Personality traits ─ eight facets of human nature
We figured out all the molecules of the human body, flew into space, turned to philosophy and religion, biophysics and biochemistry, but still did not find answers to the questions: how does the thought arise, why the desires of people can be diametrically opposite and why, looking at one and the other same subject, we see completely different things?
This mysterious creature is a man. The more highly organized we become, the more we are interested in the question, how does this complex mechanism still work? We figured out all the molecules of the human body, flew into space, turned to philosophy and religion, biophysics and biochemistry, but still did not find answers to the questions of how the thought arises, why the desires of people can be diametrically opposed, how can one explain the fact that looking at the same object, we see completely different things?
Only now, with the help of systemic knowledge, we are trying to look at others not through ourselves, not comparing them with an invented "norm", but in a different way - perceiving them as they are, differentiating the personal qualities of a person, understanding the innate nature of their properties, which means a system of values, priorities and desires, the desire to satisfy which determines human behavior.
The training "System-vector psychology" reveals eight starting points, eight facets that make up a person's mental, eight vectors that determine the direction of development of the psychological qualities of a person.
Inborn properties develop to a certain level: they can develop to the highest level of a modern member of society, or they can remain at the elementary level of relations, as in a primitive flock, and the way in which these innate personality traits are realized throughout adulthood depends on this.
Theft and engineering technologies are different manifestations of the same innate quality of the skin vector - the desire to get and save.
In the first case, this is prey for oneself, that is, an undeveloped property directed inside the personality, and in the second case, it is the extraction and economy of various resources of society, which, of course, will benefit personally the author of these developments, but already as a member of society, and not just a hungry hunter.
What determines the level of development of innate personality traits?
Why, being brought up in the same family, one of the brothers becomes an outstanding doctor, a well-known public figure, and the other - a criminal who brings destruction and suffering to people?
What personality traits determine her behavior?
What are the components of the psychological portrait of a modern personality?
Is it possible to develop or eradicate certain personality traits of a person on purpose?
Do psychological qualities change over the years?
Gingerbread - pleasure, whip - no gingerbread
Nature provides us from birth with certain psychological properties, realizing which, we receive pleasure. There is no realization - we suffer, shortages grow, the biochemical balance of the brain is disturbed, and we are thrown into the archetypal program, that is, we go to satisfy our desires directly, somehow, just to relieve tension, to get if not pleasure, then at least remove it internal pressure. This is stronger than us, this is nature. By and large, it does not give us a choice: in any case, we will fulfill our specific role, but how - it already depends on us.
Options for the implementation of innate personality traits can differ among themselves, like heaven and earth. Humanity has been developing for 50 thousand years, and the ability to deftly and accurately throw a spear is no longer relevant today. Many of us do not even know how to properly hold a shovel or an ax, but most of the urban population knows what the Internet is and has the skills to use a computer.
In modern society, those psychological properties that allowed an ancient man with a skin vector to kill a mammoth faster than anyone else or organize warriors to defeat enemies are implemented in business, engineering and lawmaking with a high level of development of vector properties. Or they remain at the level of "mammoth mining", that is, theft, speculation and weighting in the market, fraud or all sorts of scams.

In each vector, innate personality traits can be realized at a high level and bring benefit to the whole society. In this case, a person gets maximum pleasure from his activities, since his actions correspond to the level of temperament (strength of desire) of a modern person. If the realization of properties goes on a primitive level - directly, the personal qualities of a person are used only for himself, then the satisfaction is scanty, since this is an option for an ancient person, for his low temperament. And it is perceived by the individual as a relief of pressure, temporary, shallow, scanty, and pushes him to repeat his actions again and again, since full satisfaction does not come.
It is like running in circles: "stole - drank - in jail - stole - drank - in jail."
Steps of psychological evolution
The time until the end of puberty (12-15 years) is the most important and the only possible period in order to develop innate personality traits. Upbringing, adequate to the vector set of the child, creates conditions for the maximum development of all available properties of the younger generation. During this period, each vector of the child in its development manages to reach some level of development, there are four of them: inanimate, vegetable, animal and maximum - a person.
For example, the development of a baby's visual vector begins from the lowest level - inanimate. In this state, he is attracted by everything bright and beautiful in the world around him: from flowers to pictures, from bright applications to soft toys. Growing up does not guarantee the development of the vector. If the child is not adequately guided, then all that he will be able to do in the future is to notice exclusively the external beauty of people or animals, nature or design. But all this will not cause a deep emotional response in him, the expression of feelings will remain at the level of beautiful and ugly, but in any case it will be soulless.
With the right approach, the child is able to move to the next stage of perception of the surrounding world - the vegetative level of the visual vector. Love and admiration for beauty will still remain in him, but empathy for wildlife will be added to this. Here the flowers were picked and thrown, sorry, they are dying. Here is a homeless little dog wandering around, and the heart shrinks from its mere sight. At the same time, the same homeless person will not arouse sympathy in the visual at all. He does not feel his suffering. In adulthood, a person who is at this level of development of the visual vector can show his personal qualities in protecting the environment, organizing charitable foundations for the protection of animals, veterinary hospitals and shelters, in saving endangered species and the like.

The next level of development that can be achieved before puberty is the animal. To empathy for our smaller brothers and living nature is added the ability to sympathize with people, such a person already knows how to create an emotional connection with a person.
The highest level of development of the visual vector is human. In this state, love is primary. It extends to everything around and is expressed by a general empathy for all living things and, first of all, for a person. Animals are still as compassionate as flowers and trees, but human life will always be at the forefront. A spectator developed to this level devotes himself to helping people in need. Human life and human misfortunes will always evoke in him the greatest response than all animal nature taken together.
Each next level does not exclude the previous one, but, on the contrary, includes it. The founder of the charitable foundation for helping children may well be a famous top model like Natalia Vodianova.
A love for animals or flowers, an addiction to painting or photography can accompany a visual person all his life, but with a high level of development of vector personality traits, human life will always be a priority for him, therefore, saving an endangered species of African birds will fade into the background when help is needed for victims floods to people.
Psychological portrait of a modern personality
Satisfying his needs at a higher level, a person also receives a higher sense of the quality of life, even pleasure from his activities, which cannot be compared with the sensations from realization at lower levels. Therefore, even having not the highest level of development of innate properties, but realizing personal qualities and needs for implementation, any person can define an activity for himself, even if not the main one, but as a hobby that would allow him to more fully realize his innate properties and desires, getting pleasure from it.

Thus, the psychological portrait of a person is formed by his vector set, innate temperament (the strength of desire in each vector), the level of development of innate personality traits (vectors) and the degree of realization of these qualities at a given moment in life.
Having mastered the basic knowledge about the nature of the eight vectors, the trainees can easily independently compose a psychological portrait of any person, which means they can understand his behavior, character, understand his values, priorities and way of thinking, find out the real reasons for his actions, often hidden even from him himself, and see all its possible potential and ways of solving existing psychological problems.