Such Different Female Happiness. What Does A Woman Want And What Does A Man Think About It?

Such Different Female Happiness. What Does A Woman Want And What Does A Man Think About It?
Such Different Female Happiness. What Does A Woman Want And What Does A Man Think About It?

Such different female happiness. What does a woman want and what does a man think about it?

The world is so arranged that a woman needs a man. The main thing that he gives her is a sense of security and safety. Until recently, this was enough for a woman to realize her destiny - the continuation of the human race. But life flows, everything changes. Being protected and well-fed today is not enough to feel happy. The woman is overwhelmed by other desires. Fill, however, which you can again in connection with a man.

- This is me now a Komsomol member, and then I want to be a woman.

- Shame on you!.. Not a pilot, not a parachutist, not a stakhanovka, finally, but a woman!

A toy in the hands of a man!

Dialogue from the movie "Tomorrow was the war"

Do not count how many times I have heard (and said!) During feasts, banquets, birthdays, anniversaries, celebrations of new positions, anniversaries and other occasions that color a woman's life, toasts in honor of the heroes of the occasion. Among these toasts and wishes, the most frequently encountered and evoking the most ardent emotions of the celebrants is the wish for female happiness. Most often it sounds to the unmarried and single, who, apparently, need it most of all. For some reason, married women wish for an order of magnitude less often, as if the presence of a legal spouse automatically guarantees this happiness. It would seem that everything is obvious, but is it really so? Let's try to figure it out with the help of the System-Vector Psychology of Yuri Burlan.

Part 1. "I would be cute next" and other types of female happiness

It's good when there is a woman, Lady, lady, senora, femina, And for a woman the main honor, When there is a man next to her.

Yu Kim, film "Ordinary Miracle"

The world is so arranged that a woman needs a man. The main thing that he gives her is a sense of security and safety. Until recently, this was enough for a woman to realize her destiny - the continuation of the human race. But life flows, everything changes. Being protected and well-fed today is not enough to feel happy. The woman is overwhelmed by other desires. Fill, however, which you can again in connection with a man.

So in different ways women answer the question: why do we need a man? For love, for sex, for the birth of children, for self-esteem, in order to be "like everyone else" … To varying degrees, for different reasons, but in principle, it is needed. At least for the continuation of the family, as a maximum - for a sense of the fullness of life, your realization as a woman and this very female happiness. If we relate the degree of a man's need to the degree of a woman's confidence that her “life is a success,” then you can see different patterns.

For example, women with a sound vector in a state of "universal depression" and "search for the meaning of life" do not in any way associate the concept of happiness with the presence or absence of a man, while, for example, for those with a visual vector, a man is the main contribution to the feeling of happiness. They have a particularly strong need for a sense of security and safety, their main desire is to create a strong and deep emotional connection. All these conditions of visual female happiness cannot be fully realized without a strong connection with a member of the opposite sex.

However, having a man is not the only criterion for a woman's degree of happiness. Studying the anatomy of female happiness, we see how many other desires, their fullness or emptiness, affect the feeling of joy from life.

Woman's happiness
Woman's happiness

"Status" happiness

For example, material wealth and a place on the social ladder. There are many options. “The house is a full bowl”, “the girls' best friends are diamonds”, “settled well”, “rolls like cheese in butter”, “chickens don’t peck money”, “lives on everything ready-made”, etc. - all this shades of woman happiness with skin vector.

It is she who wants (and more often than others succeeds) to settle in life most comfortably and profitably. Not just not needing anything, but being able to demonstrate to society your security and high standard of living. This will not suit a simple man. Such a person must be successful, rich and influential. Happiness is expressed by the words "prestigious", "expensive", "luxurious", "best of all", "exclusive" and so on. Material wealth, comfort, wealth, "gold-diamonds", a Vertu phone, several cars in the garage and a gold card in a wallet - the female happiness of skin beauties. However, this, of course, does not negate the basic female need for a sense of security and safety.

The main thing is children

Another traditionally "female" indicator of happiness is children. It is somehow not customary for men to openly desire to have children as soon as possible. By default, it is believed that men already have no problems with this matter. Indeed, it is women who most often dream of having a cheerful children's laughter in the house - at least aloud. Basically, these are the owners of the anal vector, the anal-visual ligament vectors, as well as muscle and muscle-visual. Having given birth to children, they feel like real women, fulfilled, fulfilled their mission. And it is with them that children always come first, often to the detriment of relationships with their fathers.

Skin-visual beauties in a state of "peace" are also drawn to children. They can become happy women, giving all their emotionality to children - and, more often than not, strangers. A wonderful, subtle, sensual, but for some reason a lonely teacher of literature, a kindergarten teacher, who is adored by everyone - from a bully to an excellent student. Have you met such? These are skin-visual women in a state of "peace". They build sincere warm relationships with their wards, thereby instilling in them the skill of being sympathetic, compassionate towards others.

Non-feminine female happiness

Yes, children are the flowers of life, joy and happiness. It happens that they become the meaning of life, displacing all other interests and dreams of a woman on the outskirts of consciousness. But at the same time, there are many who are afraid of the thought of children. A huge layer of the female population in general, either explicitly or secretly classifies itself as a "child-free", not wanting to waste themselves and their lives on a little man.

For such people, happiness is measured in completely different units. Someone builds a career or a business, gnawing the throats of competitors. Someone exhausts himself with diets, training and rehearsals - for the sake of a brief moment of glory in sports. Someone raves about the stage, someone goes into politics. Someone comes up with outrageous antics for the sake of a ghostly opportunity to shine and attract a fraction of public attention … These are mainly skin and skin-visual ladies.

