Eurasianism. Consolidation under the cover of Russia
Why has the Russian state instinctively sought to recreate Eurasian unity throughout its existence? And what gives us the audacity to believe that we can repeat the unprecedented? The system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan for the first time examines geopolitical, ethnographic and historical processes from the point of view of the eight-dimensional matrix of the mental unconscious at the level of the mentality of entire nations.
Speaking about the role of Russia in the modern world, the President defined the priority direction of foreign policy - the all-round development of integration in the post-Soviet space: “We are not going to fence ourselves off from anyone and confront anyone. The Eurasian Union will be built on universal integration principles as an integral part of Greater Europe, united by the common values of freedom, democracy and market laws. Vladimir Putin. Izvestia, 03.10.11.
We tend to perceive the statements of the country's leadership with the usual skepticism. Twenty years of disappointment for history is not a long time, but for collecting the fragments of Soviet land, this hellish work, which, undoubtedly, "will be done and is being done already" is probably not enough. Nevertheless, there are already some tangible results.
Below I would like to dwell on the Eurasian Union, this global integration project, the internal potential of which is determined not only by the urgent tasks of the political moment, but also by more powerful hidden interdependencies at the level of ethnogenesis, mentality, ideology and psychology. It is no coincidence that the stake on him in the new political game is so high.
Where did the Eurasian Union come from?
To answer this question, you need to return to a somewhat more distant past than the creation of the CIS, and find yourself in emigration together with Prince Nikolai Sergeevich Trubetskoy, a linguist, philosopher, and ideologist of Eurasianism. Having left his homeland, Nikolai Sergeevich, like his comrades-in-arms in the Eurasian movement, did not leave Russia with his thoughts, he constantly turned mentally to its fate.

For all the inconsistency of the then Eurasianism, one cannot fail to note the book by NS Trubetskoy "The Legacy of Genghis Khan", which was truly ahead of its time. The ideas expressed in the book found a natural development in L. N. Gumilyov's theory of ethnogenesis, who significantly enriched Eurasianism and made his unique contribution to the development of this direction, in particular, the concept of "passionarity", which the Eurasians did not know.
The system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan for the first time examines geopolitical, ethnographic and historical processes from the point of view of the eight-dimensional matrix of the mental unconscious at the level of the mentality of entire nations.
The ideas of Eurasianism, expressed nearly a hundred years ago, are now experiencing a rebirth and are being visibly embodied in the contemporary political struggle of Russia for a multipolar world. One cannot help but see that the vector of Russian policy is gradually changing direction from west to east. Eurasia, the state unification of which was first carried out by Genghis Khan, again dictates to us the need for unity.
Of eight vectors in eight centuries: the choice of the fate of the people
Why has the Russian state, throughout its entire existence, instinctively strives to recreate Eurasian unity, and what gives us the audacity to believe that we can repeat the unprecedented? LN Gumilev's theoretical calculations about ethnogenesis are confirmed by the theory of system-vector psychology, which considers the development of society in an indissoluble connection with the eight-dimensional mental unconscious.
For eight centuries, the mentality of Russia was formed in order to be imprinted by a common urethral-muscular superstructure in the mental unconscious of every thinking "in Russian". How did this process take place?
The bearers of the muscle mentality were the tribes that inhabited the woodlands and river valleys, the urethral mentality was the steppe. Fulfilling the historical task set by nature itself, Genghis Khan, according to Eurasian scientists, united the steppe under his rule, and through the steppe and the rest of Eurasia.
Why exactly the steppe was a unifying factor, and not a system of rivers, for example, where settled peoples, economically more developed than the nomadic steppe dwellers, lived? The fact is that the systems of large rivers go in the meridian direction, while the steppe system covers all of Eurasia from east to west, besides there are many river systems and not all of them depend on each other, and the steppe system is basically one. The people, who mastered the steppes, subjugated the rivers flowing through them.
The mentality of Russia is defined by systemic-vector psychology as urethral-muscular, which means that the features of both vectors - urethral and muscular - are manifested in it. What manifestations are we talking about here? Let's turn back to history and remember what kind of ruler Genghis Khan was.

