Dancing, Embroidery, Diving: What Are Your Hobbies? About Hobbies Systematically

Dancing, Embroidery, Diving: What Are Your Hobbies? About Hobbies Systematically
Dancing, Embroidery, Diving: What Are Your Hobbies? About Hobbies Systematically

Dancing, embroidery, diving: what are your hobbies? About hobbies systematically

Many of us have an aunt, grandmother or acquaintance who has been knitting mittens, socks, and blouses with enthusiasm all her life. At the same time, she is not at all reckless and indifferent to sports, travel, in general to any physical activity. And vice versa, there is an acquaintance or friend who is fond of rock climbing and diving, travels a lot around the world, so it is difficult to imagine her with knitting needles or embroidery in her hands …

There will always be people in our environment who are passionate about activities other than work and family. There are collectors, amateur artists, photographers, fishermen, hunters, divers, needlewomen.

You can learn a lot about their interests by talking to them. So, a seasoned fisherman will surely tell you about the best places to bite, an experienced knitter boasts a new hand-made product, and a photographer will showcase the best shots from the last photo shoot.

It is noteworthy that people are carried away by different activities. Many of us have an aunt, grandmother or acquaintance who has been knitting mittens, socks, and blouses with enthusiasm all her life. At the same time, she is not at all reckless and indifferent to sports, travel, in general to any physical activity.

And vice versa, there is an acquaintance, or a friend who is fond of rock climbing and diving, travels a lot around the world, so it is difficult to imagine her with knitting needles or embroidery in her hands.

It is interesting to know why your friend, aunt or just an acquaintance likes such a hobby? What fascinates them so much about these activities? Can a hobby that captivates a person say something more about him?

Tell me about your hobby and I'll tell you who you are

System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan says that a person is the principle of pleasure, all his desires and actions are aimed at only one thing - to get pleasure. Moreover, each of us has different desires, they are predetermined by our vectors. When desires are realized, a person receives pleasure, feels the joy of life. When natural needs are not met, people experience negative states - fears, resentments, depression.

Skin vector holders

So a person with a skin vector is a hunter, in an ancient pack, he is a hunter and a warrior. The owner of the skin vector is mobile, flexible, enterprising, loves changes in life. Success is important to him, he strives to be the first in everything, he is a leader by nature. In every case, benefit and benefit are important for him.

When observing the skin, you can see that he is quick in movements, speech, gestures. His psyche is such that he can and loves to do several things at the same time.

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According to his role, the skin person expresses himself in hobbies. Athletics, fitness, dancing, travel are his hobbies. To realize himself as a breadwinner, it is important for him to keep himself in good physical shape. Also leather workers are lovers of saving energy, space, energy for everyone, therefore, design and modeling are among their favorite activities.

People with anal vector

The role of a person with an anal vector is to accumulate, preserve and transmit information from generation to generation; this is a real couch potato, a guard of a cave. In accordance with this role, desires are formed when choosing hobbies.

Such people are consistent in actions, painstaking, accurate, it is important for them to bring what they have begun to the end, they value traditions. Their physical characteristics also correspond to the way of life: they are unhurried, prone to overweight, inactive.

A person with an anal vector finds himself where he can show his thriftiness, thrift. They say about such people: "golden hands". These are lovers of tinkering around the house, handicrafts, among the favorite activities of anal women are often knitting, beading, embroidery.

The needs for the collection, transmission of information to other generations are embodied in hobbies for history, painting, photography, literary creativity, collecting (numismatics, philately, antiques). Other preferences include fishing and some sports: swimming, cycling.

If your acquaintance is the owner of the anal vector, then watching him you will notice that he is honest, decent, fair, in relation to any business - a perfectionist, loves to be praised.

Urethral people

The main task of the urethralist is to ensure the survival of the flock. And this means, first of all, that this flock should be with him. A urethral person can be carried away by anything, and it will always be team sports or other pastime, because he gets his pleasure in giving to others.

People with muscle vector

A person with a muscle vector is a lover of monotonous physical activity and his hobbies are associated with physical labor. In its pure form, the muscle vector is found in 38% of people, but in mixing - in 95% of humanity. This means that almost all of us have a muscle vector, and we are able to get special pleasure from simple muscle work. For example, after spending the weekend at the dacha, digging up the beds, on Monday we are completely sincere in telling our colleagues how we had a wonderful rest.

