Psychological laws of adoption
When we go to the act of adoption, it is always out of selfish aspirations. If the child is ours, then nature forms the internal attitude “these are my children”. And when we take other people's children, the collective unconscious feels a contradiction in the "parent-child" relationship …
Fragment of the lecture notes for the Second Level on the topic "Parents and Children":
There are psychological laws of adoption. When we go to the act of adoption, it is always out of selfish aspirations. If the child is ours, then nature forms the internal attitude “these are my children”. And when we take other people's children, the collective unconscious feels a contradiction in the parent-child relationship. There are no family ties between us, no precise regulation of the unconscious, we are guided not by instinct, but not by a very developed mind. And we take on someone else's fate.
In order not to lose the generation of 6 million children in the criminal environment after the Civil War, they were all sent to children's labor colonies-prisons. And there they grew into unique engineers. These guys managed to create an exact copy of the world's first narrow-film apparatus "Leica" - FED ("Felix Edmundovich Dzerzhinsky"). Later, when Soviet engineers also tried to copy Western technology, they never succeeded. Not a single copy was successful - instead of "Opel" came stupid "Moskvich", etc. And this generation of children did it. And no adoption was needed for normal people to grow out of them.
It turns out that mom and dad are not necessary to raise the elite of society. It's not about dad-mom. It's about a sense of security and security, proper development, involvement. Even if it's a prison orphanage. The main thing is that the people who raised these children were interested in their proper upbringing and education. And today, orphanages raise refusenik children with living parents, and there is no interest in them. What is the interest? Sell them?

When we are adopted, we come to the orphanage and say: “Oh, Vassenka! What a handsome boy! I like him!" We act for selfish reasons, on the "like it or not like it" principle. We do not have a natural animal instinct in relation to adopted children, therefore we unconsciously establish relations according to the principle “you are for me - I am for you”. Wrong relationship. And in such a situation, adopted children become enemies of their own children.
After the death of parents, children can be adopted by close relatives. This is normal. In other cases, it is correct to take from the orphanage the most needy, most unprotected child - a physically disabled person. Take into your family someone from whom you cannot get anything in return. You cannot take children with mental disabilities, you can patronize, help financially, but you cannot take them into a family, because we do not know the cause of these mental disorders, and we take on someone else's life.
We have a wonderful experience - children of the 1920s. What to do today? Patronize. Take children on Sundays, take them somewhere, give them upbringing, training, material benefits. But you need to take into the family with a different motive, then it will be unmistakable. We do not expect people with disabilities to make us happy with grandchildren or their achievements in sports, or we will receive parental joyful compensation and satisfaction from them. When we knowingly go to refuse compensation for joy, then this is the correct adoption.
Continuation of the abstract on the forum:
Andrey Tereshkov wrote down. January 5, 2014
A comprehensive understanding of this and other topics is formed on a full oral training in system-vector psychology