Place In The Flock

Place In The Flock
Place In The Flock

Table of contents:


Place in the flock

To understand our essence, to see our role … Subconsciously, we are often pulled in the right direction, but we do not always make the right choice. How to understand yourself? Define your place in society? To direct your life according to the best scenario?

Understand your essence, see your role.

When in childhood we say that we want to be a “firefighter” or a “ballerina”, this, of course, does not oblige us to anything. And when we really choose a future profession, the consequences of a wrong choice are very unpleasant. What a longing to see people of retirement age, extinct and disappointed. “Life was wasted, so if I could rewind, I would go to the medical one” … Subconsciously, we are often pulled in the right direction, but we do not always make the right choice. How to understand yourself? Define your place in society? To direct your life according to the best scenario?

In some ways, people are undoubtedly similar, in others they are radically different. Is it possible to put into a single system and classify those unconscious processes that govern the behavior and thoughts of people?


Psychotype (otherwise, vector) is a set of specific desires that a person is endowed with from birth. Connecting in a special way, these desires add up an integral personality, with its inherent type of thinking and behavior, sexual preferences and even an easily calculated life scenario.

System-vector psychology describes eight vectors, the names of which are given in accordance with the most sensitive parts of the body directly related to the human mental structure: skin, anal, urethral, muscular, visual, sound, oral, olfactory. Such a paradoxical, at first glance, connection was discovered by Sigmund Freud, revealing it in his work "Character and Anal Erotica". On the basis of these discoveries, a new breakthrough was made in the understanding of the mental, and today Yuri Burlan is the leading developer in the framework of system-vector psychology.

Each of the psychotypes has not only desires, but also the ability to satisfy them in a socially acceptable form. It is obvious that a single individual, “strayed from the collective,” rarely survives. And whether it be a colony of fungi, a wolf pack or human society - everything is formed in groups. Each person has the indisputable right to occupy a suitable place for him in the human "flock", performing his own, individual role.

The solution to the mechanism of obtaining pleasure from work is ridiculously simple: it lies in the disclosure of this role - performing it, a person experiences joy. We call this social fulfillment - using our skills for the good of society. In the era of consumption, the illusion is created that self-interest is more important, but natural management is undeniable - implementation in society in exchange for satisfaction from life.

What is the doctor worried about? About saving a life? Or about the next "pay" on the first day?

It is possible to formulate the specific role of each vector in a group by considering the interaction of ancient people in a primitive flock, where each person was the bearer of one vector.


The first person in the pack to possess the urethral vector is responsible for the survival of the group. Vital energy, and in full swing, passion in everything, especially in undertakings of any kind! An inventor and innovator, he carries the crowd with him by his mere presence. Such people are the heads of large companies and enterprises, they are heads of state and, by the way, of criminal gangs too. Absolute freedom - they cannot be subdued or suppressed. They are not tormented by doubts, react with lightning speed and only move forward!


Always behind the back of the leader is the closest adviser, the gray cardinal. Olfactory vector. He does nothing with his own hands, controlling the masses through the leader. He is always where there is big politics, big financial turnover. Becomes either an integral link in management, or a major thief who cannot be grabbed by the hand.

In an incredible way, he always "knows" what is true for society as a whole, and acts in this way, completely unaware of this.


A person with a sound vector is an ideological inspirer. Until the thought of the meaning of life came to him in the course of history, his direct purpose was to listen to the rustles of the savannah, catching the slightest sound of danger. The evening and night remained the most productive time for him - during this period of the day he sits on the Internet, reads, listens to music, while getting up in the morning is like torture.

Such people are suitable for professions without a clear schedule - programmers, freelancers; they are also physicists, writers, philosophers, musicians. Closed and immersed in themselves, in the eternal search for abstract meaning - they are not interested in pressing and everyday problems.


He is cheerful, emotional, amorous. Its sensor is the eyes. To recognize the enemy lurking in the bushes, to be frightened strongly and in a timely manner, thus warning the whole flock, is the primary mission of the visual person. In the modern world, these are sensitive and creative natures - actors, artists, designers, photographers.

A developed feeling of love, expressed by empathy and compassion for others, makes them the best psychologists, doctors, and social workers.


Oral vector … The monologue of such a person is sometimes impossible to stop. Conversations, debates, chatter are his native element. He can become a talented speaker, showman or presenter, able to make the crowd perceive his words as their own thoughts. And he is also an excellent comedian, clown and joker who can charge a huge audience with positive emotions.


As the skin delimits our body from the surrounding world, so a person with a skin vector limits time, space, saves resources, distributes food supplies so that they do not eat at one time something that can be stretched for another couple of days. Always postpones for a rainy day.

Driven by the desire to save money, they become talented engineers (rather than go around, we better build a bridge!) - creators of the latest technologies, legislators, businessmen.

Speed, ambition, leadership, success, benefit, benefit - this is about skin people.

In an undeveloped state, saving for himself, these are petty thieves, lovers of freebies and easy money, this is a destructive scenario for failure, when, saving on trifles, he loses big.


A person with an anal vector is a professional, responsible, reliable, executive employee, but the trouble is if he gets to the position of the chief: stagnation in the development of the company is guaranteed! Indecisive, doubting, with a constant glance at the experience of past years. He does the work slowly, but with high quality, he brings it to the end. Possesses remarkable erudition and memory. These are scientists, writers, teachers, historians.

In primitive times, such people guarded the cave while the rest went to war, and to this day they are incorrigible couch potatoes, they have no striving for career heights.


The muscle vector is the foundation of the human flock. Strong, hardy, capable of hard physical labor and enjoying it. Did you have good time? - Great - set up a fence, dug up a garden, chopped wood. These are led people who do not have a different opinion from the collective - in this regard, they are convenient workers. Visually actionable thinking - as shown, did so! Not a step left or right.


The world is changing, so are we. For full adaptation in urban conditions, one vector is not enough, and today a person combines 3-4 vectors. This multiplies his capabilities, complicates his mental structure, expands his professional prospects.

A lot can be said about a person, knowing even the smallest. For example, the fact that a person reads the Wheel of Life magazine practically guarantees that he has a sound and visual vector. And not only … Learning it yourself, seeing your possible life paths and realizations is much more interesting!

Andreeva Svetlana. Place in the flock. // The magazine "Wheel of Life" №4 (47), 2011; Kiev.