How upper vectors influence choice of hobbies

System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan divides vectors into upper (sound, vision, smell and orality) and lower (urethra, anality, skin, muscle). The features of the upper vectors, which are responsible for intellectual activity, also affect the choice of a person's hobby.

Visual vector

So, the ancient role of the visual was to protect the flock during the day, to warn of danger, which he performed thanks to his well-developed visual analyzer.

The presence of a visual vector gives its owner a love for everything beautiful. They are often passionate about creativity, versed in art. Their hobbies are often emotional. They read books about love, and if they choose films, then dramas and melodramas.

Many spectators are passionate about psychology: they read books on psychology, go to trainings, join various interest clubs. This allows them to satisfy one of their basic needs - creating emotional connections and empathy for another. Who can you have a heart-to-heart talk with when you're sad? Here with such a visual friend. She will listen and sympathize.

If in one person there is a mixture of skin and visual vectors, he can become an actor, a dancer. More diligent anal-visuals are engaged in photography, painting, handicrafts.

Sound vector

Vectorized people once acted as night guards. While everyone was asleep, he listened to the silence in search of a disturbing sound: the crunching of a branch under the paw of a predator. Not surprisingly, they are naturally very sensitive to hearing. Listening to the sounds and vibrations of the Universe, the sound people became composers, poets, and writers.

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Today, their talents are applied in those areas where the ability to capture subtle meanings is required. They enjoy reading books on philosophy, learning languages (a second language is like a second life), and practicing spiritual practices. In their hobbies, they try to fill their main lack - to find meaning.

Sometimes, in search of an answer, sound people go into a parallel reality, become real gamers - they create their own world online, in which they are interested in living for a while.

Of course, music brings direct pleasure to the especially sensitive ears of the sound engineer. Sound musicians listen not to pop music, but to classical music. In severe conditions - hard rock, which literally drowns out the sensitivity of their sensor. Real music lovers are only sound people.

Oral vector

The Oral is the herald of the ancient pack. Such people are open in communication, easily win over others. Surely there is such a person among your friends: he knows a bunch of obscene anecdotes, there are always a lot of laughing people around him. And at the table he is always a toastmaster.

In addition, the owners of the oral vector are born cooks, lovers of various kinds of tastings. They will boldly try the most exotic dishes: fried cockroaches, snake meat or overseas fruit. They are the ones who experiment in the kitchen, invent new unusual dishes and flavor combinations. A man with an anal and oral vector is a potential chef genius.

Since oralists have a special talent for expressing, speaking their thoughts, they like to talk a lot and loudly in public. Very often they work as presenters and commentators. Depending on the level of development of their properties, such people become jesters or orators.

Olfactory vector

Owners of the olfactory vector are rare. These are people whose greatest desire is to preserve themselves through preservation, the survival of the whole flock, because no one survives alone. Other people often have an unexplained dislike for the olfactory. His hobby, one way or another, will be associated with the survival of society. For example, these are classes in the field of chemistry, biology. Only he can sit for years, staring through a microscope and trying to find a vaccine for the virus. At the same time, the olfactory person is completely indifferent to culture, art, creativity.

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What our hobbies talk about

A person gets the greatest pleasure by maximizing his qualities. Each of the vectors contains their own desires and, accordingly, people with different vectors enjoy different types of activities.

The success and satisfaction of doing what you love depends on the hobby application. So, if an amateur photographer stores a photo only in the memory of his computer, it's a little pleasure. He gets much more satisfaction when he shares his achievements with people and receives from them a response and recognition of his work. Then there is more meaning in the hobby. After all, now he does this not only for himself, he brings joy to people.

To the owner of system-vector thinking, a hobby can tell more about a person than we are used to knowing. Think about how you would answer the question of why your aunt is passionate about knitting, and does not play sports at all? The answer would be something like the following: "She is a homebody, does not really like to move." People with systemic vector knowledge will say much more about the knitter-aunt, moreover, they will be able to explain any of her actions or behaviors, and even the key words in her speech.

So, people are different, because nature has endowed them with different characteristics, and they choose a hobby that suits their type of thinking, their needs. A person with an anal vector will never run at speed, and a skinny will sit knitting. The viewer will not pass by the beautiful, and the sound engineer will not remain indifferent to deep meanings.

You can learn more about vectors in Yuri Burlan's Systemic Vector Psychology classes. Register for free online lectures:
