Children are not mine or yours, this is the future of the people, the state
In the West, a situation is being formed where the state is not the owner of the child. Just a little - they take the child. Because our nepotism, the feeling of our blood is purely an animal. The instinct for our children has not been canceled, but consciousness limits our animal behavior …
Fragment of the lecture notes for the Second Level on the topic "Children and Parents":
In the West, there is no such thing for a husband and wife during a divorce to agree on how their child will continue to live. Only in the presence of a judge. And then, if they both show that they are ready to agree. Alimony is appointed even without trial, all according to the law. If suddenly he does not pay alimony, he is simply imprisoned for four months. And then they ask: “How is it? Liked? Will you pay now?"
Former husband and wife in the West may hate each other, but as it is supposed to behave according to the law, so they behave. They do not turn children against the other parent and do not say: "You now have no father / mother."
We do not have such regulation, there is no such law as in the West. Whoever is in that much, and manipulates the court, children. All with hostile intentions.
The world is increasingly slipping into the fact that a child grows up with only one parent, and both are involved in upbringing (support of the second parent is required). Systematically at the global level, we understand why this was done - in order to destroy nepotism. That which gives rise to a person in the anal phase of human development - that is, the family and the principle of his blood - in the skin phase pulls him to the bottom. It is the possessive feelings of our blood that get the better of us when we shout with foam at the mouth: "This is my child, I will kill everyone for him!"
In the West, a situation is being formed where the state is not the owner of the child. Just a little - they take the child. Because our nepotism, the feeling of our blood is purely an animal. The instinct for our children has not been canceled, but consciousness limits our animal behavior. It is difficult for people to cope with the animal instinct for children, so there is a court so that people do not bang their heads with each other.

In Europe and America, even such a regulation is now emerging, when a child is confiscated from old parents, because he was born with the selfish purpose of supporting them in old age. And whether the elderly have enough time to raise this child to their feet, they did not think.
We are outraged by the Western order, we see injustice in it. And yes, in our country this process of avoiding nepotism will happen differently, in accordance with our natural urethral mentality.
In order to somehow orientate, let's say that there was no nepotism in the USSR. Not a single Stalinist minister would even dream of helping his son a little. Their thoughts were not formed that way. It's not being served right now. History has been rewritten. In the USSR, only your efforts, your talent helped you move up the social ladder. And nothing else.
One way or another, through skin standardization or through the urethral sensation of higher justice, we collectively move towards the realization of a simple truth: children are not mine or yours, they are the future of the people, the state …
Continuation of the notes on the forum:
Recorded by Eugene Korol. January 4, 2014
A comprehensive understanding of this and other topics is formed on the full oral training "System-vector psychology"