The majority of people live according to the principle “mine is mine, and yours is also mine”. In Russia, this translates into absolute money-grubbing …
Fragment of the lecture notes for the Second Level on the topic "Money":
The majority of people live according to the principle “mine is mine, and yours is also mine”. In Russia, this translates into absolute acquisitiveness.
Banker Vasya has taken the lead and is ready to live according to the advanced principle “mine is mine, and yours is yours”. Such Vasya appears on TV and says that he earned everything with his labor (in the sense that others did not earn it with their labor). At the same time, Vasya forgets to say that he was born in a big city and in a good family, he had all the conditions for development and education. He did not order the birth, but was born with a six-vector polymorph.
He was tuned in for a good life. In general, I learned well myself, however, when I had to go to college and were accepted only through connections, my dad helped. No other worthy ones were taken. Graduated, went to the Komsomol work, my dad helped to get a job. I pulled out a large project, earned money myself, well, it's true, my dad helped to win the right to the project.

Thus, the first part - to make money - Vasya successfully completed, thanks to the conditions, well, dad helped a little. And now Vasya wants to fulfill the second part - to keep his earnings. And therefore I am ready to live according to the principle “mine is mine, and yours is yours”.
Petya is listening to Vasya. Petya was born without anything, without six vectors, without special talents. The family is an alcoholic and a drunkard, a watchman and a construction worker. He also did not order it, neither his parents, nor his place of birth … He learned to be a turner - they do not get paid. Petya is sitting in a dilapidated apartment. Collective labor and distribution of benefits no longer exist - there is no one to ask from. Petya has no place in society, and therefore he drinks.
And then Vasya comes out and says: "And I earned everything with my work!" Inexperienced people hear with their ear and agree - it seems fair. Actually, no. Why on earth?
Nature takes the minimum for herself and gives the maximum of her abilities to others. From each according to his ability, and to each according to his needs. Mine is yours, and yours is also yours. This is collective labor. In Russia, only such conditions bring peace and preserve the integrity of the state, under other systems this is impossible …
Continuation of the abstract on the forum:
Written down by Alexander Kuternin. January 24, 2014
A comprehensive understanding of this and other topics is formed on a full oral training in system-vector psychology