Mat is intimate
Mate is intimate. We don't run down the street without panties. Swearing is even worse than running without panties. When we create an intimate connection, it is not carried out, we hide. This is culture …
Fragment of the lecture notes of the Second Level on the topic "Word":
In modern society, we should not speak foul language. There is no need to intensify the process of disintegration, thereby removing our flimsy cultural layer, therefore, obscenities on television should be prohibited.
When oralists speak obscenely and teach others as children, they break through our concealment of repressed primary sexual urges. Well, so that we know how this simple thing is done, otherwise we ourselves will not guess.
It is not forbidden for dogs, monkeys and other animals to “speak obscenely” - to do this simple thing between parents and children. In our country, the attraction of men and the behavior of women is regulated, there is a ban on incest. When we use foul language with our parents, we are violating the prohibition of incest. Mat is a strong word. And if the urethral son and the skin-visual mother will not have injuries from this, then for everyone else these are injuries, dysfunctional mental processes. Even adult children after passing puberty should not exchange obscenities with their parents.

The urge to use obscenities arises with sexual shortages. If these shortages are filled, such a desire goes away.
Mate is intimate. We don't run down the street without panties. Swearing is even worse than running without panties. When we create an intimate connection, it is not carried out, we hide. This is culture. Even swearing oral sounds can't stand someone else's mate. People who want to preserve their sound cannot stand the mat.
Any person is ready to perceive the oral word, because for each person it is primary to survive at any cost and continue oneself in time (in children). But not a sound engineer. Swearing is disgusting for a sound person, especially a sound woman.
Even when a person with a sound vector adapts the checkmate, it is still to the detriment. It is necessary to exclude obscenities from the environment and not tell them. An anal person is ready to kill his wife for treason, and a sound person is even more capable of murder for a mate.
The oral word about animal shortages, the sound word about the spiritual are two opposites …
Continuation of the abstract on the forum:
Written by Victoria Gogoleva. December 21, 2013
A comprehensive understanding of this and other topics is formed in the full oral training "System-vector psychology".