Fear Of Death As The First Emotion

Fear Of Death As The First Emotion
Fear Of Death As The First Emotion

Fear of death as the first emotion

The psyche of a skin-visual woman gives rise to emotion for the first time. And this emotion does not allow to live. Light, color - for the visual it is very emotional, we call it the word "beautiful". Light and color. We alone have an emotional root - fear. Today, the skin-visuals have the highest amplitude and the most frequent change in emotional states. Very abrupt changes. And that's all, just to survive at any cost …

Fragment of the lecture notes of the First Level on the topic "Visual vector":

The most striking state in any person is the fear of death, because this is the primary task of nature - the preservation of life, the basis of foundations. All our life we are in search of balance, we are looking for security and safety.

A skin-visual woman has not given birth at all times and only recently received such an opportunity with the help of medicine. And no one married her: while her husband is running around the savannah, a normal wife is sitting with children in the kitchen, and this one is running around the savannah too. At the same time, she herself is not able to save her life, and there is no husband to protect. She is naturally afraid from childhood. The rest are also afraid when they lose a sense of security and safety, but this fear is natural for her, because initially she does not live long, no one needs it.

For her, the fear of living and the horror of imminent death are natural. It's scary to live and scary to die.

This horror of her is that first human emotion that no animal has. This emotion appeared at the peak of the opposite of preserving oneself in the impossibility of preserving oneself and one's life. This is the root emotion. This is the starting point that makes a person emotional. The first emotion, the beginning of the beginning.

Fear of death at the height of the inability to save oneself. How can you live in such a state? It's just awful. When she accompanies the flock on the hunt and war, she wants to see everything only beautiful - here is a beautiful palm tree, and here is another one - and then a predator catches her eye. She is very, very much afraid, because she was born for this - to warn the flock of danger with her fear.


A normal husband's wife, who wants to belong to her husband, feels complete security and safety in bed with him. And for the dermal-visual husband, no. Reproduction only in normal women in the cave. And this one runs with men on the savannah. The fear of death pushes her out of the cave into the savannah, she wants to see the beautiful, the eternal - and then a terrible leopard, a loud "oh!", A feeling of horror, and the whole flock ran.

The psyche of a skin-visual woman gives rise to emotion for the first time. And this emotion does not allow to live. Light, color - for the visual it is very emotional, we call it the word "beautiful". Light and color. We alone have an emotional root - fear. Today, the skin-visuals have the highest amplitude and the most frequent change in emotional states. Very abrupt changes. And that's all, just to survive at all costs.

To this day, any person has the strongest emotion - the fear of death.

The main property of the psyche today is emotion. The most striking manifestation of the psyche of a visual person is emotion, a tsunami of emotions, a wave, a vibration of our life.

The main property of the body is pheromones, and the main property of the soul, psyche is emotion. Smells, pheromones are very emotional, they cause the strongest emotions. Nothing brings us into such confusion and lust. But these are not the smells of consciousness, but those that are associated with the unconscious.

As the skin-visual leopard girl sees, how frightened, how she oyknet, her heart pounded, and the smell came from her - a strong, bright, powerful smell of fear, horror. Double alarm - smell and sound. And the whole flock ran at once. Sometimes she warned her at the wrong time - then they immediately sacrifice her so that the rest could be saved.

A woman, a husband's wife, when intercourse with her husband feels fulfilled, feels protected. Safety, protection, food for herself and the birth of children - for her it is more important than her own life. This is her nature. And the skin-visual does not give birth, but is also able to receive protection and safety when intercourse with a man. By creating an emotional bond with a man, she …

Recorded by Bulat Galikhanov. August 2, 2014

A comprehensive understanding of this and other topics is formed on the full oral training "System-vector psychology" by Yuri Burlan.
