What is the point in holidays and gifts, or Why is this hype necessary?
Perceiving holidays in form - as a situation when people noisily express their emotions, have fun, sing loudly, talk about everyday things, drink and eat a lot - the sound engineer naturally tries to get away from a pastime that is contrary to him. These "small" joys of life are alien to him. He does not need gifts that are perceived as useless tinsel that clogs the surrounding space and does not allow breathing. It's just that everything material is of little interest to him.
“I never give gifts to anyone and I don’t accept gifts from anyone, what is the point? Many years ago he gave gifts, but he did it not from a pure heart, but out of duty. When he received gifts, he was forced to feign gratitude, although he did not need anything. I don’t need all this. I perceive it as an obsession and unwanted invasion of privacy, as if you are presented with a jack when you do not have a car. The best gift for me is when I am not touched.
I don’t like my birthday because you’re in the spotlight all day and it’s annoying. In general, I do not like holidays, because they seem to me to be meaningless vanity. I never participate in feasts. Feasts since childhood have one meaning for me - drunkenness and idiotic conversations. I don't like New Year either, because there is nothing to keep myself busy during the holidays. I decided to spend the last New Year alone at work: I sat at the computer and studied new programs. I liked this much more than toil with idleness.
Can someone explain why I do not like holidays and gifts and why are they needed at all?"
From a letter on the forum
Why don't you like gifts
You are not at all alone in this attitude to holidays and gifts. At the training System-Vector Psychology by Yuri Burlan, you can learn that this is how the owners of the sound vector, who are only 5% of the world's population, can feel this way. A vector is a set of human desires and properties necessary for their realization.
The desires of the sound vector do not belong to the category of material ones. A person with a sound vector is interested in cognition - from the inanimate world of the Universe to the structure of the psyche. He possesses powerful abstract intelligence, delves into science and programming, and is able to take real pleasure from intellectual challenges, thought process and idea creation. This method of realization presupposes a striving for concentration of thought and for solitude as an opportunity to achieve this concentration.
The sound engineer also has a very delicate hearing, because his ear is an extremely sensitive sensor. That is why he does not like noise and loud sounds, but prefers to sit in silence.
Perceiving holidays in form - as a situation when people noisily express their emotions, have fun, sing loudly, talk about everyday things, drink and eat a lot - the sound engineer naturally tries to get away from a pastime that is contrary to him. These "small" joys of life are alien to him. In such a mood, people often seem to him stupid and fussy. He does not need gifts that are perceived as useless tinsel that clogs the surrounding space and does not allow breathing. It's just that everything material is of little interest to him. True, all this sharply strains only as long as the sound person prefers immersion in himself. This tears him away from the world around him, sometimes leading to depression.

Despite the peculiarities of sound aspirations, the sound engineer is also a person who is not alien to completely earthly desires (due to the presence of other vectors). True, it is difficult for these earthly desires to manifest themselves when the most important - sound desires - are not fully realized and realized. Perhaps he would even like to share the universal joy, to feel what a holiday is, but he does not succeed. And I want to understand why he reacts like that? This is completely natural for a sound engineer, whose conscious or unconscious desire is to know himself and other people.
At the Yuri Burlan's System-Vector Psychology training, the owner of the sound vector not only receives all the answers to his questions about himself, but also reveals for himself the pleasure of communicating with people, stops feeling like a stranger on holidays and even starts giving and receiving gifts with pleasure. What does he learn from the training?
Why do we need holidays?
Initially, the sound engineer is an introvert, and from training we know that the properties we receive from birth develop into their opposite. So, a person with a skin vector, born with a haptile talent to take everything that lies badly, develops in its opposite - in the one who creates the law and restriction, including theft. And the sound engineer needs extraversion, because only among other people can he realize his natural task. Otherwise, constant concentration on yourself, your thoughts and states lead to the loss of connections with the outside world and people. The result of this loss is deep depression and loss of meaning in life.
We can counter this with the possibility of deep knowledge of a person - through the differentiation of his mental properties with the help of knowledge of System-Vector Psychology. On the differences, the sound engineer begins to see: this person is fast, but this one is slow, this one is honest and straightforward, and this one is mentally flexible, this one is very emotional, and this one has emotions hidden deep inside. This is how interest in people arises, there is a desire to see the manifestation of the system in the human psyche.
The holiday is a chance for the sound engineer to think about other people, to concentrate his thoughts outside and to reveal the joy of knowing people. And then the general feast begins to be perceived not as a "booze with idiotic conversations", but an opportunity to observe the manifestations of human properties. Usually, recognizing vectors in a person causes us involuntary joy and an involuntary smile, especially since the sound engineer loves to reveal how everything works.
At the training in System-Vector Psychology, we learn that a joint meal, a common table since ancient times, united people, helped to reduce hostility between them. Food is the very first and most ancient pleasure for humans. During a meal, a huge amount of endorphins is released, a person feels joy and, in the wake of this joy, becomes kinder and more tolerant. Therefore, the ritual of the holiday and the common table, which has such deep roots, has not yet lost its relevance. People unconsciously love holidays - it is so nice sometimes to get rid of oppressive hostility, relax and feel the unity with others.

