How to get the nerve, or How to defend your interests
Why do some have enough impudence to get their way in this life, while others suffer from unnecessary experiences and fruitlessly vegetate on the sidelines of life?
It is not for nothing that a popular proverb says that arrogance is the second happiness. All people are like people: if they need it, then they need it! And don't care about others. Not with fists, but with a sip, but they will take their toll. If necessary, they will be pulled out of the teeth.
Well, okay, teeth are too much. But sometimes you just need to ask, say in words what exactly you need, it's so easy! But you cannot, you fall into a kind of stupor: what if a person thinks something wrong? Suddenly refuses, and you will not know what to do next?
Communication with the opposite sex is also a problem. While you think what to say, painfully choosing the words, the object of sympathy passes by, not even noticing your attempts.
And sometimes you just need to say the word “no” to a person - just one word that will save you from a lot of worries and troubles. Which sometimes you want to say - in the face, firmly, boldly and calmly. But instead of this you are held back by fear, you blink your eyes, smile powerlessly and say what you do not want to say so much, what is opposite to your desire. But you can't do it any other way, because you don't have enough determination, and you, as always, stupidly agree and once again say your notorious "yes".
Who has the audacity
Why do some have enough impudence to get their way in this life, while others suffer from unnecessary experiences and fruitlessly vegetate on the sidelines of life?
Parents did not teach, you say, and you will be … wrong. After all, we often observe that children in the same family differ in properties as if they were brought up in different families. Some are quick and active, others are calm and solid, some are impressionable and emotional, and some are completely strange, out of this world.
The same parents give birth to different children, not because there is some fatal confluence of internal factors, a random combination of DNA, but because the human community needs people with different properties to survive, performing different tasks for one common goal - survival.
It turns out that impudence is innate?
System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan gives an exhaustive answer to the question of what impudence is and whether it is happiness. People with a skin vector are generally considered arrogant. Their natural task is to extract and preserve material resources. And without impudence (this is how resourcefulness can be perceived, the ability to adapt to any circumstances, to achieve one's goal at any cost), it is very difficult to get something, because if you do not take it away, it will take it away from you.
People with developed properties of the skin vector become engineers and inventors, that is, through the development of engineering thought, they help to extract and preserve material resources not only for themselves, but also for everyone else. They come up with devices and mechanisms that make work more efficient, invent new technologies. And such developed and realized people with a skin vector are not perceived as arrogant. They have a different, higher way of realization.
The less developed the properties of the skin vector, the more their owner will seem arrogant. A swindler and a thief is an archetypal (characteristic of ancient man), undeveloped level of the skin vector. It is such people who are distinguished by special arrogance: they blatantly lie in the eyes, deceiving people, go straight ahead towards their goal, pushing everyone around them with their elbows. Their only desire is "gain" for themselves, and other people are only a means to realize this desire.

Insolence, insolence discord
If we are talking about people related to trade, business, then, as a rule, these are also people with a skin vector. They are enterprising, know how to establish new contacts and profitable acquaintances, negotiate with different partners, have a subtle sense of the market situation and quickly adapt to it.
Without these properties, it is impossible to do business in the modern world. The goal of any business is always profit. The more developed a businessman's skin vector, the more benefit his business brings to people. If this is a one-day office for issuing quick loans, then such a businessman is no different from a fraudster. And if this is an enterprise for the production of an innovative product, which employs several hundred workers, then this business is useful to many. And such a businessman has no need for arrogance.
How to defend your interests
A person with an anal vector, by nature calm, solid, conscientious, straightforward and truthful, the properties of the skin vector often cause irritation, unless, of course, he has not undergone training in system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan. For a principled and honest person with an anal vector, the flexibility of the skinner's position is perceived as unprincipled, and his ability to establish useful contacts as arrogance.
It is easier for the owner of the anal vector to do it himself than to ask. He is not a natural commander. Its life purpose is to protect women and children, as well as to transfer knowledge to the younger generation. He is decent - he won't take an extra penny. For him, quality is more important than price. For him, an old friend is always better than two new ones. And always measure seven times - cut one.
If a person with an anal vector also has a visual vector, then impressionability, emotional sensitivity, softness, vulnerability, excessive delicacy, even timidity are added to the above properties. If in childhood emotional trauma was present in the visual vector, and resentment in the anal vector, then in adult life, contacts with people will, at best, cause alertness.
It is contraindicated to work as a boss for a person with an anal-visual ligament, if he does not have a cutaneous or urethral vector. He will not be able to refuse anyone, but he will worry that he is being used. He will take the work and personal problems of employees too close to his heart, he will try to do everything himself and in the end he will either fail all the work or will not stand it.
What to do when there is not enough impudence?
Our world now lives in the skin phase of development, therefore, the speed of reaction, flexibility of positions, personal success, material and property superiority are valued. Nevertheless, nobody canceled other qualities. And carriers of each of the eight vectors are important for humanity. This means that a person with an anal-visual ligament can fit into the modern world. You just need to find your own realization.

Most importantly, you don't have to try to become like someone else. Each of us has all the properties for us to be happy. Realizing his properties correctly, a person with an anal vector becomes a professional in his field, acquires the respect of other people, material and moral satisfaction from his activities. Gradually, the environment around him changes, and instead of impudent skinheads, more and more realized and developed ones come across.
And the knowledge of one's own characteristics and the ability to recognize other people by vectors gives tremendous self-confidence and a clear understanding of the directions and ways of one's realization.
You can start to understand yourself and other people at the free online lectures on systemic vector psychology by Yuri Burlan. Register for them here.