Blessed Augustine and anal erotica
“A man is born between urine and feces,” said Blessed Augustine in an outburst of struggle with human vices and pride, they say, remember how you appeared, and do not shine. Blessed Augustine, why so rude, what ugly words, because their children can hear, women!
“A man is born between urine and feces,” said Blessed Augustine in an outburst of struggle with human vices and pride, they say, remember how you appeared, and do not shine. Blessed Augustine, why so rude, what ugly words, because their children can hear, women! Indeed, why such rude, one might say, dirty words? By the way, why do people in general publicly or on the Internet use dirty words and meanings? Why throw mud at your opponent or subject? Because of the inability to find worthy arguments, out of anger at your own incompetence in a particular issue? Or is there more behind this than an inability to conduct a cultural dialogue?

System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan, on the basis of which this article was written, clearly shows various psychophysiological characteristics given to a person from birth and determining his thoughts, desires, and actions.
No, this is not a destiny that cannot be changed, on the contrary, what is given by nature can be developed or not developed, realized or not. But if it is not given, then it is not given, and if it is given, but not realized, a person experiences such suffering that you will not only shed dirt on your interlocutor, but you will hate the whole world. This is how nature takes revenge on us for non-realization.
The properties given to man by nature System-vector psychology conventionally calls vectors. There may be one or several vectors, they may have different temperaments (desire for realization) or be in neurosis, if for some reason they have not received development.
Let's take an anal vector as an example. For those who do not know, this is the name of the erogenous zone, but you got scared and thought that it was about these, well, about homosexuals or anal sex? No, not at all, well, practically not, or rather not quite about them.
Homosexuals are those who have an irresistible sexual attraction to people of the same sex as them, and it's simple. People with an anal vector are people with a certain set of properties and qualities of character. They can be both homosexual and heterosexual, but this is not the main thing. The anus is their main erogenous zone, and this largely determines their behavior. For example, the feeling of joy associated with the cleanliness of the intestines and rectum, on a subconscious level, makes them seek and create cleanliness in the life around them. With a stronger temperament of the anal vector, the carrier may also need direct initiation of a specific erogenous zone, you already know which one. Well, if you need it, why not get it, some modern young people will be surprised. Because those whose childhood was in distant times, now almost epic,when there was an article for it, or for those who grew up with very strict parents who profess traditional morality, it is impossible even to think about such a relationship.
Anal people, as a rule, do not break the rules, are loyal to the law of their country and family. But the desire to realize oneself is so strong that the impossibility of realization can easily change the sign of desire, plus for minus, the desire for purity to the desire for dirt. It is true that it is not always possible to breed dirt in the world around you; mother, wife, good upbringing or others can interfere. Indeed, you won’t give a damn about passers-by or swear in public places, but it’s like in the old joke - "Lieutenant, you can kick in the face." Yes, but why? Nowadays, for intelligent, but not realized anal people there is Our Everything! No, no, this is not Pushkin, he was “our everything” in the 19th century. In the technologically advanced 21st our everything is the Internet. What is the main thing on the Internet? Information: an image and a word, and this is all UNPUNISHED.

This is where the freedom for those wishing to breed mud is. Do as much as you want, and nothing will come to you for it. It would seem that you don’t like any site - don’t go there, don’t read, don’t increase your stress. Well, how, how, why are you taking away the last! Upbringing does not allow direct initiation of the anal erogenous zone, mother does not allow dirt in the house, let me take my soul away at least here.
But an intelligent, intelligent person understands the arguments, really, if you don't like it - don't smell, if you don't want to see - well, don't look, no one forces you. But he cannot directly say: "I want to throw mud at someone to make it easier, since I am not realized in striving for purity in the anal erogenous zone, because I cannot afford direct initiation, but I really want to!" And then he finds a noble explanation: this is me for people! I must explain to these stupid, gullible creatures how they are deceived, but I know that everyone is deceiving. Exposing the cheaters is my mission. Well, okay, you want to save the gullible poor from deception, but why pedaling the anal theme, endlessly sending opponents to f …, sorry.

Refining one's own lack of fulfillment and dissatisfaction with caring for people, even better for children, does not help to hide the true reasons for public indignation, especially when semantic or verbal dirt is visible in almost every phrase. This is just an attempt to paint over the dirt with paint, but as the wonderful poet Galich wrote: “… dirt is dirt, in whatever color you don't paint it”.