Keeping a nomadic soul
Most of all vices he hated betrayal and cowardice. Without hesitation, he executed those who helped him, betraying their former rulers, and showered gifts on those who remained loyal to their leaders, even if this faith was unprofitable and deadly for them. The great commander needed people of a certain psychotype who put the general well-being above their own, the safety of the tribe above their life. It was on such people that he built his empire. The rest was destroyed.
People whose mental makeup was appreciated by Genghis Khan, for the most part, were among the nomads. Sedentary tribes more than nomadic tribes appreciated their comfort and peace, were tied to the cultivated land, warm houses, while the nomads, accustomed to limiting themselves in the marching life to the most necessary, did not even consider this limitation.
The well-being of a nomad depends on livestock. Cattle fall - it's bad, but the nomad cannot influence this, because his outlook on life is fatalistic, he lives like the wind, not opposing himself to the forces of nature. You can improve your well-being by plundering and conquering new territories, but here everything depends only on personal valor, dedication, fearlessness, courage.
Genghis Khan understood that all these qualities would be preserved in human material only if the nomadic way of life was preserved, therefore, in his will he warned his descendants against settling down and acquiring the accompanying slave psychology. Genghis Khan did not respect the class; a simple shepherd could also enter the higher ranks if he possessed the necessary mental properties or, in terms of system-vector psychology, a urethral vector.
Genghis Khan and Byzantium: Adaptation to Settlement
The state idea of the great Genghis Khan possessed an irresistible attractive force for those conquered by him, but it had to be adapted, made our own, Orthodox. Thanks to the Byzantine tradition, the ideas of Genghis Khan were embodied in a new unrecognizable form, having received a Byzantine Christian foundation. (N. S. Trubetskoy).
A psychological explanation for these processes is given by a systemic view: in the anal phase of human development, the final formation of the urethral-muscular mentality of Russia took place, which, in combination with the ideas of Christianity, not only adapted “nomadic” values for a sedentary lifestyle, but also gave another integral component of the Russian spiritual tradition - incessant audio search. The pure urethral mentality of the steppe nomads was deprived of spiritual search, they already had everything that the nomads needed, the rest was taken by raids, and religiosity was reduced to shamanism.

This is how a unique, contradictory mentality, unlike any other Russian mentality, developed: a fusion of the will for unlimited freedom and slavish obedience, religiosity and atheism.
Grow by peoples without destroying them
The Russian urethral mentality is always expansion, passionarity, imperial thinking. Russia subjugated to itself, including in its composition or conquering many peoples, without making anyone slaves and not exterminating. Some of them themselves asked to be part of Russia - urethral passionarity is incredibly attractive, it gives security, provides its return to all those in need. It is interesting that all the peoples of Russia have survived to this day, unlike, say, the North American Indians.
Who was nobody became a member of the pack
The Russian Empire was replaced by the urethral Soviet Union, it came prematurely, in spite of the skin phase of society's development that was already gaining strength at that time. The future often comes to us in the form of inclusions of something new and incomprehensible. The urethral mentality of Russia happily accepted the ideas of revolution, nowhere else, despite all the efforts of the Internationals, the ideas of social equality did not take root at that time, even in France, which had a serious revolutionary experience, but a mentality different from Russia.
Who was nobody, got the opportunity to become everything. Estates' prejudices were abolished, the system again simplified to the steppe Mongol freemen, turned into an "anti-system" (L. N. Gumilyov) in order to survive in a hostile environment of the enemies of the revolution.
To go against the world order, one had to possess colossal strength. Only the urethral quadruple living substance in the mental unconscious of the overwhelming majority of the country's citizens could do this. The muscular livestock, having risen under the red banners, became an invincible urethral army, where each soldier valued victory above his own life. Before such an army, charged with the passionarity of the urethral leaders and commanders, the regular white units retreated in fear.

To one who does not know how to give is death
It was incredible and inexplicable by nothing, except for the unique mental state of the Reds, truly the spirit of Genghis Khan enchanted them. The revolution drowned the country in blood. Under bloody banners, in the cold and endless urethral steppe, they mercilessly destroyed the recalcitrant, disagreeable and simply did not understand how it was to give the last calf, chicken, the last piece of bread to the common cauldron.
Giving is a natural property of only the urethral vector, only he enjoys giving, the remaining seven measures must go through the most difficult path of development before voluntarily giving his blood into the wrong hands. The revolution did not have time to wait until the people grow up (under) consciousness - dispossession, surplus appropriation and famine became the teachers of the masses.
The training was effective. For seventy years, the state of workers and peasants carried out urethral returns on shortages in one completely utopian country taken separately, approaching the communist slogan "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs."
The Union is dead, long live the Union!
The utopia taken separately had to end someday. The Soviet Union, eaten away by metastases of archetypal skin, collapsed overnight. The urethral mentality is unusually strong, but there is also a hole in it - skin, which, in the case of urethral freedom, does not reach development into the law and remains at the level of the thieves' archetype. The urethral state tried to encapsulate the skin archetype, guided by the principle of "a thief should be in prison." Theft was outside the law of the state, but, most importantly, outside the law of man. The failure of the country into the cutaneous phase turned the former social outcasts into the masters of life. Until now, we are at the mercy of the musculocutaneous officials.
Yuri Burlan's system-vector psychology shows that what we felt as a catastrophe was just the restoration of the current world order. The period of realizing that there is a skin social formation in the yard took us 20 years.
Now we are gradually recovering, leaving utopian fantasies to the past, but there is no escape from the urethral mentality. We are restoring the body of the Russian state, and even if “not all the cranes flew at once,” as the President joked, summing up the results of the recent APEC summit, we will treat all of them with care, as far as possible, of course.

Time to gather strength. To gather a “flock” of close-minded strong and freedom-loving people, with whom we were once together, but life scattered. Integration blood flow is already being restored along the most important arteries of the steppe Eurasian core. According to experts, only the benefit from the use of the Northern Sea Route, the Trans-Siberian Railway and the BAM may amount to 670 billion dollars by 2020.
The benefits from the unification of the countries of Eurasia into a single Union in monetary terms cannot be calculated. We are talking here about ensuring the stability of the modern world order. The Eurasian Union is the future, the birth of which is taking place before our eyes.