The use of system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan in forensic science on the example of the investigation of violent crimes of a sexual nature
An article on the methodology of Yuri Burlan's System-Vector Psychology application in forensic science in the section "Forensic support of crime investigation" of the collection of materials of the XI International Scientific and Practical Conference "Law and Order in Modern Society".
In the section "Forensic support of crime investigation" of the collection of materials of the XI International Scientific and Practical Conference
an article on the methodology of using Yuri Burlan's System-Vector Psychology in forensic science was published.
The conference was held in Novosibirsk on December 27, 2012.

We present the text of the article included in the collection (ISSN 978-5-7782-2126-0):
Is it possible, even before arrest, to clearly understand the innate properties of the offender, character traits, style of thinking, type of appearance, manner of communication, sexual preferences, to understand his grievances, his frustrations?
System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan for the first time reveals the concept of pedophilia, allows you to indicate the characteristics of the behavior of a pedophile in preparation for committing a crime of a sexual nature, determines the principle by which he chooses a victim and a crime scene, what motives he is guided by when committing a murder. Systemic recommendations help to identify the guilty person at the stage of the crime investigation "in hot pursuit" and to expose him tactically competently.
This technique, based on the discoveries of the latest system-vector psychology, is designed to help in the work of the investigative and judicial authorities, as well as psychiatrists in the investigation of violent sexual crimes committed against minors, associated with murder.
Zurab Kekelidze, Chief Psychiatrist of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, Director of the State Scientific Institute of Forensic and Social Psychiatry named after V. I. VP Serbsky, in connection with the adoption by the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the Law on Punishment for Pedophiles, bluntly stated that the causes of pedophilia are still poorly understood.
Since the forensic psychiatric examination does not have a tool for determining the causes of pedophilia, the investigative and judicial authorities do not have a theoretical basis for building a methodology for investigating this category of crimes.
The presented work is based on the scientific paradigm and practical applications of the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan. [one]
The role of the behavioral program in the formation of criminal intent
The criminal intent of the subjects of crime is formed under the influence of their innate behavioral programs, which constitute the specific role. Such behavioral programs, according to the definition of the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan, are only eight groups, according to the number of erogenous zones. In this newest field of psychology, psychotypical characteristics and all accompanying psychological phenomena are differentiated according to 8 vectors. [2]
Vector properties are assigned to a person from birth. Their development takes place in the process of education and training, in the period up to and including puberty. The implementation of vector properties in society begins to occur after puberty, and continues throughout life. [3]
Due to the underdevelopment or lack of implementation of the vector, human behavior may contradict the law or the norms of morality and ethics. A sane, legally capable subject, at the stage of the formation of criminal intent, is fully aware of the illegality of the actions planned by him. However, obeying the action of his negative scenario, which manifests itself in different ways in different vectors, strives to realize his criminal desire, since only the fulfillment of his specific role, even in its distorted form, can at least slightly improve the defective internal state of an undeveloped and unrealized individual.
There is a direct relationship between crime and the vector set of the offender.
The vectors are divided into lower: muscle vector, cutaneous vector, anal vector, urethral vector, and upper: visual vector, sound vector, oral vector, olfactory vector.
If the lower vectors are in an underdeveloped or unrealized state, they set the motion for a criminal desire, providing it with thought for its realization. The upper vectors, which are in an underdeveloped or unrealized state, determine the specialization of the criminal, his criminal profile.
About the behavioral program of a pedophile
The desire to satisfy sexual passion by having sexual intercourse or other sexual actions with young children, lecherous actions with adolescents who have not reached puberty can potentially arise in males who have an exclusively anal vector in an undeveloped and (or) unrealized state.
People with anal vector of both sexes 20 percent of the total population of the planet. The remaining 80 percent of men with a different set of lower vectors never feel such desires, which should be taken into account when constructing investigative versions.
Not all men born with an anal vector are pedophiles. However, the owners of the anal vector in an undeveloped and (or) unrealized state are potential carriers of the desire for sexual relations with young children or adolescents who have not reached puberty.
The representative of the anal vector has an innate feature - a double undifferentiated directed attraction (libido): to a woman and to adolescent boys. [four]
However, attraction to adolescent boys is normally inhibited by a special natural mechanism and sublimated into a desire to fulfill their specific role, which is to educate adolescent boys in order to pass on to them the experience accumulated by previous generations.
In a developed and realized state, such men are highly qualified professionals, the best experts, capable and sincerely willing to accurately transfer all their knowledge to the next generation. They are monogamous, faithful husbands to their wives and best fathers to their children.
However, these properties are given by nature, but not provided. When the vector properties are underdeveloped, or because of sexual and (or) social frustrations in adulthood, the natural mechanism that inhibits and sublimates attraction to adolescent boys breaks down.
Finding in himself an attraction to a child, a man is initially frightened by this, fully realizing that his desire is prohibited by law, that he is facing punishment, an internal struggle takes place in him between the strength of his libidinal desire and the fear of social punishment. This struggle can last a lifetime. If a person has a high temperament in his vector, then the power of his innate desire "breaks through" the prohibition, and he goes to commit a crime. Libido is stronger than the fear of punishment.
An anal-visual offender is usually the offense against teenagers between the ages of 11 and 15. He preliminarily commits lecherous actions, seducing a teenager, after which he goes into sexual contact, as it were, "by mutual consent."
A criminal with an anal vector, but without an upper vector, due to his underdevelopment and primitiveness, is not able to seduce a teenager, so he goes to commit a crime against a young child, whose age varies from 5 to 7 years. At this age, children experience a period of their first atavistic maturation, and therefore the level of pheromone background increases, which excites the pedophile.
The victim is initially violently raped. After having intercourse, the biochemistry of the criminal's brain is brought to a more balanced state. The first thought that arises in his head: "What have I done?" In order to conceal the crime, he always kills the child with improvised means, digs a shallow grave, which he fills with branches and grass.
Then the offender returns home, gets rid of the evidence. He sees how they are looking for a missing child and may even join a group of volunteer search engines.
At the stage of preparing for a crime against a minor, the pedophile plans everything carefully. The crime scene is always close to his home. Taking into account the vector psychogeometric modality, the search for the culprit should begin in an area bounded by the perimeter of the square, at a distance of several kilometers from the victim's burial place.
As a victim, a pedophile always chooses a child from his circle of friends. The novelty factor scares him. Since the offender is often included in the family, a young child easily makes contact with him, answers questions, accepts gifts, is able to fulfill any request of an adult, which facilitates the implementation of a criminal plan. The victim's parents in most cases are familiar with the offender and do not even assume his guilt, so he is often aware of all the news on the criminal case.
A systematic technique for finding a suspect. Brief Recommendations
Investigative and operational work to establish the identity of the offender requires an understanding of his behavioral program, which radically changes the approach to organizing the disclosure of a crime “hot on the trail,” since it significantly narrows the range of search for a suspect. This requires:
1. Clearly know the vector innate properties of the offender.
2. To be able to systematically determine the level of realization and development of innate properties, under the influence of which a criminal intent is formed in the subject of a crime.
Where should you start at the initial stage of the investigation, when a child is reported missing or a victim's corpse is found with signs of sexual abuse?
1. Establish the circle of males with whom the child could be familiar and easily contact: in the family, in the neighborhood, in a preschool or school institution, in circles, sections, etc.
2. From this circle to exclude people who do not have an anal vector.
3. Based on the selection results, identify undeveloped adequately, socially unfulfilled and (or) sexually frustrated men with an anal vector. We pay special attention to the presentation hieroglyph.
4. Individual work with each of the remaining persons. From them it is necessary to establish the person who has committed a specific crime.
5. It is strictly forbidden to raise his voice, force him to testify, to rush him, because with this approach the bearer of the anal vector closes in on himself, stubbornly denies everything. It is possible to dispose him to yourself only if you show attention and patience towards him. Since the owner of the anal vector is bad at lying and dodging, with the correct communicative approach from the investigative and operational group, he himself will tell about the crime.
6. Other evidence collected in the case, including collected through a forensic biological examination, will only add to the entire volume of evidence.
The law does not limit investigators and operational workers in the number of possible versions when searching for a criminal. In practice, you have to decide intuitively which of them should be considered priority. Until now, the police are working on any version in the same algorithm. A non-systematic search for a criminal is similar to a search for a car thief, which is fundamentally wrong. The old pedophile scheme doesn't work.
The mechanism that unleashes the criminal behavior of a pedophile remains without a genuine explanation, because the outdated approach in non-systemic psychiatry, and, accordingly, in non-systemic legal psychology, generates new errors in practice.
The system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan for the first time explains the causes of pedophilia, makes it possible to identify a pedophile preventively, even at the stage of preparation for a crime, and effectively disclose crimes of this category.
Literature and links:
1. Ochirova VB Innovation in Psychology: An Eight-Dimensional Projection of the Pleasure Principle. // Proceedings of the I International Scientific and Practical Conference "New Word in Science and Practice: Hypotheses and Approbation of Research Results"; Novosibirsk, 2012.
2. Ochirova. A systemic typology of sexuality [Electronic resource] // (date of access: 28.11.2011)
3. Ochirova V. B., Goldobina L. A. Psychology of personality: Vectors of realization of the principle of pleasure. // Collection of the VII International correspondence scientific and practical conference "Scientific discussion: issues of pedagogy and psychology"; Moscow, 2012.
4. Gribova M., Kirss D. Anal vector. [Electronic resource] // (date accessed: 20.06.2010)
5. Ganzen V. A. Perception of whole objects. Systemic descriptions in psychology. - L.: Publishing house Leningrad. un-that, 1984.