the unfortunate Proshkin, chasing him on his heels and pulling: “Proshkin! Well, teach the bad!"

Such was the "Proshkin" for the Soviet youth the Western world and, in particular, rock music. It was the Western samples that gave young Soviet musicians food for rethinking, in order to then reveal something new that could arise only on Russian soil.

"Generation of janitors and watchmen"
"Generation of janitors and watchmen"


Before starting a systematic conversation about those whom Boris Grebenshchikov called "the generation of janitors and watchmen", let's say a few words about Western rock culture. Immediately after the Second World War, the entire Western world entered a new period, which Yuri Burlan's system-vector psychology defines as the cutaneous phase of development. The so-called anal phase with its patriarchal foundations, monumentality, stability and constancy is being replaced by an infinite variety of forms - both in human relations and in art.

Among the undoubtedly positive trends of the new era, it is worth noting the increased value of each individual life, and on this wave those who, until recently, did not manifest themselves in society in any way, and at the dawn of mankind were generally doomed to death, barely born, are becoming more noticeable.

This is a very special type of men with an optic cutaneous ligament of vectors. Delicate and sensitive by nature, unable to kill even an insect, not like a mammoth on a hunt or an enemy on the battlefield - such a man was absolutely useless in a primitive flock, and the fate of a skin-visual boy was unenviable. Either die or be eaten.

Gradually, the first shoots of humanism arose in the human flock, ritual cannibalism remained in the past, medicine appeared, skin-visual boys began to survive, but they have not developed a specific role that would allow them to firmly take their place in society to this day.

"Generation of janitors and watchmen". History of Russian rock
"Generation of janitors and watchmen". History of Russian rock

In the middle of the 20th century, an unprecedented thing happened in America and Europe - such unusual young men began to unite in an informal community. They called themselves "flower children", proclaiming pacifism and "free love". This is how the hippie movement appeared, which brought together not only skin-visual boys, but also young people of both sexes with a sound vector, who became the ideologists of a new philosophy and subculture.

The system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan explains that the sound vector gives its owner the desire to comprehend the essence of things and phenomena, musical and literary talent; and not in the best condition, the owners of the sound vector are distinguished by contempt for the material world and the people around them with their "simple human joys". It was for these young sound people that participation in the hippie movement became a way to express their protest to the consumer society, and it was thanks to them that rock music was born.

The crisis of meanings

“Well, good,” the reader will say. “Everything is clear with Western youth, but what was lacking for ours?” Yes, in principle, the same, given that Soviet prosperity had a downside.

In the second half of the 20th century, the USSR still continued to live by the values of the era, which system-vector psychology calls the anal phase of development. For us, it will end only in the 90s, and our heroes will play an important role here, but let's not get ahead of ourselves.

So far, life has been going relatively smoothly. Anyone who successfully graduated from high school can enter any educational institution without paying a penny, however, the inability to fully realize their talents is already becoming a tangible problem. Places that should have rightfully belonged to the young and talented were often occupied according to the principle of nepotism.

Anyone who remembers the time in question will not allow lying: for a long time no one believed in the idea of building the first communist state in the world, where, according to Yuri Burlan's terminology, the principles of mentally urethral mercy and justice that are close to us would prevail - not simple citizens, nor the party elite.

Yes, pathetic slogans continued to be heard from television screens and government tribunes. But if for the youth of the beginning of the century they were a direct call to action that filled life with high meaning, then their children and grandchildren could not get rid of the feeling of falsehood and emptiness. This was especially acutely felt by young people with a sound vector.

"Generation of janitors and watchmen". Russian rock
"Generation of janitors and watchmen". Russian rock

sang Boris Grebenshchikov in the very song where he called himself and his contemporaries "the generation of janitors and watchmen."

- Yuri Shevchuk, another herald of the generation, echoed him.

Speaking about why the most intellectually and sensually developed young people of their time felt like strangers at the late Soviet "celebration of life", it is worth noting the fact that youth is the time of music and dancing. This is a completely natural, natural phenomenon associated with the search for a pair, but for a sound engineer, a special, high meaning is needed here too. Otherwise - why is everything?

Part 2
