New educational standards
It's no secret that school in many cases has turned into a boring pastime and has become far from real life. One conclusion suggests itself: to reform! How? Another question.
Only the lazy does not speak about the problems in education today. Everyone can throw a stone into the garden of Russian education. To accuse teachers of incompetence, students of "stupidity", society of immorality, the media in an effort to show all the worst and shocking to the public.
Talking, debating, defending our opinions before losing consciousness, looking for the guilty, pouring from empty to empty - that's what we have learned to do with brilliance. Meanwhile, this does not solve the accumulated problems, but only aggravates them. Timid attempts to reform the legacy Soviet education system fail miserably.

Statistics show this every year. Child crime is on the rise, and the quality of education is declining. For example, according to the results of the Program For International Student Assessment for 2009 from 65 participating countries, our students rank 38th in terms of mathematical literacy, 39th in natural sciences, and 43rd in readership. The USA, China, Japan and practically all of Europe are ahead of us, and behind such countries as Colombia, Chile, Thailand.
It's no secret that school in many cases has turned into a boring pastime and has become far from real life. One conclusion suggests itself: to reform! The changes are ripe and overripe. The country's leadership ordered to act. No sooner said than done. How? Another question.
"Our hearts demand change"
Since 2005, the best minds in our education (as evidenced by all kinds of scientific degrees, pedagogical awards, titles) have begun to work on creating new standards in education. Second generation standards. Abbreviated FSES (federal state educational standards).
The fundamental difference is that the standard is based on the idea of a social contract and was widely discussed by society. It takes into account the interests of social order from the state, society and family. It does not contain the content of education, specific criteria of knowledge are not spelled out, only the basic principles, goals of education and the desired result are stated.
In 2011, the elementary school switched to the approved standards. In 2012, it is planned to transfer the basic school, and by 2020 all high school students will be trained according to the new standards.
The most violent controversy flared up around the discussion of the Federal State Educational Standard for high school. Let's dwell on them in more detail.
Blinded from what was
The goals of education in high school are designated as good: “Formation of the Russian civic identity of students; unity of the educational space of the Russian Federation”. The criteria of the graduate have also been determined: “Who loves his land and his Fatherland; realizing and accepting the values of human life, family, civil society, the multinational Russian people, humanity; actively and interestedly learning the world; able to learn, aware of the importance of education and self-education for life and work, able to apply the knowledge gained in practice; socially active, respecting the law and the rule of law; respecting other people, able to conduct a constructive dialogue, reach mutual understanding, cooperate to achieve common results; consciously fulfilling the rules of a healthy and environmentally sound lifestyle;oriented in the world of professions”.

Is it really beautifully written? Foldable. Of course, I would like to see all high school students just like that. Why are teachers so indignant and in every possible way discarding the introduction of the new standard?
From heaven to earth
The portrait of a school graduate is in no way supported by the content of education, the real conditions of education, the necessary qualified teaching staff.
Teachers reasonably ask questions that hang in the air without an answer, namely:
- How can the quality of education be improved if, according to the new standards, instead of a unified program, the school will have to ensure that students can choose their own profile of education?
Now in any educational program there will be two parts - compulsory and formed at the school's choice: natural science, humanitarian, socio-economic, technological, universal profile. Where can I get the right specialists?
- Are children willing to consciously choose the items they want? And what should they do if at the last moment they decide to enter not a humanitarian, but a technical university, while they did not study physics or chemistry (they become optional subjects)?
- How can you combine literature and the Russian language into one subject and limit yourself to compulsory reading of 100 books?
- Are the parents willing to pay extra for all children for additional study of subjects in excess of 37 hours a week, which is guaranteed by the state?
- If in ten years the Unified State Exam has not proved itself to be the best, then why is another mandatory Unified State Exam in a foreign language introduced in the new standards?
- What to do with an individual project introduced from elementary school?

