Personality Psychology: Vectors For The Realization Of The Pleasure Principle

Personality Psychology: Vectors For The Realization Of The Pleasure Principle
Personality Psychology: Vectors For The Realization Of The Pleasure Principle

Personality psychology: vectors for the realization of the pleasure principle

A scientific article based on Yuri Burlan's System-Vector Psychology was published in the collection of works of the VII International Correspondence Scientific and Practical Conference "Scientific Discussion: Issues of Psychology and Pedagogy".

A scientific article based on the System-Vector Psychology of Yuri Burlan was published in the collection of works of the VII International Correspondence Scientific and Practical Conference


The conference was held in Moscow on November 21, 2012.


We present the text of the article included in the collection (ISSN 978-5-905945-75-5):


The pleasure principle has not lost its significance since the founding of classical psychoanalysis. Happiness is the goal of life of any individual, only the concept of happiness is different for all people. Pleasure, as a leading impulse that sets life scenarios, occupies a special place in psychoanalysis and the directions that emerged from it. The genesis of this impulse is associated with libido. In this case, libido is understood broadly enough as "attraction to life" or "psychic energy". It is the libido that prompts a person to be active of any kind - both to simple everyday activities, and to complex forms of joint activity in teams of different levels of organization.

System-vector psychology, created in its modern form by Yuri Burlan, reveals the nature of the unconscious through 8-dimensional categories of systems thinking. All manifestations in the individual and collective unconscious are systematically analyzed and considered in a "sweep" based on Hansen's postulate.

System-vector psychology provides a voluminous and systemic explanation of the phenomenon that the natural (natural) energy of the human psyche constantly interacts with the cultural superstructure that arose later, influencing the development of human society. As a result, this explanation develops into a single picture, which makes it possible to single out certain trends in further progress in the world historical process.

The most important concept of systemic vector psychoanalysis is the erogenous zone, a concept introduced into psychoanalysis by Sigmund Freud. System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan considers erogenous zones in the context of system vectors - "channels" for the realization of the principle of pleasure and connects them with the orientation of the individual internal mental. The concept of "erogenous zone" is closely interconnected not only with libido in its primary meaning, but also with a systemic understanding of the implementation of such a basic principle of human existence as the principle of pleasure. The way a person "lives" his life, its quality is directly determined by his innate desires and inherent specific properties. This is what determines the individual life scenario. Together, all the factors described are combined into the concept of "vector". The vector system establishes the means and methods of human interaction with his environment: the desire to be realized in accordance with desires makes a person correlate the principle of pleasure with the principle of reality.

Sigmund Freud, in his works, partially described some of the connections between a person's character and the specificity typical of erogenous zoning of his body. The Austrian psychoanalyst showed that such, for example, psychological properties as accuracy, cleanliness, correctness, are inherent in people with a pronounced accentuation of a certain erogenous zone. Freud also left fragmentary notes with only a small hint of other possible accentuations. The process of sublimation, discovered by Freud, namely, the transformation of libido energy into creative energy, socially productive, is supplemented and expanded in a new systemic direction.

Yuri Burlan in system-vector psychology develops the doctrine of the eight-dimensional nature of the unconscious. A clear connection was found between the 8 erogenous zones observed in the human body with qualitative character traits, and also with a person's attitude, and, as a result, his life scenario. This aggregate connection is called "vector" - the total sum of innate qualities, abilities, drives, which determine the ways of thinking of a person, his value orientations and the way he moves through life. The pleasure principle was first differentiated by eight vectors of its implementation, two vectors for each quarter of the system matrix. How the vectors are combined with each other, what is their current state - all this adds up to a reliable and clear matrix-structure of the unconscious, and it depends on it,a life scenario develops in a positive or negative direction.

It is impossible to comprehend human psychology without understanding the phenomenon of the unconscious, since it is in it that innate desires are laid that form the corresponding behavioral programs. Value attitudes, ways of thinking and behavior, drives, abilities, possibilities, peculiarities of mental properties - all this is integrated through the prism of system vectors that are characteristic of each individual from birth. Investigating human nature, system-vector psychology relies on the fact that human desires are differentiated according to his inherent vectors.

The basic specificity of system vectors reveals the features of eroticism and sexuality of a particular person. Since it is the peculiarities of the sphere of the unconscious that can explain the types and intensity of sexual attraction, the form in which it is realized, preferences in choosing the object of sexual desires and fantasies, this also determines the likelihood of sexual frustration. For the first time in the history of psychology, system-vector psychology differentiates the types of sexuality, distinguishing between the inner desires of a person, contained in his unconscious. At the same time, on the one hand, there is an opportunity for an objective and accurate understanding of the causes of perverse phenomena and the methods of their prevention, and on the other hand, a person gets the ability to see - by what methods and means one can positively realize their drives,sublimate them in a way acceptable in modern society.

One of the basic provisions of system-vector psychology is “pleasure is given, but not provided”. From nature, a person is originally assigned everything that is necessary for the full realization of his desires: abilities, qualities, properties. But their presence in itself does not ensure that a person receives the pleasure he needs. This is possible only with the appropriate development of these properties, which in itself is not automatically ensured. Such development largely depends on the general state of society, on the specific environment in which a person is formed as a person. In the process of developing the qualities assigned to him, a person as a result receives knowledge, skills and abilities that he can use as tools to fulfill his desires, which is a special pleasure for everyone. At the same time, the methods being mastered can be either completely adequate to the world in which he lives - a positive scenario, and differ from the accepted way of life quite sharply - in the case of undeveloped, unrealized natural properties, which in the extreme negative case seem to be multiplied by a minus sign and bring suffering both to the individual directly and to the disturbance of social ties with the outside world.

The greatest pleasure we get when interacting with people: only from the Other, a living real person, can we experience both immeasurable, inexpressible joy and the most severe suffering. And most often, this happens with close people, but also with distant ones. A person lives in a society, constantly building or destroying relationships in various groups. His role in the group and society, his professional orientation is largely determined by the unconscious aspirations of a person, which, in turn, are determined by his innate vectors.

Happiness is the only goal for each individual person and for all people in any society. To achieve this goal, all people are given desires and opportunities for actions that can be used to realize these desires.

System-vector psychology defines eight conditional types, according to which desires and methods of receiving pleasure differ. All this, being combined and combined, forms a mosaic of human characters and sets the originality of both the mentality of a separate society and the nature of the era in the form of a spatio-temporal formation. In system-vector psychology, a structural description of eight vectors - "terms" on the path to happiness is given. Applying this, each person can reveal the depths of the personal unconscious and realize as much as possible what can make his own life happy.

Thus, scientific knowledge about the mental person is brought to a new level. Freud's research of the unconscious is built into a logical theory, where the psychology of personality is inextricably linked with the psychology of society. System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan, based on a weighty theoretical and empirical foundation, creates a three-dimensional picture of the world through differentiation along an eight-dimensional basis.


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