I Want To Quit Drinking: How To Cope With The Problem Yourself

I Want To Quit Drinking: How To Cope With The Problem Yourself
I Want To Quit Drinking: How To Cope With The Problem Yourself

How to stop drinking

At some point, a person realizes that alcohol has become something everyday, constantly present in his life. It makes you think. Then the person realizes that he wants to quit drinking, but it does not always work out. How not to drink if you yourself find a thousand reasons to drink?

“It would seem that I have no reason to drink - a good husband, two children, an apartment, a car. And I drink every day, I drink heavily. I don't want the kids to see me like this, but how do you stop? I realized that it is better not to drink at all, but how to quit?"

“I don't drink for 3 weeks at most. And then I break off again. I drink terribly - I squander my entire salary. I am 28 years old, I am married, and we have two children, I love them. Sometimes I don't drink for a whole week, but Friday comes, and that's it - I buy a bunch of beer and get drunk in the "zyuzu". How to get rid of alcoholism? I want to quit drinking on my own."

Why can't a huge number of people give up alcohol? Why, despite having a family and a job, despite having a severe hangover after drinking, do they continue to drink? We will talk about the deep reasons for alcohol dependence and how to stop drinking forever in this article, applying the knowledge of Yuri Burlan's system-vector psychology.

Top two reasons for drinking alcohol

To understand how to stop drinking, let's look at the main reasons for drinking. They can be divided into two large groups:

  1. For pleasure.

    When a person lacks joy in life, he tries to get this joy with alcohol. He drank and relaxed, became more sociable and relaxed, and it seemed like the mood was better. Alcohol becomes a means of socialization, getting rid of shyness and silence.

  2. To relieve suffering.

    If in a person's life there is unloved work and joyless relationships, there is not enough realization - social and especially sexual - then a person can soften the suffering with alcohol. To relieve stress, tension, so that life is not so painful. Alcohol is a well-known homemade folk remedy for mental pain, a kind of anesthesia for dissatisfaction.

How to stop drinking
How to stop drinking

At some point, a person realizes that alcohol has become something everyday, constantly present in his life. It makes you think. Then the person realizes that he wants to quit drinking, but it does not always work out. How not to drink if you yourself find a thousand reasons to drink?

Alcohol is a dead end for desires

When a person does not receive what his soul desires, he extinguishes this pain with alcohol. At this moment, he feels a temporary semblance of inner comfort - the tension subsides. The very tension that, with the right attitude, is capable of giving an impetus to give birth to the necessary thought forms and to realize the desired. Drowning this tension, a person does not give himself a chance to understand what is happening, deprives himself of the opportunity to resolve the situation. It turns out that alcohol is a kind of stop, a rollback from what a person was created for by nature.

When sobriety comes in the morning, we understand that the problems have not gone away, that they need to be solved. But again I want to find inner balance at least for a while. And we, promising ourselves that "never again" - drink again.

How to stop drinking on your own? Can an alcoholic stop drinking for good?

Man is the principle of pleasure

A person unconsciously always strives for greater pleasure. If things appear in your life that bring you more fulfillment, joy, craving for alcohol will go away by itself. This is the easiest way to quit drinking on your own, and also the main condition for not returning to alcohol. One day you will suddenly realize that alcohol is not a necessity for you. And even if you drink, it does not bring you the same satisfaction. The drinking habit will go away by itself.

The way out of the vicious circle begins with realizing the real reason for the desire to drink. System-vector psychology helps to understand this, acquainting us with the peculiarities of the human psyche, our own and those around us. It may sound strange, but in fact it is excitingly interesting. As a result of this acquaintance, you will find out the answers to all your unspoken questions, realize your place in life, your capabilities and talents, the reasons for failures and problems in relationships and understand how to achieve what you so lack. You have the opportunity to do what really brings comfort and satisfaction, and no longer use surrogates for this.

How to live without alcohol? What prevents you from taking the first step

Often, the human psyche carries psychological trauma from childhood or from bad experiences. This makes it impossible to enjoy life, to realize your potential to the fullest. To understand how to quit drinking on your own, you can deal with what hurts by starting with Yuri Burlan's free online trainings. There you will learn about the most common causes of alcohol and other addictions and understand how to get rid of them.

Photo how to stop drinking alcohol
Photo how to stop drinking alcohol

So, people who are focused on success and victory are often hindered by a scenario formed in childhood for failure, hidden deep in the unconscious. Consciously they set goals and go to them, and unconsciously they are accustomed to receive a semblance of pleasure from failures and failures.

A person with an anal vector can get in the way of resentment or procrastination, which does not allow him to budge, to start doing something. The influence of past negative experience does not allow you to open up in relationships, and therefore, to get real satisfaction from them. Fears and phobias prevent many visual people from receiving joy from life, paralyzing them and not giving them the opportunity to open up to this world, to give people their love.

People with a sound vector can be in severe depression, feel lonely among people, hate them.

How to stop drinking alcohol? Start by getting rid of psychological problems at Yuri Burlan's training "System-vector psychology".

Awareness of oneself, of those obstacles that prevent one from being happy, changes the inner state, the ability to achieve what you want appears. After all, each of us has all the properties necessary for this. You will begin to reach for completely different goals and other people. Your circle of contacts will also change. By beginning to understand your partner, you can finally open up to each other, and your relationship will become warmer and more trusting, and this, in turn, creates the best conditions for deep mutual sexual satisfaction in a couple. For a man, this is a huge impetus to new plans and achievements. And for a woman - a feeling of security and safety, confidence in the future. All these changes will launch a qualitatively new round of your life.

Listen to what people who have completed the training of Yuri Burlan "System-Vector Psychology" and have decided for themselves the question of how to quit drinking alcohol on their own are saying:
