Human facial expressions and gestures: what secrets do they reveal about us?
All the features and properties of the human soul are expressed in the body: facial features, posture, facial expressions and gestures. You can learn to define them only in a complex way: by understanding the psyche and observing its external manifestations. How to do it?
And yet he is lying! He tries to hide his excitement, but gestures and facial expressions will always betray a person. Look how the eyes are running, fingers rattling on the table. Although no, the next moment he looks straight into my eyes. And such a sincere look, open, penetrates directly into the soul … Believe him or not? Maybe I misunderstand the meaning of his facial expressions altogether …
How to stop being nervous when dealing with people? To learn to read a person like an open book! So that not a shadow of doubt remains as to what his true intentions, thoughts and feelings are. They say there is a way to accurately judge a person's character and behavior - by his gestures and facial expressions. It's like reading people by their appearance. I'm not doing well yet. Maybe there is a way to become a professional in this business?
How to understand a person by facial expressions and gestures: the road of trial and error
In an attempt to understand how to read a person by gestures and facial expressions, people have created a whole science - physiognomy. How convenient it would be to penetrate into the secret places of the human soul through all visible and understandable facial expressions and gestures! And how easy it would be to understand the psychology of people. On the surface, we want:
- recognize false information through understanding people's gestures and their meanings,
- get a transcript of a person's facial features,
- to learn from facial expressions and gestures to determine the state of the interlocutor, to determine the hidden emotions of a person in a conversation.
Unfortunately, our attempts to define human psychology and deep motives of his actions with the help of gestures and facial expressions often fail.
The owner of a high forehead turns out to be not a great genius, but an arrogant windbag. The one who squinted at you with obvious disbelief, in fact, just forgot the glasses at home. A colleague who nervously taps his foot and fiddles with his tie is not trying to "sit up" you, but is simply late somewhere. So read after that books on human psychology …
So do gestures and facial expressions have any meaning in psychology? Are we just misdiagnosing something in body language and sign language? Didn't exercise enough?
Gestures and facial expressions in human psychology - secondary signs of mental properties
Facial expressions and gestures really do matter, they really reflect the inner state of a person. But decoding them is a secondary tool. The analysis of facial expressions and gestures can be effectively applied only on the basis of accurate knowledge of the structure of the human psyche. Otherwise, you will constantly be lost in conjecture, why a person is now combing his nose, for example? Lies or doubts, embarrassed or remembers? Or maybe it really itches, and the secret language of gestures and facial expressions has nothing to do with it?
Training System-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan offers a different approach to how to understand the psychology of people. She explains that the human body and soul are truly inextricably linked. All the features and properties of the human soul are expressed in the body: facial features, posture, facial expressions and gestures. You can learn to define them only in a complex way: by understanding the psyche and observing its external manifestations. Understanding human psychology - behavior, facial expressions and gestures are observed as clarifying details. How to do it?
We read human gestures and facial expressions systematically
Let's take a look at simple examples. Before us is a man with a skin vector. What can be said about the psychology of this person and how is this expressed in behavior and gestures?
By nature, it has the following properties:
- mobility and purposefulness,
- competitiveness and high ambition,
- striving for property and social superiority is a natural earner.
His psyche is flexible and adaptive, able to quickly rebuild under changes in the environment.
The human body, his gestures and facial expressions are fully consistent with psychology. The skinny body is slender, mobile and flexible. Both men and women with a skin vector literally "maneuver" in the crowd without colliding with anyone. If a dermal person is sufficiently realized in his properties (military, athlete, middle manager) - he is organized and fit, dexterous and accurate - not a single unnecessary movement. The gestures of such a person and their meaning can really say a lot about him.
However, a person with the same properties in a state of stress or lack of social fulfillment looks completely different.

His body language and gestures show that he is literally "flickering":
- spinning, tapping his fingers on the table,
- shakes or knocks his foot,
- alternately grabbing at one thing, then at another, unable to bring anything to the end,
- in a state of irritation, his characteristic gesture is to shake his finger.
Can we characterize the psychology of this person by such gestures and facial expressions? Determine if he is capable of destructive actions against us?
