Practical psychology
Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01
Fragment of the lecture notes of the Second Level on the topic "Money": Only a small part of people have a lot of money. In American casinos, when you go inside, a digital scoreboard hangs on which statistics run, how much money you lost today and how much you won. We lost a million and won 10 thousand. Any person who can think at least a little logically, as soon as he sees these numbers, immediately turn around and leave
Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01
Fragment of the lecture notes for the Second Level on the topic “Vector blending. Loser complex ":
Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01
It has long been noted that on the eve of great events, nature is experimenting in a special way with the birth of male and female individuals. This happens several decades before major military shocks, when more boys are born, and among them are urethral individuals who are able to command regiments at a very young age. Such urethral units include Vasily Ivanovich Chapaev
Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01
Do you know the answer to the question: "What is art?" Technique mastery? Wild fantasy? The ability to match colors? Jean Dubuffet found his answer to this question, laying the foundation for a whole direction in art, called art brut (from the French art brut). The crude, raw art of psychiatric patients, outsiders and just freaky loners. Sometimes really ugly and repulsive and at the same time hypnotically attractive … Similar works were collected by Dubuffet
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"He called us all into space." Neil Armstrong, American astronaut
Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01
Don Salvador, on stage! “Don Salvador is always on stage!” (From the diary of Salvador Dali) Salvador Dali, born in 1904, is one of the most expressive, vivid and mysterious figures in the art of the twentieth century. Artist, clown, clown, paranoid, lonely genius on the huge stage of the world theater of the absurd, built by him and his Russian muse Elena Dyakonova, known throughout the West under her sonorous pseudonym Gala
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Part 1 The way Salvador Dali was brought up at an early stage is a clear pedagogical delusion and an example of an illiterate parental approach to a child, when the father and especially the mother, with their own hands, strengthened the foundation of the visual fears of the future artist. He never parted with his fears all his life, rocking them and expressing them with dark surreal motives
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Any parent wants to raise their daughter as best as possible so that she grows up as a decent girl, gets a good profession, and creates a strong family. And the girl, growing up, dreams of what she will become when she grows up. It happens that he sees himself as an actress, singer or dancer. Sings songs, claps eyes
Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01
Russian women. Beautiful, feminine, special. More often not very happy, but always unique. Why? There are many myths and refutations about this. Western beauty contests indicate to us that in fact Venezuela is in the first place in the number of beauty queens, but "in one Moscow subway you can find more beauties than in the entire United States." This is recognized by all men who had the opportunity to make at least an external comparison between Russians
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Life is a path. For some it is the way to the bakery and back, for others it is a trip around the world. K. Khabensky
Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01
Part I. "I come from childhood" Part 2. In the nest of "Storks" Part 3. "Captain of the birds"
Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01
They have been making this film for years. On their travels between France, America and Italy, the three met, discussed and perfected their script. A detailed draft script by English director Anthony Mingelli has been polished and cut. The author of the book "The English Patient" Michael Ondaatje, based on which the script was written, defended his text, but gave up, agreeing to new scenes
Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01
If you need to choose between writers in terms of a combination of qualities: human, professional, humanistic, ideological, then it will be difficult to find a more worthy candidate than Antoine de Saint-Exupery
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Where are you from? I asked them
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Goblins, elves, hobbits, conspiracies, magic
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Part I. "I come from childhood" Part 2. In the nest of "Storks" Part 3. "Captain of the birds"
Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01
Part I. "I come from childhood" Part 2. In the nest of "Storks" Every evening I sum up the day I have lived
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Part I. "I come from childhood" In 1921, Antoine learns that a volunteer aviation regiment is being formed in Strasbourg. It is still difficult to say whether he is attracted to aviation, but after much deliberation, he firmly believes that architecture is not for him. De Saint-Exupery went to Alsace, which, according to the Treaty of Versailles, went to the French. Enrolling in a flight regiment was like a leap into the unknown
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I should show you, the mockery and the favorite of all friends, the Tsarskoye Selo gay sinner, What happened to your life. Akhmatova
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Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3
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Part 1 ─ Part 2 ─
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Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 &
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Vladimir Mayakovsky. “They kicked me out of the 5th grade. Let's go to throw them into Moscow prisons. " Part 2 The poet often had "wet eyes" and a runny nose characteristic of spectators - a constant "wet nose". P
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Part 1 ─ Part 2
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Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 &
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Part 1 ─ Part 2 ─ Part 3
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Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 &
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Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6
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Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5
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Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4
Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 I'm not happy to serve, it's sickening to serve. Boredom and shocking. Cards, no money, two barrels, three muses. Duel with cherries. Paying for Passion - New Link. A banquet feast. Champagne bath for the chief. To whom is a collegiate assessor, and to whom "something else"
Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01
As long as you can remember yourself, you considered yourself somehow different. Defective? No, rather the opposite. Different from all people, not like everyone else. There is in your life some other dark side of the moon that you do not understand. The side that almost no one sees does not know. You hardly tell anyone about her. Because they just won't understand
Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01
Childhood is a special period in the life of every person
Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01
Heroic everyday life Beginning here "And the Earth is round!" These were the first words of Alexei Leonov at the time of the spacewalk. After long preparations, tests and replay of freelance operations "Voskhod-2" with two astronauts on board, was finally launched into orbit
Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01
Part 1 Television is created by people with a visual vector. First of all, because television is a "picture". And a person with a visual vector gets the greatest pleasure from contemplating it, from the perception of light and color. After all, it is his eyes - the most sensitive sensor. And television is also about impressions and emotions that are necessary for any visual person
Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01
Spring begins. The sky is getting higher every day, and people seem to have already forgotten about winter, completely trusted the azure-blue distance, along which torn clouds fly in heaps. May 6, 1968 on the calendar. A boy was born in the city of Kurgan, and he was named Maxim. In the future, this person will have a great influence on the development of pop culture in Russia
Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01
Conversation is invented to prevent people from thinking
Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01
In international intelligence circles, Major General Markus Wolf has gained a reputation as the "man of Moscow" from the Eastern Bloc. Thanks to the relationship that linked him with the Soviet Union since the 1930s, he was in a special position. Fluency in Russian and constant contacts with colleagues from the KGB allowed him to judge the internal and external state of the USSR
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The historical and political experience of relations between countries on all continents of our planet clearly proves that sex espionage, called the "honey trap", has been an important component of any world intelligence since ancient times
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Former cadets of the Comintern school spoke their native language and knew Russian brilliantly