The sound people go to fight for an idea that fills their lives with meaning, which ordinary people see as insane. Religion, science, mysticism, archeology, spiritual practices and even sects - wherever they are not looking for their "non-feminine" happiness, sounds far from "vulgar" worldly values …

What does a woman want?
What does a woman want?

In such conditions, it is completely incomprehensible what men think about women's happiness. And do they even understand what is happening in the head of a modern beauty?

Part 2. Through the eyes of a man

… I am very interested in how a woman feels, but I

understand that I will never be able to feel it …

M. M. Zhvanetsky

Until now, we manage to meet men who sincerely believe that female happiness lies in the "three ks": Kinder, Küche, Kirche. Which in a free Russian translation roughly means "an eternally pregnant wife in a dressing gown at the stove." Such, however, are relatively few, given that we are residents of a country in which patriarchy reigned for an impermissibly long time (according to the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan, read the anal phase of human development with the rules of the "good old" Domostroi). Today, if anyone agrees to such a variant of "female happiness", then perhaps the anal-muscular "darling" with missing / undeveloped upper vectors.

Fortunately, most men have very diverse and curious opinions about female happiness. And therefore it is always interesting to look into their thoughts in order to understand what they think about the opposite sex. How much does the image of typical female happiness affect their opinion and do they guess that different women want different things to delight in life?

For example, do they give flowers because it is customary to give or because it is pleasant to give? Or because it is pleasant to do it is pleasant? Or was it dad and mom who once taught what signs of attention should be given to a woman? Or maybe men give gifts because they want to get something "in return"? Every woman, one way or another, just needs to look into the keyhole and spy on men's thoughts. So, let's take a look …

All women are fools

Vladimir, 46 years old, widower

Having burnt out, as it should be, after the death of his wife for a year, he thoroughly and seriously set about searching for the second half. I sat on the Internet, carefully looking through the questionnaires and photos, subscribed to the phone numbers of the applicants, had sincere conversations on the phone, and even made appointments. Dating, none of which came with flowers.

Why? “I am a serious, respectable man, and not some kind of boy. Meeting me is already a gift. A normal woman will grab hold of me with her hands and feet. What? I don’t cheat, I don’t smoke, I don’t let go. I can have a glass on a holiday - that's all."

In general, "without a / p and m / f problems", home and … boring. And not realizing that not all women who come to see him, it is enough that he has no bad habits.

A positive man with a developed anal vector, with a stable job and predictable behavior. It could well make up the happiness of an anal-visual stay-at-home, and maybe even a skin commander who would twirl them as she wanted. But on dating sites, for some reason, he is looking for exceptionally slender beauties with a cheerful disposition twice as young as himself. He searches and finds - only he just can't interest …

Igor, 26 years old, a foreman in a warehouse

Whatever we talk about, it all comes down to the fact that "any woman needs x … thicker." Almost any topic. The accountant came to work not in the spirit - "it's from a lack of sex." The boss went on a business trip - "I went to stare at heifers, my wife got tired of it." Groceries in stores have risen in price - "find yourself a man with a big x … - and you will not be up to prices."

Igor expresses himself, of course, less delicately than I write. For all his rudeness, he is young and handsome, regularly goes to the rocking chair, rides a bicycle to work, on the way to glue all the girls he meets from 12 to 70. At work every now and then strives to pinch or slap someone. And he categorically does not believe in either faithful wives or "high ideals." And even more so, he does not believe that someone with a third breast size can only dream of world peace.

The anal-skin-muscle combination of poorly realized vectors creates a very interesting view of the world and female happiness …

Imre, handsome male 34 years old

When he speaks, he can be heard from the farthest corners of the office. A well-placed voice, a slight foreign accent and imposing gray hair, which makes him resemble the actor Kalninsh, do their job - women listen to him with open mouths and without looking away.

“Women love with their ears, and their ears love earrings,” Imre often jokes. He is a born ladies' man, joker and bon vivant. He has a good position and an impressive salary, although at work he rather pretends to be active than works. Office aunts are crazy about him and do not understand at all how his wife could have left such a “darling”.

He also does not understand that a skin beauty who dreams of achieving something herself in life is simply tired of being the “watch ears” of a narcissistic visual-skinned oral person who is used to listening and hearing only herself …

We choose, we are chosen … How to make it coincide?

Nature quite obviously divided us into men and women, providing primary sexual characteristics as identification signs, while not forgetting to generously pour a lot of other distinctive features. Many of which are set by vector differences, hidden from us for the time being with some divine intent. But they are so significant that, understanding them, we are able to live and build relationships with each other in a completely different way!

Different ideas about female happiness
Different ideas about female happiness

How does this relate, in fact, to the male idea of female happiness? Directly. Male ideas about female happiness also depend on the vector orientation of the man, just as women's dreams and expectations from life depend on the vectors of the woman.

That is why “we choose, we are chosen - as it often does not coincide”. That is why it is naive to expect that he "will make you happy" by simply putting a ring on your finger. That is why it is useless to hope that "he will guess for himself" what you want as a birthday present. Sliding him photos of celebrities in jewelry in the hope of a new handbag, bracelet or earrings, it is quite possible to get instead of the expected new thing … a subscription to a glamorous magazine with photos of the gossip.

The only iron option to correlate your dreams of female happiness with reality in paired relationships and achieve their embodiment is to understand each other. Without guesses and assumptions, but precisely and objectively, as it really is. A man and a woman who understand their desires and their partner's are contenders for the heroes of the tale of eternal love.

Sign up for a free course of online lectures by Yuri Burlan, get to know yourself and help others get to know you. And then you can not only synchronize your understanding of female happiness with a man, but also build completely new relationships in which everyone clearly understands what the partner wants, and knows exactly how to give it to him.
