One Step: From Alcoholic To Artist

One Step: From Alcoholic To Artist
One Step: From Alcoholic To Artist

One step: from alcoholic to artist

When drunk, he is aggressive. Blow, another blow. Concussion. Six months later, a broken nose. I am ashamed to admit to someone what is happening in the family. Moreover, all the girlfriends gasp exclaim: "Oh, what a handsome husband you have!" Yulka just grinned and sighed heavily …

In a friendly female team, Yulka was nicknamed a telephone terrorist. As soon as she left for her legal three days off, she immediately started calling everyone she knew. Moreover, these calls were not limited to a few short phrases, but stretched out into long hours of confessions - about how she loves everyone and what wonderful people around her.

Everything would be fine, but Yulka did it “under the fly”. It was impossible to listen to her drunken outpourings, no one answered her calls, and Yulka persistently called everyone, all day.

A good and kind girl, for some reason she did not become an artist, but dreamed of drawing. She married for great love, but after a while in the family something went wrong.

How she began to drink

When drunk, he is aggressive. Blow, another blow. Concussion. Six months later, a broken nose. I am ashamed to admit to someone what is happening in the family. Moreover, all the girlfriends gasp exclaim: "Oh, what a handsome husband you have!" Yulka just grinned and sighed heavily: "Handsome, only stupid."

Treason, beatings. How can you endure all this if you have nowhere to go? It seemed like a good idea - to drink with him for company, so that he got less, so that the dose was not enough to the state of the beast.

Still, these panic attacks cover every other day, come unexpectedly and overtake in the most inappropriate places. Scary. We must not forget to buy vodka with juice, so drinking is not disgusting … And most importantly, fear will recede, and the whole world will again shine with "colors of love". And you don't have to think what lies ahead there, because there is a black hole of hopelessness.

Yes, Yulka was drunk.

However, the Celestial Empire had its own plan for Yulka's salvation. He was very bizarre.

How disaster changed her life

She called a year later and said in a happy voice that they were divorcing her husband. She was incredulously surprised at her happy state, because according to human standards, happiness falls from heaven and certainly does not come in the cloak of difficult life circumstances.

One step: from alcoholic to picture artist
One step: from alcoholic to picture artist

It so happened that she lost her job, her elderly mother fell seriously ill, her mother-in-law lost her memory, and her father came down with a stroke. The husband went to live with another beloved. And away we go …

Get up early, and run to look after mom. “Who would have thought that at six in the morning there is such a beautiful moon,” Yulia remarked on the way to the bus stop. Tomorrow I need to spoon-feed my dad and talk to another mother, who for some reason only recognizes Yulia. The ex does not come to her parents, but she cannot leave them, because they are also her mom and dad.

- Julia, what do you live on?

- I sold my two paintings.

- How are your panic attacks?

- Oh, I forgot what it is. And you know, I don't even think that trials have been given to me, I feel happy.

This is inconceivable! Julia paints, her paintings are for sale. Doesn't drink, doesn't worry. This is another Julia.

What happened to her is easily understood at the training "System-vector psychology" by Yuri Burlan.

It's all about the psyche

Potentially a better mother, wife. A woman who, in addition to being ready to adapt to the circumstances of the skin vector, also has anal and visual vectors. The family for her is a supervalue, so for the sake of the family you can sacrifice your interests, give up your favorite business. So it happened with Yulia. She never graduated from the institute, did not become an artist. But at home I created coziness and warmth.

But the house did not become an earthly paradise, and the visual vector did not receive its realization, the love for her drinking husband quickly passed.

The visual vector gives a person a wide range of emotions - from wild fear to a state of great happiness. And if there is no source of joy and it is impossible to experience love, the emotional state of a person goes into a minus - into fear.

After all, fear is a strong emotion, and our psyche, in a sense, does not care what it will be: bad or good, the main thing is that in all its might. In Julia, this was manifested by increased anxiety, panic attacks. Intuitively, she protected her psyche, temporarily relieving fears with alcohol. After the next dose, she liberated herself, became cheerful and talkative, called her friends and acquaintances, in the evenings she rolled up scandals to her husband about his betrayal, and received beatings in response. And so in a circle.

Gradually, the fears intensified, the dose and degree of alcohol increased.

As soon as the trouble happened with her parents, Yulia stopped thinking about herself, being afraid of herself, because now her relatives needed her. The understanding that without her they would disappear helped her to switch her attention from herself to them, to give them all her unclaimed sensitivity and love. And this is what cured Yulia of alcoholism. The visual vector got the opportunity to realize its properties, and the fears went away, the panic attacks stopped.

Julia began to paint again, so beautifully that her paintings began to be sold. Her inner state has changed so much that her sadistic husband has lost any need to mock her. And in this case, divorce is their best joint decision.

Many women find themselves in a similar difficult situation, and it can hardly be said that everyone would choose such a tough way out of it. Yuri Burlan's training "System-vector psychology" helps and explains how to become happy without waiting for life itself to lead you luckily.
