Hypochondria. Real symptoms or echoes of night fears?
What is this scanty pleasure from searching for imaginary diseases, from long and persistent visits to doctors, endless examinations, tests, treatment that has very real side effects? Is it pleasant to live with fear, which every time squeezes the heart from a fleeting discomfort? And is it possible to achieve perfect health, even if everything in life is foreseen? Health should be in the head, then the body will be in order. And so - one hypochondria …
He is a pale, thin middle-aged man. Lonely and unemployed, in a very tight financial situation. The whole interest of his life is the achievement of ideal health. Only here the disease is not released in any way: as soon as one is cured, another appears immediately. He does not trust doctors, so he double-checks everything, since now there is a lot of information on medicine on the Internet and on television. He makes his own diagnoses and finds the means to cure his illnesses.
“I don’t like to get sick, so I am being treated,” he says. “I recently cured a pituitary adenoma. The symptoms, however, are not all gone, but tests and examinations confirm. And last year I myself coped with bronchial asthma. I studied the issue, insisted that the necessary procedures be prescribed, went to the head physician of the polyclinic … I picked up a suitable diet for myself. I try not to catch cold in winter, so as not to start the process. And now - no asthma!"
He is very proud of himself, his life is filled with meaning and has a goal - to achieve perfect health. But for some reason I want to feel sorry for him: who needs such a life? What is her joy? What is this scanty pleasure from searching for imaginary diseases, from long and persistent visits to doctors, endless examinations, analyzes, treatment that has very real side effects? Is it pleasant to live with fear, which every time squeezes the heart from a fleeting discomfort? And is it possible to achieve perfect health, even if everything in life is foreseen? Health should be in the head, then the body will be in order. And so - one hypochondria.
What is hypochondria? Risk group
Psychologists and psychotherapists note that in recent years the frequency of seeking help in connection with hypochondria has increased significantly. People are increasingly embarking on a pursuit of perfect health that never ends in victory. Because hypochondria is not a disease of the body, but a special state of the psyche, when a person tends to look for non-existent diseases in himself, with hypertrophied attention to any small malfunction of the body in order to inflate it to the size of an incurable and even fatal disease. Visiting doctors becomes an urgent need for them, and learning new methods of treating diseases and achieving ideal health becomes their only interest.
Who is at risk? First of all, such "sufferers" are people with cutaneous and visual vectors, insufficiently realized, or under stress.

Health is indeed one of the most important values for a person with a skin vector. He monitors his physical condition: in the morning he does exercises, follows a diet, takes vitamins and supplements, measures blood pressure, goes to preventive examinations, and monitors the daily routine. But in a situation of stress or non-realization of its properties (for example, due to the loss of a job), fixation on the state of health can become excessive, and in the presence of a visual vector, it can even turn into hypochondria.
The visual vector contributes significantly to this mental disorder. A person with a visual vector has a very large emotional amplitude, at the lower pole of which is the root fear of death. He is afraid of dying and, in a state of stress or unfulfillment, he can constantly listen to himself: does he have some kind of terrible disease that threatens his life. “Oh, my heart ached! Oh, the stomach is twisted! Oh, my head is spinning! All! I got sick! Hurry to the doctor before it's too late! - a hypochondriac is chronically in this state.
And this state is by no means harmless, because the work of many organs in the human body is regulated by the autonomic nervous system, which is influenced by the emotional state. Constant negative fixation on the work of organs can really lead to psychosomatic disorders.
In addition to the fear of death, hypochondria can be caused by such properties of the visual vector as suspiciousness and hypnotizability. For example, the news that an old school friend died of cancer can scare the viewer so much that he will definitely get sick, most likely in the same place where a classmate had cancer. He is very influenced. A phrase inadvertently said by a doctor can awaken in him a whole storm of worries about his own life. In order to somehow relieve fears, the spectator begins to be constantly examined.
It is interesting that a special group of hypochondriacs is distinguished - students of medical schools. Studying diseases, many of them find almost their entire list at home. No wonder, because people with a visual vector go to medicine, as a rule. In the modern world, this is the best realization for them. But, not having learned to bring their fear out and at the same time, having a high level of ability to get used to the image, they are fixed on internal sensations and are able to feel the symptoms of almost all diseases within themselves.
What is hypochondria and why is it so common now?
Why are there so many hypochondriacs in the modern world? The general availability of any information about health and disease has become unprecedented. If 20-30 years ago it was very difficult to find a popular book about medicine, now the number of printed literature and medical Internet sites is such that it can satisfy any request. Virtual communities are organized, where on the forums you can ask any question of interest regarding the diagnosis and treatment method. And not only medical specialists, but also numerous "sufferers" with a similar diagnosis are ready to answer it with joy.

