Freedom Of Choice And Environment

Freedom Of Choice And Environment
Freedom Of Choice And Environment

Freedom of choice and environment

Our species has long been governed by lack of food, because of all our four basic desires - to eat, drink, breathe, sleep - it was the desire for food that was always lacking. There is no shortage of food in the modern world. Therefore, mankind, getting out of the control of hunger, receives complete freedom of choice …

Fragment of the lecture notes of the Second Level on the topic "Environment":

When man began to detach himself from his animal nature, the rudiments of consciousness and the first, then still small, freedom of choice arose in him. 6000 years ago, the following separation occurred - there was an awareness of one's Self, a feeling of separation from other people. “What am I to do with this? Who am I? And why is this all? - humanity began to develop towards these issues. At the same time, we were still ruled by hunger, but freedom of choice was gradually added through the emergence of ideas.

Our species has long been governed by lack of food, because of all our four basic desires - to eat, drink, breathe, sleep - it was the desire for food that was always lacking. There is no shortage of food in the modern world. Therefore, humanity, getting out of the control of hunger, receives complete freedom of choice.

People who are forced to think only about how to feed themselves cannot realize themselves in any other spheres of life. When there is guaranteed food, there is an immediate opportunity to apply your talents. You can go and realize yourself as an artist or musician, for example. In the modern world, if a person has talent, then he also has the opportunity to realize it, and this works not for some individuals, but for everyone.

Today we can fully influence our destiny and life - this is the highest level of freedom. We can choose how we live based on our talents and abilities.


How to maximize your freedom of choice at the private level? We do not choose the place where we will be born, and the environment in which we will grow, in this we are not free. The first freedom of choice for a person appears from about 6 years old, when he goes to school. There he is already able to start choosing the environment that will eventually begin to influence him.

Why is the environment important? We are not perfect, but conscious and rational, which means that we are capable of making a mistake that will lead to non-realization and frustration. It is very difficult to make the right choice alone, so it is better to choose an environment that will be most suitable for us socially and intellectually. When we adjust to this environment, we are less likely to make mistakes. Because a group of people almost always makes fewer mistakes than one person.

The choice of environment is the strongest freedom of choice that modern man has.

Do you need to be surrounded by those who are below you in level? It depends on whom. In prison, the majority changes for the worse under the influence of the environment of criminals, and rarely when it happens the other way around. In the USSR, when skin-visual girls left to teach children to read and write in the village, they raised everyone to their level. And everyone just adored these teachers.

In the environment, children under 6 change the fastest - under the influence of their parents.

Continuation of the synopsis on the forum:

Written down by Alexander Kuternin. January 27, 2014

A comprehensive understanding of this and other topics is formed on a full oral training in system-vector psychology