Why do we need gifts?
A gift for each person means something different. For one, this is a valuable thing that will come in handy on the farm. For another - something completely immaterial: emotion, attention, which are invested in it. And for the third - the opportunity to tune in to a person, to feel his desires and enjoy the understanding of his mental. Someone loves to give gifts more, and someone - to receive.
And for everyone, the gift helps create an emotional connection. Choosing and exchanging gifts, we think about each other, strive to guess each other's aspirations and dreams, and bring joy. An emotional connection strengthens the family. And as the famous Russian proverb says: "One grieves, but the family is at war." A strong family is what supports us in difficult times and brings us together in moments of happiness.
The owner of the sound vector can feel real joy from the process of choosing gifts for loved ones - and give them the same joy if he has knowledge of their vectors. Understanding exactly what each person wants, he really gives what is needed. And then there will be no feeling that they are giving a jack when there is no car and is not expected.
Anyone who has a systemic mindset owns the science of picking up gifts. Here we will show in a nutshell how easy it is to solve the problem with choosing gifts if you know the vector of a person.
Choosing gifts with pleasure
A gift will be a joy if you know exactly the properties of a person and his needs.
A person with an anal vector loves order and cleanliness in the house - give him organizers or boxes for storing little things that are so dear to his heart. Or something for the household: a frying pan for pancakes, towels for the kitchen, a set for cleaning the apartment. His legs are naturally weak, quickly getting tired of tight shoes, so cozy slippers, jurabies, comfortable, soft home shoes will do. A well-published book will also be a valuable gift for him. He is a lover of traditional reading.
Seeking to benefit from everything, the owner of the skin vector always knows what he wants, so he does not like surprises. He doesn't need useless things in the house. Therefore, he will either hint to you what he wants, or make an order in plain text. And try to buy exactly what he ordered you. If there is no way to find out about his wishes, it is better to give money or gift cards to his favorite stores. He will be very pleased.
A person with a visual vector is the most emotional of all. He enjoys gifts most of all and loves to give them to others. The holiday itself is a great gift for him, because by nature he is an extrovert, and this is a chance to communicate with a large number of people. And the very fact of a gift is an opportunity to receive and show the attention that he loves so much.
The viewer likes the rich color palette and pleasant smells. Flowers are an ideal gift for him - bright and fragrant. Beautiful clothes, jewelry, cosmetics, scented candles, postcards - all these little things will truly delight him. And two theater tickets will be an exciting surprise. There is nothing more desirable for him than to spend a romantic evening together with a loved one. And do not forget to pack the gift beautifully, in an original way, he will appreciate it like no other.
We have already gotten to know a little about the properties of the owner of the sound vector, so we will be happy to select the most modern gadget for him to make life easier in the material world. He will also be happy with high-end headphones. He doesn't really need anything else, because access to the Internet gives him the opportunity to listen to his favorite music, read classical, scientific, fantastic literature, learn foreign languages and communicate with like-minded people from any corner of the planet, that is, do everything that he loves so much.

Unleash the joy of life
Perhaps you do not like gifts, but only because you have not yet discovered this pleasure for yourself. Man is born to receive pleasure. When he enjoys, he feels the meaning of life.
A modern person, as a rule, carries several vectors. And along with the sound vector, he at least necessarily has some of the vectors that helps him adapt to life in the physical world. For example, anal or cutaneous.
This means that, having realized the strongest sound desires for knowing oneself and other people, desires of other vectors are sure to awaken in him. Life acquires taste and color, and communication and holidays become desirable. After all, other people bring us the greatest joy. Here is what people who have completed the training in System Vector Psychology by Yuri Burlan write about it:
Silence and loneliness are not the only things a sound engineer wants. Give yourself an understanding of yourself and the world around you.