Visual Perception - All Shades Of Black

Visual Perception - All Shades Of Black
Visual Perception - All Shades Of Black

Visual perception - all shades of black

You see a flower … And I see the play of hundreds of colors on the petals, the play of shadows and sun glare among the stamens, the emotions of life and the feeling of spring in the scent of a blossoming gentle creature.

Everyone sees the fall of leaves … And I see a unique dance of colorful leaves, their short flight in a gust of wind, the sweet-spicy smell of autumn with a note of pensive sadness radiating in the farthest corner of the heart.

Malevich's black square is actually … not black. The secret of creative thinking.

You see a flower … And I see the play of hundreds of colors on the petals, the play of shadows and sun glare among the stamens, the emotions of life and the feeling of spring in the scent of a blossoming gentle creature.

Everyone sees the fall of leaves … And I see a unique dance of colorful leaves, their short flight in a gust of wind, the sweet-spicy smell of autumn with a note of pensive sadness radiating in the farthest corner of the heart.

I can draw inspiration for a new masterpiece both in the predawn sky, in a muddy puddle, in the timid smile of a neighbor's girl and in the sad look of a gray-haired old man.

My paintings are life, but only the one that I see.

Like this: everyone sees one thing, and I - another. As if we are looking at completely different things. Maybe it's the eyes? Are they different from me?

The visual perception of creative people is an amazing phenomenon that neither they themselves nor those who study the principles of creative thinking are able to fully explain.

No one ever thought that this most artistic vision of the world is connected precisely with the eyes, but not just as a sensory organ, but as an erogenous zone!

Every renowned artist, designer or photographer distinguishes over four hundred shades of each color. For any ordinary person there is simply black or white, and for them - four hundred shades of black, four hundred - white and all other colors of the rainbow. Amazing, isn't it?

Ordinary eyes cannot do that.


These should be the eyes of a person with a visual vector. To contemplate the beauty of the world, the play of light and color for such a person is the highest pleasure. A special look at things, nature, people and everything around - this is that special visual perception that distinguishes creative individuals from ordinary people.

Observe and see more than everyone else can see, subtly feel every shade of not only color, but also the mood of the interlocutor, feel the delicate aroma of French perfume among the crowd and the smell of light resort flirting, possess imaginative creative thinking, which is capable of both creating a unique work of art, and and to conjecture the missing features of the Prince on a white horse in order to fall in love with his neighbor Vasya - all this is just a small fraction of the qualities of a person with a visual vector.

They are given by nature to such a person from birth, but whether they will be developed to the modern level or will remain in a primitive state depends on the nature of the upbringing of the little spectator until the end of puberty.

What is the secret of the talent of the most legendary artists? Can you learn to be an outstanding couturier? How to bring up a child with a visual vector, so that later go to his exhibitions or shows? Why does one artist instantly take off to the Olympus of world fame, while another earns his whole life with portraits on the embankment?

Now the secret of creative thinking is revealed! We invite you on an excursion into the psyche of great artists.


Proofreader: Elena Gorshkova
