Effective psychotherapy based on system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan
With the emergence and definition of psychology as a field of scientific knowledge, questions were posed to it, without answers to which it was impossible to designate it as a science of the soul. These questions are obvious and relevant at all times: • What is the nature of the human psyche? • how to explain and predict human behavior from the standpoint of science? • How can you help people enjoy life more?
New systematic work was published in the collection of materials of the XI International Correspondence Scientific and Practical Conference (ISBN 978-5-00021-029-1)

The results of the work based on Yuri Burlan's System-Vector Psychology were successfully presented in section 7 - Psychological Sciences.
The full text, printed on pages 163-167 in the conference collection, is presented here:
With the emergence and definition of psychology as a field of scientific knowledge, questions were posed to it, without answers to which it was impossible to designate it as a science of the soul. These questions are obvious and relevant at all times:
• what is the nature of the human psyche?
• How to explain and predict human behavior from the point of view of science?
• How can you help people enjoy life more?
Today the relevance and demand for psychology has grown to an unprecedented scale. It is in demand not only on the part of consumers of psychological help, but also as an area of career guidance, as well as a tool for a person to understand himself. In response to demand, psychology, a developing and relatively young science, naturally expanded into a number of psychotherapeutic directions. Each of them has a certain structure, a theoretical basis, on which a psychotherapeutic model is subsequently built and, accordingly, the main criteria for evaluating this therapy.
From the history of the formation of psychology as a science, one can see its evolution in the search for the most effective and short-term therapy that can satisfy the client's request and provide a quick and tangible effect - mental comfort, "health" of the soul. However, there are still scientific disputes regarding the definition and criteria for assessing mental and psychological health.
In view of the huge number of different psychotherapeutic directions, it was customary to classify psychotherapeutic methods into three main groups:
- psychoanalytic (psychodynamic), - cognitive-behavioral (behavioral), - humanistic (phenomenological).
Such a division of psychotherapeutic directions is very conditional due to the fact that most psychotherapeutic methods are a mixture of several approaches, where one or another psychotherapeutic approach prevails in different proportions.
In the 20th century, a tool appears with the help of which it is possible to overcome the blurring and fragmented psychotherapeutic methods - the innovative paradigm of Yuri Burlan's system-vector psychology. Based on the methodology of Yuri Burlan, specialists and scientists receive a systemic tool for constructing a psychotherapeutic concept, in which each fragment of practical and research work, in classical terminology referred to as a psychoanalytic, behaviourist or phenomenological principle, takes its exact place in the systemic 8-dimensional volume.
Consider, for example, the definition of a healthy personality, which, within the framework of the humanistic (phenomenological) approach, includes such concepts as: actualization of personal potential, consistency of the self-concept, authenticity, spontaneity.
General medical professionals usually refer their patients to a psychologist or psychotherapist based on the patient's subjective feeling of psychological discomfort. Actually, the majority of independent appeals for help to psychotherapists and psychologists have the same basis.
It was revealed that internal discomfort arises either as a reactive state, clearly associated with a traumatic or stressful situation, or as a general feeling of dissatisfaction with life with growing hostility, up to hatred towards people around, which inevitably leads a person to social isolation and, as a result, social maladjustment or antisocial behavior.
Psychology is moving further and further from the definition of the concept of health solely as the absence of psychopathological phenomena. The demand among people turning to psychologists and psychotherapists is more and more directed not at getting rid of suffering, but at getting joy out of life. According to observations, more and more expectations of patients in psychotherapeutic practice are aimed at gaining that very happiness. Patients with endogenous and reactive depressive disorders may receive temporary relief when their severe conditions are relieved by pharmacotherapy. But, as clinical experience shows, this turns out to be insufficient for patients. They ask for a "happiness pill".
Anhedonia as an inability to have pleasure cannot be stopped with medication, because anhedonia is a "hole", a void that requires not resection into an even larger hole, but an indispensable filling with a tendency to constant increase. In this sense, the best and only cure for anhedonia and a "pill of happiness" is the actualization of personal potential or self-realization.
The actualization of personal potential is possible only in the case of authenticity, the achievement of that state, which in Jungian terms is called "selfhood", through knowledge of oneself. Self-knowledge also involves the definition of personal potential with its subsequent implementation. And, as a result, joy, filling the inner emptiness and finding happiness - taking into account the personal potential. Here the concept of "personal potential" is considered as the psychic properties of a person given by nature.
Abulia and apathy are also worth mentioning here. Abulia is a lack of desire. One of Shakespeare's plays says: "Desire is the father of thought." And indeed it is. Desires as lacks naturally give rise to thoughts to satisfy these desires. Thoughts are manifested by action. The action is realized through the body, which also has all the necessary properties and quality characteristics for such an implementation. Acting in accordance with our desire, we destroy desire, filling it. Desire disappears when filled. But a new desire arises, and the “new father of a new thought” gives rise to action again.
The mechanism is quite simple. Why then apathy and abulia arise? Why does a person stop feeling desire? Why refuses thought and action on the path to his personal "happiness"? And what is happiness? Happiness is the process of fulfilling your desires. The key word is "ours" - not imposed, but their own, given by nature. And personality traits (cognitive, emotional and bodily) are designed to serve their own desires - both unconscious and transferred into the conscious sphere.
It is necessary to devote a separate article to the consideration of the mechanism of the formation of abulia and apathy in the light of Yuri Burlan's system-vector psychology. Now let's get back to the “pill of happiness” or the actualization of personal potential.
Actualization and realization of personal potential - this is the filling of one's own personal desires and receiving pleasure from it. And how to differentiate your desire, separating it from someone else's, imposed? How to find out your personal potential, the properties of your psyche, quality characteristics that can ideally provide the fulfillment of desires? For this, a tool was found - the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan.
The methodology of system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan equips with an accurate tool, allowing to achieve massive results in relieving severe conditions in the inner mental volume of a person and supporting mental health, in developing and realizing a personality, which meets all the criteria of the psychotherapeutic approach in general and its humanistic branch in particular. This makes the system-vector paradigm an irreplaceable and unique direction in modern psychology and psychotherapy. By defining and differentiating his desires, a person in a very short time is able to achieve authenticity and actualization of personal potential, and, as a result, filling with joy and getting rid of psychological discomfort. This explains the effectiveness of system-vector psychology, which was expressed in a significant number of positive results,marked by listeners after the training.
The authors of this article, a psychiatrist and a psychologist, cannot imagine effective psychotherapy without involving the patient in the process of self-knowledge and self-realization. And the shortest way in this direction is the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan.
System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan does not cancel all the accumulated knowledge and practical conclusions in psychology, but allows us to comprehend all the accumulated experience at a qualitatively new level and "separate the wheat from the chaff." The systematic approach allows you to integrate and systematize the information obtained in psychotherapeutic practice into a single structured whole, obeying clear and definite laws. To use in your professional arsenal such a tool as the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan means having a qualitative advantage in the provision of professional psychological and psychiatric care.
List of references:
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