Energy Deficit For Psychological Reasons. Get Rid Of One-two-three

Energy Deficit For Psychological Reasons. Get Rid Of One-two-three
Energy Deficit For Psychological Reasons. Get Rid Of One-two-three

Energy deficit for psychological reasons. Get rid of one-two-three

In times of special emptiness in the soul, the sound engineer can sleep all day long and still feel tired and overwhelmed. There is a viscous emptiness in my head, which, well, cannot be dispelled! What is the reason for this condition and how to overcome it?

Why do some people manage to be sociable and cheerful, and the strength of life springs from them, while others are driven by apathy and depression? Let us consider the issue of energy deficit using the example of dominant vectors, using the knowledge of system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan.

Armed with systemic thinking, we will be able to trace that bouts of energy deficiency are most often familiar to the owners of the sound vector: lethargy, apathy, indifference. In times of special emptiness in the soul, the sound engineer can sleep all day long and still feel tired and overwhelmed. There is a viscous emptiness in my head, which, well, cannot be dispelled! What is the reason for this condition and how to overcome it? The answer to this question can be obtained if we trace how people with other vectors live.

The principle of life: giving and receiving

The most life-loving person is with the urethral vector. It is made so by the natural attitude of a person living on bestowal. This is a leader who takes full responsibility for a group of people. The urethral is acting, striving for the horizon of the future, which he defines, but not for himself personally, but for everyone. Living by the interests of his "pack", its shortcomings, he does not know the feeling of lethargy. He is the only one who follows the carrot of self-realization from birth.

There is another vector, which is paradoxically inherent, on the one hand, melancholy, and on the other, inhuman strength. A person with an olfactory vector is not accidentally admitted to the “energy barn”. The olfactory person is by nature able to sense the mental state of other people. He constantly feels the state of his pack, unconsciously defining himself as a part of it. Wanting to survive at all costs, the olfactory person is busy preserving the flock. Because he understands the main thing - one cannot survive, one needs to preserve the whole and then it will be possible to preserve oneself in its composition.

Urethral and olfactory people intuitively live in complete concentration on others (like a tendency in normal development), and they are not familiar with depression, apathy, despondency, so characteristic of unrealized people with a sound vector.

Consumed by thoughts of the frailty of all living things, the worthlessness of the material world, the sound people distance themselves more and more from those around them, more and more acutely feel irritation and even hatred of the world.

The sound engineer often looks for an answer to the question: "Why am I feeling bad?", Delving into himself. To come up with an answer, perhaps he succeeds, but to find a way out of the situation is not. Because, concentrating consciousness on thoughts about himself, the sound engineer is trapped. This state of affairs gives rise to powerlessness, a sense of meaninglessness and hopelessness, an unwillingness to live this life. How can a sound engineer overcome these difficult conditions?

Make yourself

The natural task of the sound vector is to open the unconscious. That is why he is so divorced from the material - so as not to be distracted from the main thing. The sound engineer performs this task of his own free will, armed with the knowledge of system-vector psychology. First, pointwise, defining a vector set of individual people, trying to understand the reasons for their actions, motives and desires. And then more. Separate fragments of realizations add up to one general picture of conscious and sensory perception of reality. Not the one that each person sees through himself, his ideas about the world, but the real one, in which a complex of 8 vectors of the psyche operates, mosaically manifested in each of us.

Opening up the unconscious allows the sound engineer to feel a tremendous surge of energy. Because with this fulfilled condition - self-realization - the sound engineer realizes and feels himself an inseparable part of society. Then he fully realizes that he urgently needs people and is equally necessary for them.

This simple but effective way to forever forget depression, apathy, suicidal thoughts has divided the life of many people into "before" and "after". There are more than 19,500 reviews on Yuri Burlan's system-vector psychology website. Here are just a few of them:

Bound by one goal

All vectors described above are dominant. They carry the flock forward along the road of life, like the famous Russian troika: in the middle is the urethral leader, on the right and left, respectively, the sound and olfactory. You can imagine what happens when one of the "engines" fails.

You can learn more about the structure of society and your role in it already at the free online lectures on system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan. Register using the link.
