Irreversible changes in the biochemistry of the Russian brain. Epidemic of nepotism and corruption
Corruption in Russia on a modern scale is the greatest threat to the development of the entire state. In second place is our famous nepotism, which permeates all spheres. Does a huge state have a future if everyone in our country strives to solve cases not according to the law, but for bribes or in a related manner?
Today I would like to talk about corruption in Russia without critical accusations familiar to the Internet. This phenomenon exists, and it appeared without the help of any aliens from space. We created it ourselves.

There is no longer any doubt that corruption in Russia on a modern scale is the greatest threat to the development of the entire state. In second place is our famous nepotism, which permeates all spheres, practically not inferior to corruption. Does a huge state have a future if everyone in our country strives to solve cases not according to the law, but for bribes or in a related manner?
Are there humane ways to change the situation in our heterogeneous society?
What is corruption - Russian size
Translated from Latin, "corruption" is bribery, seduction, corruption by bribes (officials), we read in the Explanatory Dictionary of D. N. Ushakov (1935-1940). The meaning of the word implies that the action of seduction, corruption and bribery is performed on officials who are, in this context, passive objects of action.
But do we mean this when we scold officials and the authorities for rampant corruption in Russia and the countries of the former Soviet Union?
Let's look at our society from a different perspective. Let's look at us as the creators and support group for Russian corruption. After all, everything starts with our I and our WANT. We WANT, but we are not allowed, and then we either look for relatives and friends to "settle" the issue in our favor, or "grease" with gifts and sincerely hope to get what we want.
Based on the magnitude of our desire, we GIVE sweets, coffee, champagne, cognac, envelopes with money, smartphones, household appliances, our body, we present kickbacks, cars, apartments, companies, accounts in Swiss banks …
Needless to say, someone is forcing us to do this, that officials come to our house, call our work, send e-mail with offers of compensated assistance. It's just that we - due to the peculiarity of our urethral-muscular mentality - always separate the people from the bureaucrats, and dump the blame on the latter.
Our roles are constantly changing: today I accept gifts from grateful parents of my students, and tomorrow I bring them to the military registration and enlistment office so that my dermal-visual son is not taken into the army. The cycle of gifts in a corrupt Russian society.

Only the Russian archetypal skin vector could have invented the proverb "From prison and from the bag - do not renounce." Mentally, we are ready to suddenly get rich and pay for it. By a pike's command, riding on the Little Humpbacked Horse with a Goldfish in his bosom, a frog in his pocket We passionately wish to get everything for free at once.
At the same time, we are light on the loss of wealth - the imprint of the urethral mentality.
The fight against corruption in Russia from Tsar Ivan to the present day
The first "anti-corruption legislation" in Russia appeared during the reign of Ivan III. And his grandson Ivan IV, nicknamed the Terrible, issued a decree according to which the bribe-taking officials were simply executed.
Peter I tried to build a system of combating corruption in the Russian state. He came up with one reform after another to exterminate the economic crime in the country. In Russia, the potatoes, coffee, cocoa introduced by Peter I into the diet took root, but the emperor could not change the outlook of his subjects about bribes.
Later, Catherine II declared war on bribery, who continued the list of Russian tsars with an urethral vector. She acted extremely decisively, but she also managed to defeat the greed of officials to "left" incomes only partially.
During the reign of Paul I, salaries were paid to officials in depreciating paper money, and many civil servants returned to the practice of bribes.
In the era of changes associated with the October Revolution, much has changed in Russia, but corruption has survived. In 1918, the Council of People's Commissars issued a decree on bribery, and in 1922, under the Criminal Code, execution was provided for for crimes of a similar nature. In the fight against corruption in Russia, at the direction of Felix Dzerzhinsky, a bribe-taker could have been shot on the spot without trial or investigation.
After the Great Patriotic War, Stalin faced a new war - inside the country. In the fight against nepotism and corruption in Russia, many high party and military officials were brought to justice for using their official position for personal gain. It was impermissible to use any influence to promote family interests, or for bribes. But the mentality of Russians towards corruption has not changed, despite harsh repression.
After Stalin's death during the thaw and the subsequent stagnation, corruption and nepotism in Russia flourished in a wild color. Almost all material goods become available to the population only through pull. Officials are supplied with rations, and the gap between the people and the state people is widening even more.
Corruption in Russia - is a fight necessary?
If today all of us and each individually seduces and actively corrupts officials with our requests, gifts, gifts, if we are categorically not going to comply with laws that seem unfair to us, then how can we fight the famous Russian corruption?
In order to determine the methods of combating corruption in Russia, a few words should be said about the reasons for its occurrence and spread from the point of view of system-vector psychology. In a special combination of the urethral-muscular mentality, WE all wish justice, as WE understand it, and let the law prevail somewhere in Rome.
The skin vector is a law and a limitation. The opposite is also true: it is the skin people who are the first lawbreakers, the best of the best, when it comes to finding a loophole or "hole" wherever it is. A person is born as an archetypal animal that goes through a developmental process in contact with the outside world. Therefore, any inner desire for useful and constructive activity for society is a time-consuming process of maturation and development of the properties given to man by nature, that is, nature is assigned to us, but not provided. And if a person was born dermal, then it is not at all necessary that he will become an engineer, manager or legislator. Corruption in Russia rests on people with a skin vector.

