What is the threat of corruption in the educational system of Russia
It will not be possible to defeat corruption "from above", since it has become embedded in the system of values of the modern Russian. The value system of an underdeveloped thief's skin vector was the reverse side of the most beautiful, unique urethral-muscular mentality of Russia …
Russian corruption is killing the country. If we don't find a way to deal with it in the near future, we will face disaster. Why? I will explain.
A significant part of the population living in cities cannot imagine life without the following most important factors:
- water supply,
- sewerage,
- heating,
- power supply,
- gas supply,
- the medicine
Everyone knows that the technical structures serving these needs in Russia are inherited from the achievements of the Soviet past and are hopelessly outdated. Leather workers in modern Russia do not go to engineers and designers. The modern Russian leather worker dreams of being a manager or a businessman. And, nevertheless, as long as these technical structures are serviced by professionals, this means that you can count on the fact that they will be able to extend their working capacity for a certain period.
How do real professionals, perfectionists, masters of their craft turn out from young people? If they say about someone: "Golden hands, he knows how to repair everything around the house" or "The smartest man! Golden head!", Then only about them - people with a developed anal vector, future specialists, the best of the best. Having these inherent desires in themselves, they grow up with the desire to learn a profession where their thoroughness and hard work would be in demand. It is important for them to work at a serious facility, receive a decent salary for their work, and have honor and respect in society.

Professionals are people with a developed anal vector
A true professional must know the subject of his future profession, as well as the basic sciences accompanying it. These requirements are imposed by the relevant educational institutions and are the very burden, the strain, which other students do not like so much. The anal person loves to learn and absorbs knowledge like a sponge. The most interesting thing is that no matter how tough the requirements are, a talented student can easily fulfill them. Its advanced properties are designed to withstand such a load.
In the learning process, he passes many exams, while each teacher, of course, considers his subject the most important and considers the test of real knowledge of the student his primary task. An incentive for students in an educational institution should be an example and a board of honor, on which honors who honestly deserve an assessment of their work are marked …
Unfortunately, reality is often not the case. The picture changes if you add one simple thing to this idyll, such as "PRICE FOR FIVE". The problem of corruption concerns universities today as well. A talented applicant can no longer rely only on his own abilities. After all, if he does not have the necessary amount for a bribe, they become useless: there is always a question to which the student will answer incorrectly or make an inaccuracy.
Plus, those talented students for whom mom and dad are willing to pay will not receive an adequate load, realizing that it is not necessary to make full efforts. This means that they will not develop to the maximum, risking becoming amateurs hiding behind purchased crusts. And this is already a threat to the entire society. Would you agree to give your sick relative for an operation to a person who bought a diploma, but in fact cannot distinguish a liver from a kidney?
In addition, if everyone is willing to pay enough, then the title of excellent student ceases to be honorary. It becomes senseless to study, to compete for the quality of your knowledge! And this, in turn, means that the quality of setting up technical equipment at important facilities will inevitably fall, negligence will increase, medical errors will also increase, etc. Together with the wear and tear of equipment left over from Soviet times, never replaced or repaired due to the same corruption and theft on the ground, this will trigger a chain reaction of destruction of life support at the level of individual cities, districts, and then the whole country.
Yes, yes, dear gentlemen, former comrades, this is not at all a gloomy prediction of the apocalypse, but a completely possible forecast of reality, which, alas, is not far off. The corruption prevailing in the country is already making itself felt every day, in the simplest everyday manifestations. To begin with, we will have to freeze because of the broken heating boilers, to be left without electricity because of the burnt out "patches" at the substations. Finally, a clogged sewer will trigger a massive increase in epidemics. Residential multi-storey buildings will become uninhabited. Major cities in Russia will become ghost towns. Around them are formed by a ring of villages with dugouts …
Well, of course, some experts will dispute my claims. Firstly, conscientious specialists have not yet disappeared in Russia, who literally at the limit of human capabilities keep equipment in working order. Secondly, industry is reviving, for the first time in a couple of decades we see growth. Third, the control is tightening, the fight against corruption in Russia has been declared … Yes. Yes. Yes. And where was your control during the disaster at the Sayano-Shushinskaya HPP? How long did it take to restore the facility by the forces of the domestic industry? We sit and wait for changes for the better, some mythical "growth", but we lose the quality of life! Corruption in the country is only gaining momentum …
Do you want to live like this?
It will not be possible to defeat corruption "from above", since it has become embedded in the system of values of the modern Russian. The value system of an underdeveloped thief's skin vector is the reverse side of the most beautiful, unique urethral-muscular mentality in Russia.
Russians are not in demand for the values of a developed skin vector: economy, technology, law.
Even during the period of rapid economic growth and socialist industrialization, the country technically existed for the most part thanks to the developed properties of the anal and muscle vectors: anal perfectionism and the desire for quality and muscle physical strength, used both in construction and in production. Then the values of the anal vector were promoted: honor and respect, the solidarity of workers … (however, you yourself know all this).

When everything collapsed, all the old values collapsed at the same time. In the conditions of the skin revolutionary chaos of the 90s, anal workers instantly lost their realization. It was no longer possible to eat and get drunk on honor and respect. The Russian lover of freebies and easy money - an archetypal skin vector that turned the entire country into a market promoting unhealthy competition, corruption, deception and fraud AT ALL LEVELS, including state power - came to my mind and cheered up.
And how do you think to defeat corruption? The state power, on which hopes are pinned in this struggle, cannot deal with the problem within itself, and corruption in the highest echelons of power is no longer a secret to anyone! And even more hands will not reach other spheres of social relations.
So we will helplessly dismiss some bribe-takers? Others will come in their place … and so on ad infinitum. How can one learn at once to see whether a person will steal, take bribes or not? How to overcome the total desire for money-grubbing? When will the long-awaited results of the corruption investigation appear?
Until each person finds it difficult to figure out the thief in the system, until each person is ready to condemn the thieving scoundrels, until all of us together begin to despise crooks and thieves, the matter will not move.
Yes, today the mentality of our country creates conditions in which archetypal skin values are not only acceptable, but even prestigious. We easily envy those who manage to snatch a big piece without much effort, or even just by cunning. In a petty way, breaking the law for the benefit of oneself is considered resourceful, and all kinds of "scam" becomes almost a national sport. Nobody is surprised at corruption in the government. Moreover, it is considered quite justified to have a privileged opportunity to get the best piece for oneself, it is prestigious to have high-ranking intercessors. The point is precisely that all this is acceptable on the general mental level. This means that there is no serious deterrent, and our problem is not corruption as such …
We understand everything from the opposite. We distinguish cold relatively hot, good - relatively bad … Understanding the developed state of the vector, we will begin to automatically isolate the undeveloped, and as a result - to despise such behavior. At the most global level, we will receive a completely different system of values, in which it will be unbearable to remain a survivor parasitizing society.
During the training, all states of vectors, their internal motives and external manifestations are analyzed in detail and described. Provided that this will be obvious to a large mass of people, such a phenomenon as social shame will begin to work - an awareness of the flawed forms of fulfilling desires. Shame for the inability to correspond to a developed society will gradually get rid of corruption and any other criminal behavior only thanks to the internal stimulus of everyone to the greatest development, excluding archetypal behavior.