Classes For Preparing Children For School: Easy, Interesting, Systematic

Classes For Preparing Children For School: Easy, Interesting, Systematic
Classes For Preparing Children For School: Easy, Interesting, Systematic

Classes for preparing children for school: easy, interesting, systematic

The child's socialization, his ability to interact in a children's team, with adults, the ability to adequately perceive new requirements and live by new rules play an important role in determining the level of psychological preparation of children for school by a school psychologist …

- Have you already prepared for school?

- We bought a diary and a belt …

Do parents need to spend money (and a lot), time (which is already not enough) to take a preschooler to classes to prepare children for school? Those who conduct these classes to prepare children for school, understandably, answer that attending classes is almost mandatory for everyone. And they frighten the child with the failure of the child in the future, that he will not be able to master a complex program without preliminary preparation, starting from the first grade. And then its lag will grow like a snowball. Another weighty argument (outlawed) - "who does not go to the preparation for school, he will not get into our educational institution."

For many parents, this is sufficient reason to send a child to school preparation classes. Others are convinced of the need to attend preparatory classes by the very situation in Russian education: after all, reforms are in full swing (federal state educational standards are being introduced, a new Professional Teacher Standard is being introduced, etc.), other children have gone (angry, aggressive, incomprehensible), society has changed (more and more is heading towards moral degradation).

I propose to understand the semantic meaning of preparatory classes for school: what do they give children and what should they pay attention to? In what form is it better to prepare a child for school - hire a tutor or prefer group lessons, or can the parents themselves cope with a similar task?

Why is it important to prepare children for school

So, most parents quite rightly believe that in order for a child's relationship with school to develop favorably, it is necessary to prepare children for school in advance.

It should be understood, however, that children's readiness for school depends not only on whether children have learned to read and write before school, whether they know English. The acquired knowledge, skills and abilities do not yet guarantee the safety of children at school. Another thing is important here - the psychological readiness of children.

The child's socialization, his ability to interact in a children's team, with adults, the ability to adequately perceive new requirements and live by new rules play an important role in determining the level of psychological preparation of children for school by a school psychologist.

Hard to prepare, easy to school

Paraphrasing the phrase of the great Russian commander A. V. Suvorov "It's hard in learning - easy in battle", we can say that the classes for preparing children for school are a kind of bridge between kindergarten and elementary school. The question of the consistency of the educational programs of preschool institutions and the program according to which the child will study in elementary school is not at all idle, since the success of the student will depend on the first time he hears about a topic, tries himself in any skill or it was already in his previous experience. On the other hand, when mastering certain topics, there is a danger that he will no longer be interested in them at school: “why go to school, I already know that”.


Based on the analysis of the situation in the Russian primary school (the transition to second generation standards, the existence of a choice of various programs at the discretion of the teacher), the content of the development of lessons for preparing children for school will depend on which school the child goes to, which primary school teacher specifically. And in the absence of such accurate information, parents run the risk of not guessing the content of the classes for preparing children for school. Classes may turn out to be useless and even harmful: instead of an interest in learning, in learning, in going to school with joy, we observe laziness, apathy, and a lack of desire to go to school.

How to prepare children for school

So, for the correct preparation of children for school, parents need to know that at this stage of development of the child's personality, socialization is important. The development of logical, abstract thinking and intellectual abilities of the child comes to the background. Here it should be understood that in addition to a certain psychology of primary school children, there are also individual characteristics of a particular child.

All children are born different. It seems like a hackneyed phrase, understandable to everyone, but in reality we continue to fit all children to the same size, presenting them with the same requirements. Tell me, which parent is able to distinguish one child from another by their inner mental properties - vectors? But parents, many psychologists cannot! Meanwhile, by distinguishing the mental characteristics of children, we can create for them the most comfortable conditions for development.

So, a child with an anal vector, difficult to adapt to changes, endowed with a rigid psyche by nature, needs preliminary preparation for success in school. It is important for him to get acquainted with the school, with the teacher, with the children from the class, and master the basic educational skills. The modern program does not provide for painstaking study of topics (which is so necessary for children with an anal vector), and learning "gallop across Europe" can cause difficulties with adaptation, getting stuck.

For comparison, children with a skin vector are able to quickly get used to everything, and the novelty factor causes them not stress, like an anal person, but curiosity. The successful actions of the parents of an anal child are: frequent conversations about the upcoming changes in the life of a preschooler, walks around the school, recording and attending preparatory courses for school, which are taught by his future teacher and where his future classmates go.