Proverbial salary
The new system of teachers' remuneration should ensure the quality of the FSES. Schools are being transferred to self-sufficiency. Introduce business principles. The state will place an order for an educational institution and transfer funds depending on the number of children. Lure as you want. Work with parents, form a high rating of the educational institution.
The new system of financing schools, paying teachers' salaries looks great in theory. The efficiency of each teacher's work, the quality of school knowledge is taken into account. The one who works well gets more. A school's ranking affects its budget. Parents and their children vote with their hands and feet. It is considered that where there are more of them, there is the best quality of education.
Outsider schools close, their students are transferred to a better institution. Due to this, to increase the budget of good schools and, accordingly, the salaries of teachers. It didn't work out. According to teachers, where the new salary system has already entered into force, there is no increase in motivation to work. The school total budget remains the same. In addition, as they did not pay, they do not pay for individual work with a student and preparation for olympiads and competitions.
Contrary to expectations, there was no new staff either. Retired teachers do not leave, because with the pension and the salary finally becomes normal. There is no place for young teachers, and there are not enough incentives to work. There is no paid institute of mentoring; there is little practice at a pedagogical university.
On top of that, a paradox arises: the better teachers work at school, the less they get paid. On all the premium part is not enough. It is clear that without an increase in the wage fund, any games with a motivation system will not give any sense. The question arises, how to increase teachers' salaries without increasing budget expenditures?
Everything is again reduced to the help of parents. Here who is in that much. Ready to fight for a medal? For good grades? Excellent knowledge? Do you want your child to study in decent, comfortable conditions? We are investing, comrades parents, we are investing!

In addition, teachers admit that the results of the quality of education during certification take into account the USE indicators, the parents of students are also expecting good results for passing this exam, therefore the entire process of teaching high school students is largely reduced to coaching to pass it.
Reports are written about upbringing, speeches are beautifully spoken, but in fact very few people are engaged in it. Not before. The teacher became a teacher, not a teacher. What they pay for, what they take into account, so we work. The cart with an efficient payment system and a challenging grading ladder remains stationary today.
Cause of marking time
Let's try to look at the reform of the education system in Russia through the prism of the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan.
The reason that "reforms are perishing in the bud" is that we are trying to fit into other people's clothes and make them fit. It doesn't work, or rather, it turns out very badly.
If the mentality of Western European peoples is dominated by the values of a developed skin vector - law-abidingness, discipline, responsibility, dedication, reasonable frugality, engineering thinking, then in the Russian mental space the skin measure is not developed. We are dealing with the dark side of this vector - envy, the desire to save money in small ways, to grab everything that is bad, complete disrespect for the laws: "The law is like a rod: where you turn, it goes there."
In an effort to borrow from Western experience, Western skin training standards, we do not understand that this is impossible given the general archetypal nature of the Russian skin vector. Therefore, it thrives in all spheres of society, including education, theft and bribery. No Unified State Exam will save you from bribes, and those who could pay for it will continue to enter universities.
In addition, we forget that the Soviet education system was the best in the world and forged golden cadres, which spread throughout the world with perestroika. Under the conditions of the urethral mentality and the urethral social formation (USSR), each student could not only unlearn at school for free, enter the best university in the country, but also finish it without the financial help of his parents, while receiving the widest range of knowledge in a variety of disciplines.

It should be understood that the educational standards offered today are not initially valid. There will never be healthy competition on the basis of archetypal skin, which means that such a system will lead to an even greater prevalence of bribery and machinations within the system, at the same time destroying its “uncompetitive”, but its best elements.
New reforms do not create equal conditions and equal opportunities for starting each child, do not open the door to a world of new perspectives. Unfortunately no. We are only creating the basis for even greater stratification of society - according to the principle of access to normal education. And we bury the "golden" teachers, representatives of the anal vector, who have not been able to adapt to modern realities and have not learned to earn their living by "attracting students."
To be continued.