Russia is a country of skin bosses. And for the infidel in Russia, from childhood, the value becomes "absolute freedom" or, in other words, "I can do whatever I want," and "after me, even a flood." Unlimited permissiveness is the most underdeveloped skin vector.
In a country with a urethral mentality, the skin vector has neither an internal desire to comply with laws, nor an external support for its development, that is, the environment where children grow up does not become a springboard and base for breaking away from the "primitive" thieving skin thinking. There are no necessary skin value systems, on the contrary, there is the value of skin laxity like Ostap Bender.
Therefore, people with a skin vector often extol an example of a successful existence and advancement in life of deceivers, thieves, dishonest businessmen and bribe-takers. The good old motto of all corrupt officials: “Money does not smell” is approved in Russia, and the skin vector has not received its true development in Russian society until now.
And no matter what happened before - a bribe or its request, we know that all this is a manifestation of the undeveloped properties of the skin vector. This irresistible thirst to get something, to advance socially or financially, bypassing the rules, and gave rise to this way of achieving what you want.
The important fact is that we all take part in this cycle of gifts and tributes. So who should our state fight against? With all of us? If you imagine for a moment the result of this fight against corruption in Russia, then the picture of violent reprisals can be terrifying.
How quickly will the state collapse due to the fight against corruption in Russia?
President on corruption in Russia
Both ordinary citizens and cultural figures today are not indifferent to the issue of Russia's corruption. As an example - an open letter to Russian President Andrei Makarevich about corruption in Russia this summer. Vladimir Putin commented on it: “This is not an easy task. It cannot be solved only by repressive methods - it is multifaceted …
You see, the fact is that it’s not a bad thing that people are paying attention to this problem. But how to root out corruption - I think that hardly anyone who pays attention to this can say that they can offer effective ways to combat corruption in Russia.
But there are things of a general nature. We need to develop institutions of democracy, civil society, free media. All this is correct, of course it is. But even that is not enough. We need more solid and serious work, we need to change the mentality of society."
A systematic view of corruption in Russia
It is positive that today there is still a way to stop corruption and nepotism in Russia from within, without resorting to repressive methods of struggle.
In our country with a special mentality, it is very important for a person to be ruled by shame and conscience, it is important to feel justice at all levels. The law in Russia does not work: on the one hand, the rejection of the dry letter of the law, on the other hand, is an archetypal desire to profit at someone else's expense, which is why it is so important to revive social shame in every person to eradicate corruption in Russia.
Contradictory mental processes are revealed by the author of system-vector psychology, Yuri Burlan, as a manifestation of programs assigned to man by nature. Realizing the reasons prompting to take bribes and arrange their children in warm places, everyone is able to see behind this only the underdevelopment of the skin vector, expressed in the desire to receive, first of all, his own personal benefit. But nature has laid down a mechanism in us for obtaining greater satisfaction when giving our labor for the good of other people.
When a critical mass of people understands and experiences this for themselves, imitation of grabbers and bribe-takers will go out of fashion, which many now follow. A person will begin to realize the differences in the manifestations of a developed vector and an underdeveloped one within himself, in a couple, in society, and will begin to see his place on this scale of development. And when a person clearly feels the difference between good and bad, social shame is born. It arises by itself, from within.
A person is an extremely egoistic creature from the moment of birth, but, growing and developing, this egoism can take different forms - have a tiny pleasure, caring exclusively for himself, and a much greater pleasure from realizing his properties to the fullest, investing in something demanded by society.
The developed skin vector seeks to develop and improve the processes taking place around, to establish and standardize them for the sake of mutual benefit and benefit. Today these are large-scale business decisions, these are really working social institutions, this is an unprecedented saving of time and effort, thanks to technological progress, etc. And this is one direction of thinking.

It is a completely different matter when in thoughts of permissiveness, impunity, the ability to pay in order to get something bypassing the law is perceived as the norm, when it is considered normal - to the fullest extent of one's undeveloped desire - to go over the heads of others, professing exclusively morality and I will go mine the way”, regardless of anyone.
And if any person, habitually scolding corruption in Russia, implies that he is not involved in the process of accepting and giving bribes, this is a delusion. There is no opposition on US and on THEM, there is a common mental WE, our common mental. Everyone living in this country is involved in the maintenance and development of corruption in Russia, like everyone else. He is involved because he does not interfere or does not sufficiently interfere at the level available to him, he is involved, even if he simply does not understand the reasons for this phenomenon.
Ignorance of the laws of the world order does not absolve from responsibility.