It turns out that external signs alone are not enough. Facial expressions matter, but you need accurate systemic diagnostics, an understanding of the psyche from the inside in order to understand exactly who is in front of us?
- Option 1. This is a developed skin. The head of a serious company or a career military man, engineer or technologist, a professional athlete. In a situation of severe stress, he can demonstrate the gestures and facial expressions described above. The reason may be a serious collapse of his ambitions (did not get a promotion in his career, "failed" the competition). However, a leatherman with this level of development will not lie at every step or rob you.
- Option 2. The behavior of a person, his gestures and facial expressions outwardly look the same. However, deep systemic recognition from the inside allows you to see that the skin in front of you is not sufficiently developed. Due to childhood psychotraumas and / or unfavorable circumstances, he did not learn to realize his natural properties in society. Then, instead of a "getter", he remains undeveloped, just a thief, prone to theft to one degree or another. And such a person can lie "without batting an eye" - if it suits him.
Therefore, without knowledge of human psychology only by behavior and gestures, people get erroneous judgments.
Human gestures and facial expressions with anal vector
Quite different gestures and facial expressions can be traced in the psychology of carriers of the anal vector. These people are naturally sedentary, assiduous, scrupulous. They have meticulousness and attention to detail, and a phenomenal memory. Potentially, these are the best teachers, they strive to transfer experience and knowledge. Perfectionists, people of quality who want to correct the slightest mistake or inaccuracy.
Nature gives them a body, facial expressions and gestures that ideally correspond to the aspirations of the psyche. They are stocky, plump people, prefer a sedentary lifestyle.
A developed and realized person with an anal vector:
- Carefulness in his work and a desire to correct mistakes make him a professional.
- Has an open, honest face. His facial expressions and body language are not difficult to read. These are people who are naturally incapable of lying.
- A wonderful father and husband (the main value of the owner of the anal vector is family and children).
- A grateful person, treats people in general with respect.
However, when the bearer of the anal vector experiences severe stress or lack of development and realization, we observe a completely different picture:
- the ability to teach becomes the desire to teach everyone and everything,
- thoroughness in details is expressed in the fact that a person notices and emphasizes the mistakes and imperfections of others, criticizes,
- honesty is expressed in the fact that he "cuts the truth-womb" in the face, without thinking about causing pain to others,
- instead of gratitude, a person is fixated on offenses and the fact that he was "not given" something,
- in the language of gestures and facial expressions of such a person, reproach and reproach are read: a heavy look from under the brow, a characteristic gesture - a threat with a fist.
Is it possible to recognize the intentions of such a person by gestures and facial expressions? Predict his behavior, understand how dangerous he is for you? Outward signs alone (facial expressions and gestures) will give nothing. But with a deep, systemic recognition of a person, you will know exactly who is in front of you:
- Option 1. This is a developed owner of the anal vector. A professional in his field, teacher, analyst or critic, scientist. His stress is temporary and can be triggered by social or sexual frustration.
- Option 2. Here is a person who has not received sufficient development of his properties. Then he can be a lifelong critic and a "dirt smear". Moreover: it is anal men who are prone to violent crimes. Understanding the laws of the psyche allows such people to be recognized not by their gestures, but by all their manifestations at a glance. After all, human psychology is primary, and gestures, facial expressions and even behavior are only a consequence.
In each of the vectors of the human psyche (there are eight of them) there is a whole palette of states, degrees of development and realization. And the external manifestations of these states, in addition to facial expressions and gestures, give a voice, a person's face, his words and, of course, his actions. To define all this, you do not need to walk around with multivolume books on human psychology and read them on the go. There is a much easier way.
Facial expressions and gestures are secondary
Gestures and facial expressions in human behavior are secondary. They are only the "outer facade" of the secret places of our soul. Today there is a way to learn to understand from the inside any state of people. For those who have mastered this, there is no mystery in how to read another person and understand everything about him:
If you want not only to understand emotions, sign language and facial expressions of a person, but also to read his psyche like an open book, you can start with the free online training System-Vector Psychology by Yuri Burlan.