Kurchatov. Part 3. "Father" Of The Russian Atomic Bomb

Kurchatov. Part 3. "Father" Of The Russian Atomic Bomb
Kurchatov. Part 3. "Father" Of The Russian Atomic Bomb

Kurchatov. Part 3. "Father" of the Russian atomic bomb

Two physicists: the name of one of them was already known to the world scientific community, the second would be discussed only in 1949. Why does Kapitsa refuse and Kurchatov agree? …

Part 1. Demiurge of the nucleus

Part 2. Time for nuclear reactions

“I owe 90% of my success to Lavrenty Beria and Soviet intelligence officers”

I. V. Kurchatov

First, A. F. was assigned to lead the project of creating the First Soviet atomic bomb. Ioffe, but he made an excuse, arguing the refusal by his advanced age and recommended the most talented of his students I. V. Kurchatov.

Pyotr Kapitsa, who was also offered the leadership of the Technical Committee, pointedly refused, referring to a conflict with "not versed in science" L. P. Beria.

Two physicists: the name of one of them was already known to the world scientific community, the second would be discussed only in 1949. Why does Kapitsa refuse and Kurchatov agree? Here again it is necessary to turn to the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan.

The developed properties of the anal-sound ligament of vectors undoubtedly distinguish the genius scientist. But the pressure of external circumstances often manifests itself as neurasthenia, frustrations in the anal vector, and is aggravated by selfish freaks in the sound.

The anal-sound scientist Pyotr Leonidovich Kapitsa was absent from Russia for 13 years and, working for the development of English science, missed the time of the formation of the USSR, the abolition of the NEP, the beginning of the Stalinist five-year plan, the moral reforging of the inhabitants of the Land of Soviets, who were building the world's first socialist state.

The elitism of the academic environment, the comfort of Western life and cozy family happiness in his own house with an English garden suddenly ended when in 1934 he was not released from Moscow, where he came to visit from Cambridge. The exit visa was canceled, “on the grounds that Kapitsa renders significant services to the British, informing them about the state of science in the USSR, as well as the fact that he provides British firms, including the military, major services, selling them patents and working on their orders … (from the resolution signed by Lazar Kaganovich).

By Stalin's decision in 1935, the Institute for Physical Problems was created in Moscow especially for Pyotr Kapitsa, where he could continue his research on developing his own method of obtaining oxygen.

From Cambridge, where he was engaged in research, all the equipment on which the scientist worked there was delivered to the USSR with some difficulty. But personal grievances against Soviet Power, which did not let him back to Great Britain, turned out to be for P. L. Kapitsa is above the interests of state security and the proposed position of head of the Technical Council for the creation of the first Soviet atomic bomb. Kapitsa's lack of understanding of the importance of the nuclear threat for the USSR is also confirmed by the fact that he insisted on involving British scientists in the Soviet development.

Excessive sound egocentrism, anal stubbornness and resentment led to the fact that the scientist was removed from the already begun work in the atomic project, depriving him of all titles and positions of director of the Institute of Physical Problems.

Project start

With Kapitsa leaving the Technical Committee, all responsibility fell on Kurchatov. For Igor Vasilyevich, the question "to be or not to be" was not even raised. The urethral does not hesitate and does not measure "seven times", like his anal counterpart in science. The anal sound engineer is valuable as a generator of sound ideas. But he is not capable of embodying his ingenious plan due to his natural rigidity and indecision. If P. L. Kapitsa headed the Committee, and it would take more than a decade to wait for the result. At first, the entire project was supervised by Vyacheslav Molotov, but the summarized result of his supervision was disappointing.

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Then the olfactory Stalin, having identified a fellow in the quartels of energy with an inner superhuman instinct, entrusts this work to L. P. Beria.

From the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan it is known that the olfactory flock is necessary for its own survival. In order to avoid the risks of confusion and hesitation in the minds, entailing rash actions, the olfactory establishes total control over each individual of the flock. Thus, he is always aware of everything that is happening around him and can take security measures in a timely manner. Thus, he provides the people with the opportunity to survive and is saved by himself, through his survival.

High security stamp

It is also impressive that the scientist's sincere desire to create a security shield for his country, to make it invincible, makes olfactory Joseph Stalin and Lavrenty Beria opt for the urethral Kurchatov.

Here comes what is commonly called "classics of the genre." The olfactory measure with the help of the urethral established control over the sound. The government in every way encourages sound scientists to work. The urethral person voluntarily, according to his natural call, leads the flock, in this case a group of scientists, to the top of the unknown and will certainly reach it.

Attracted by the powerful pheromones of the leader, anal sound specialists received from Igor Vasilyevich a sense of confidence and demand. They were in love with their leader and were ready to work on the project as long as necessary. The "olfactory whip" was not even used against them. On the contrary, despite the wiretapping, the researchers were free to speak on any topic.