The epidemic of online diagnoses and self-medication has reached such proportions that lethal outcomes are already occurring, such as the sensational case when the mother of a two-year-old girl who had pneumonia asked on a forum how to treat her child, instead of urgently taking him to the hospital. The girl died. And how many more cases when we do not know how the use of potent drugs or simply unsuitable drugs, "prescribed" by clever hypochondriacs on the forum of Internet communities from medicine, ends.
All of this, of course, aggravates the problem, rather than solving it. Lonely, stressful spectators (and the greatest stress they experience from the loss of emotional connection) find on the forum much-needed communication with the same unhappy ones like themselves. Here you can talk heart to heart, find sympathy and understanding, and at the same time become even more fixed in your problem - hypochondria.
We are in the cutaneous phase of human development, which has shaped the consumer society. Medicine is becoming more and more on the rails of commerce and is interested in attracting a large number of patients. And what miracle cures are not offered today by new pharmaceutical technologies! Heals everything and forever!
Hypochondriacs are the very first consumers of new drugs and dietary supplements. Their interest is constantly stimulated by advertising, which is especially susceptible to skin hypochondriacs, who love everything new and high-tech. They are close to the idea of saving time, when instead of the old-fashioned way of making herbal tea overnight in a thermos or walking for an hour in the park, you can just take a pill and get an instant effect. Indeed, it is very difficult for a person in shortages to resist the massive pressure from the consumer society. That is why the situation with hypochondriacal disorders is only getting worse in the modern world.
There is one more reason - an increase in the volume of human desires, an increase in temperament. Now we have a lot of opportunities and material benefits, before we could only dream of this. People with a visual vector in the modern world can be the happiest, because they finally have the realization of their properties. We are seeing a flourishing culture. Communication between people is no longer limited to the framework of the territory where they live - the Internet connects continents. Skin-visual travel lovers finally have the opportunity to visit any, even the most remote corner of the planet, to get acquainted with the traditions and culture of different countries. The world has become colorful, colorful as never before. It would seem, live and be happy. But at the same time the number of fears is growing, especially in prosperous countries.
Why is this happening? The fact is that when desire is fulfilled, it disappears, and then it arises again with a vengeance. Only with what can you fill it, if everything has already been tried and does not give such strong pleasure? Desire should be developed, but how to do it and where to strive? The question would remain unanswered if it were not for the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan.
What is hypochondria and how to get rid of it?
How can you help people with hypochondria? First of all, you need to become aware of your mental properties. The visual vector in stress or in a state of unrealization is in fear for its life, and in the opposite state it is able to fear for another, that is, empathize, sympathize, love. In order to stop painfully fixating on their inner sensations, the viewer needs to turn his rich emotional world outward, for example, to help the sick, the elderly or to raise children.
One of the internal, unconscious motives of hypochondriacal behavior is to draw attention to one's own person, due to the feeling of a lack of love, understanding, sympathy within oneself. Instead of loving and sympathizing with himself, the spectator tries to draw attention to himself, demonstrates to everyone how unhappy and sick he is.

Thus, he really gains attention, if not his loved ones, tired of the constant complaints and "serious" illnesses of his quite healthy relative, then doctors and nurses for sure. At least, medical workers have to listen to such an imaginary patient, schedule examinations, explain what is happening with his state of health. And if the doctors no longer believe, then you can faint and make a scandal that the doctors are incompetent and do not understand anything about his illness. Such demonstrative behavior of a hypochondriac is explained by the lack of realization of his emotions.
For a demonstrative hypochondriac, implementation on stage as an artist, singer or model may be suitable, where he can get the amount of attention he needs in a much more adequate way.
The situation is similar with the skin vector. Our hero, a middle-aged man, is under stress due to material problems and a long absence of work. For a person with a skin vector, which he is, the lack of social realization is the greatest stress, although he may not admit it to himself. In order to somehow fill the voids that had formed, he came up with an occupation - to be healed, healed and healed to achieve ideal health, which he, naturally, will never achieve. Because, in fact, the problem is not in the body, but in the psyche, which requires the realization of innate properties, desires.
They can be realized both in a positive way, for the good of society (as intended by nature), and in a negative way, acquiring ugly forms, like hypochondria. In a developed and realized state, a person with a skin vector is the best engineer, inventor, creator of new technologies. His activities are aimed at improving living conditions in society, and he simply has no time to think about his health every minute.
Thus, hypochondria is curable, not with the help of tranquilizers or antidepressants, but with a deep awareness of mental properties. Fear disappears, and with it, imaginary diseases.
Asia Samigullina:
I have ceased to be afraid of vague pains in my body. And - there are fewer of them! About two years before the training, I was a hypochondriac: there was not even a day when something didn't hurt me.
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