Standardization of "top" and "bottom". When one man can destroy everything
Increasing integration is the first and foremost condition for building interdependence. As a result, everyone, figuratively speaking, becomes like members of one family. However, this union is external, in form …
Fragment of the lecture summary of the Second Level on the topic "Olfactory measure":
The skin mentality of the Western world leads to separation from animal states, standardization at all levels, and mutual penetration. Along with this standardization, integration and globalization, there is an incredible increase in interdependence.
Increasing integration is the first and foremost condition for building interdependence. As a result, everyone, figuratively speaking, becomes like members of one family. However, this association is external, in form. Internally, the Western man keeps his distance. So outside, people become codependent, because, relatively speaking, they do a common thing in one team, but internally, on the contrary, they move away from each other.
With such a close connection between people, the risks of damage to each other are much higher. If somewhere one person makes a mistake, then the whole system suffers, since in a standardized society he is an equal support with others. It is the same as everyone else, a link in a chain, which means that if this link breaks, the chain breaks and flies into tartarars. Another case, if for some reason a person does not withstand the pressure of standardization and deliberately fails - expresses hostility, commits illegal actions - this is reflected in society according to the principle of the same chain, only on an even larger scale.
The fate of, if not the whole world, then half of it can depend on one person. For example, Julian Assange, a skin sound specialist, has opened and continues to reveal the secrets of American diplomacy. Edward Snowden, also a skin sound specialist, has released only a couple of CIA programs - and because of him one "shakes" all of Europe and America. If earlier none of the lower classes was allowed to reach the top, today everything has changed.

In Russia there is a hierarchical mentality and crazy verticals in it, the bottom to the top is very far away. Imagine if a peasant in tsarist Russia came to Tverskaya in bast shoes … He would be taken to an insane asylum. And in the West, the standard blurring of all verticals, the hierarchical urethral mentality does not interfere with the process. There, the upper and lower classes are very close!
As an illustrative example, the case of Dominique Strauss-Kahn, the head of the IMF, who ran for the presidency of France. Back in 2011, global markets depended on him, the fate of entire nations … And some cleaning lady slandered him, wanting to earn money by blackmail, wanted a little - a couple of thousand dollars, but completely overturned the political career of this person. After the scandal, Strauss-Kahn disappeared from the political, economic and financial arenas of the world. All of his colossal influence was destroyed by one little cleaning lady.
These are just the first signals. Global standardization will create an extreme form of individualism and at the same time its complete opposite - an extreme form of interdependence. And the West will have to do something so that the whole world does not collapse because of one idiot …
Continuation of the notes on the forum:
Nikolay Barkov wrote down. August 3, 2013
A comprehensive understanding of this and other topics is formed on a full oral training in systemic vector psychology.