In such an important matter as the conceived "Atomic Project of the USSR", first of all, the urethral leader came under control. The criterion for the urethral is "pack life". The urethral is harnessed to a cart and drags it into the future with all the load, consisting of ideas and people, along the way, solving grandiose tasks of national importance. So that in the campaign for Kurchatov's achievements "he did not go astray and derail" together with the whole flock, nature, with the hands of Stalin, put a "gray cardinal", an olfactory advisor in the person of Beria, to the urethral Kurchatov. Lavrenty Pavlovich provided all-round support to Igor Vasilievich and his group.

When the efforts of the urethral and the olfactory are combined, you can be confident in the future of the pack.

My life is nothing, the life of the pack is everything

Kurchatov himself, working in Sevastopol under the bombing on the problem of demining warships, constantly risking his life, repeatedly proved how important the defense of the country, the protection of its interests and the entire people, is for him. Whatever the urethral person does, he devotes himself entirely to the cause, with all the passion of his four-dimensional libido. He moves towards the victorious goal, no matter how unattainable it may seem, not paying attention to the difficulties and obstacles. The entire life of Igor Vasilyevich confirms this.

“My life is nothing, the life of a pack is everything,” - the principle of the existence of the urethral, which Yuri Burlan speaks about at lectures on system-vector psychology.

It was impossible to assess the complexity of work at a nuclear reactor, then there were simply no comparative categories. Even the scientists themselves did not understand what exactly they were doing and what risks they were exposed to. The dangerous consequences of radioactivity were just beginning to be studied. Much was done by hand. It was built manually, manually tested. The technicians transferred the irradiated material in the form of plates from the reactor to the central building, recording the time of the run using a stopwatch, and none of them contracted radiation sickness.

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The reactor in Moscow was built for testing. Industrial was located beyond the Urals. Igor Vasilievich Kurchatov spent a lot of time there. During the accident at a nuclear reactor in Chelyabinsk, he personally participated in its elimination, having received a high dose of radiation.

American bomb in Russian

None of Igor Vasilyevich's employees knew that he had his own office in Lubyanka, where he studied secret documents collected by intelligence, in order to use this information later to work on the Soviet atomic project.

On August 29, 1949, an atomic explosion, exceptional in its destructive and destructive force and power, was carried out. The test of the first Soviet atomic bomb was successful. This meant that the state task of physics was fulfilled. Then five bombs were produced, each bore a female name. The bombs did not enter service with the military units; they were stored in a warehouse in Arzamas-16. For this work I. V. Kurchatov and the chief designer of the atomic bomb, academician Yu. B. Khariton received the title of "Hero of Socialist Labor".

It doesn't matter that the Soviet atomic bomb was an absolute copy of the American one and was made according to the drawings from the "Manhattan Project". It is important that after the tests carried out in 1949 at the test site near Semipalatinsk, a long-awaited nuclear equilibrium emerged, which made it possible to keep the countries from sliding into World War III.

In the early fifties, the Americans were armed with the nuclear submarine "Nautilus". In 1952, Igor Kurchatov's team was to create the same, while simultaneously developing a hydrogen bomb.

“Our state today … has survived as a single sovereign country, Russia, only because we have nuclear submarines, nuclear weapons and missiles,” says Mikhail Kovalchuk, president of the Kurchatov Institute.

The activity of thinking and the scope of interests are characteristic of the urethral sound specialist. Igor Vasilyevich is looking for opportunities to transfer the military nuclear project to a peaceful channel. Nuclear energy should become an alternative to hydrocarbon energy. The USSR, demonstrating the peacefulness of its nuclear policy, launched in June 1954 in the city of Obninsk the world's first nuclear power plant. Today the whole world is developing nuclear energy, the ancestor of which was the Kurchatov Institute.

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“This energy sector is technologically, personnel, industrial, scientific, and resource fully provided. Nuclear power devices have been converted into nuclear icebreakers. There is a new program today. Energy reserves are exhaustible and close to the end, but the Arctic shelf exists. And we are not competitive there, because we have a nuclear-powered icebreaker fleet”(from an interview with M. Kovalchuk, president of the Kurchatov Institute Research Center).

Nuclear parity

One of the advantages of Kurchatov is that he and his scientists in the eyes of the West and the Soviet Government raised the prestige of Soviet science in a short time. When the question arose of the life and death of the state, and perhaps of the entire people, they needed their own super-powerful weapons, and they were created.

Nuclear parity with the United States has been established. Unlike the American ones, the Soviet atomic bomb was never used for the purpose of aggression, and Moscow responded to all accusations about testing its own atomic bomb with a report by Kurchatov: "Soviet scientists considered it their sacred duty to ensure the SAFETY of the Motherland …"