Thus, knowledge of the innate inclinations of their child and the psychological characteristics of age will allow parents to assess their children's readiness for school and understand whether they need to go to consultations on preparing children for school or whether it is better (more useful, more productive) to spend this time visiting, say, school painting for children.

School for difficult children

There are no naturally difficult children. The mistakes of parents and teachers in education turn them into such. Nature gives us a new generation, and we do not develop it, but cripple it, receiving a moral monster instead of genius. In this sense, the school is also a “forge of the future”. Why do children skip school? There are many reasons, but the most global one lies in the lack of understanding of the psychology of children, their needs and values. Time is different and other children, and they are all trying to teach, teach the mind-mind by grandfather's methods.

The psychological characteristics of children of senior school age, the psychology of school-age children are revealed from a completely different side when applying the knowledge of the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan in practice. It turns out that the adaptation of children to school will be painless if we know their innate properties and act, clearly aware of these individual characteristics.

The work of a psychologist with difficult children at school should include not only various diagnostics (today psychologists can measure anything, having a clear characteristic to measure, but what to do with this is a big question), but above all, understanding what the child is named difficult and why. It may turn out that the teacher, through the prism of her properties of the anal vector, calls the skin child so. Yes, he is different - nimble, playful, he can do several things at the same time in the lesson, it is difficult for him to sit still if he is not interested.

With knowledge of system-vector psychology, parents themselves will be able to understand the characteristics and needs of the child and change any situation for the better. For example, a skin child needs clear rules, restrictions on inappropriate behavior, specific rewards based on benefits. Competition, frequent activity changes, sports, and a well-defined daily routine can also be good motivating factors for such a child. With the right approach, the child will turn from “difficult” into a disciplined, successful student.


Summing up, I would like to note that advice to parents on preparing children for school will not achieve their goals if parents do not know their child, his vector. Just as it will not be possible to conduct a truthful analysis of the preparation of children for school without knowledge of the child's inner world, because what is normal for one is unattainable for another. So, a skin child is focused on the speed of completing tasks, he is not able to give out a perfect quality in a matter where painstaking performance is required. While a child with an anal vector, on the contrary, is very thorough in execution, it is he who is able to bring any business started to perfection. At the same time, you cannot adjust it - it will go into a stupor. All of these must be considered when preparing the ground for planning a successful child's learning.

Numerous results of parents who have completed the training "System Vector Psychology" and were able to solve various problems of upbringing, including those related to education, can be found in the reviews section.

Below are just a few examples:

I fully experienced the effectiveness of system-vector psychology on myself. Studying it, I was able to find the right approach to my youngest son, who at school, literally from the first days of school, was enrolled as an unteachable non-adaptive. The teacher, who has extensive experience in working with children, whose office walls are hung with various letters, was powerless - my child simply ignored her, absolutely not wanting to learn …

The lectures on the sound vector became a revelation, in the description of which I clearly saw the cause of all my child's problems …

As soon as I understood this, as soon as I created optimal conditions for my child, the problem of inadequacy gradually came to naught, and the teacher stated with amazement that my son was endowed with remarkable intelligence …

Tatiana K. Read the full text of the result … the results of the "corrected" development of the child are visible - he has a more stable mood, he is now more contact, less afraid and frightened … Elena S. Read the full text of the result

I hasten to both please and upset you at the same time. It is NOT NECESSARY to treat your wonderful, dexterous, fidgety, running, lean and fast switching child !!! …

And you need to undergo the training "System-vector psychology" by Yuri Burlan and understand the mental of your child in a way that no psychologist and psychiatrist can understand! It is not a child that needs to be "treated" - he is healthy, he is naturally endowed with his wonderful properties to fulfill his specific role, but US: parents, teachers and psychologists! It is necessary to eliminate our cave illiteracy in the issue of raising children, and at the training you will find the keys to your happiness.

… Honored psychiatrists and psychologists should have seen this picture and my systemic happiness !!! Instructions, batteries, screwdrivers, legos and airplane drawings are spread out in a creative mess around the room. The engineer is growing! And you said "ADHD" …

Anastasia A. Read the full text of the result

Do you want to determine the abilities and characteristics of your child, do you want to help children not only survive in school, but also to get there development and realization of the inherent potential? Sign up for free online lectures "System Vector Psychology" by Yuri Burlan.
