Absent-minded person. Living between sleep and reality
Yes, we are strange. Incomprehensible to the rest. And for us they are gray shadows that have no volume and depth. The senseless vanity of their lives, the eternal race for happiness expressed in monetary terms or in the number of fans, is alien to us. All this is illusory. And often frightens with its illusion. Maybe, in fact, there is nothing but a dream?
Morning subway. Gloomy people rush to work. I follow the crowd, obeying the general vanity. The legs themselves are carried along the usual route …
"Be careful, the doors are closing". Stop! For a moment, emerging from a fascinating discussion with myself, I find myself at the station. What am I doing here?! Where am I going and why?
Judging by the time, I'm going to work. Reluctantly, memory begins to select options. From such and such a station to such a station I went to my last job. Now I only occasionally dash in that direction to cheat. And now?
The surrounding reality is loaded with jerks, slowing down. Slowly the crowd takes on faces, the station gets its name, and I take on my role today. Everything is correct. I'm going where I should be. The autopilot did not disappoint.
Strange people
Yes, we are strange. Incomprehensible to the rest. And for us they are gray shadows that have no volume and depth. The senseless vanity of their lives, the eternal race for happiness expressed in monetary terms or in the number of fans, is alien to us. All this is illusory. And often frightens with its illusion.
Maybe, in fact, there is nothing but a dream? We often confuse dream and reality. And just as often we doubt our normalcy. We are the owners of the sound vector.
Vector in Yuri Burlan's System-Vector Psychology is a group of properties of the psyche and desires that determine thinking, perception of the world and possible life scenarios. The sound vector is the only one of eight that gives a person the feeling that his own thoughts and ideas are more real than the world around him.
At any opportunity, we plunge into our inner world. There is always someone to talk to. There is something to think about. Of course, the cramped and uncomfortable physical I, short-lived and constantly demanding attention, cannot be compared with the real "inner" I. Brilliant and eternal. Well, at least we think so.
I am a genius … potentially
We sound people are really brilliant. What are Einstein or, for example, Mozart? Abstract thinking and the ability to focus on a task work wonders. And the natural ability to listen to the subtlest vibrations of the world helps to create unique masterpieces not only in music and in the field of scientific discoveries.
Better than anyone else, we can focus on others, listen to them, feel life itself and its meaning in each of the people. And give out an idea that can change the world in a short time.
All sound engineers have the potential, but not everyone succeeds. This requires a skill that is acquired in childhood and develops with varying degrees of success. The presence of other vectors also has some influence. For the most part, we are geniuses only in our own thoughts.

Just me and no one else
The main problem is that genius is evidence-based. It requires interaction with physical reality. At the very least, you need to bring your activity “to the court of society” and correlate with it. It is this skill that many of us lack - to exist in society.
We are not ready to listen to what is happening outside, to focus on the outside. Sociopaths. We are so focused on ourselves that we notice the world around us only when it seriously interferes. They pushed or asked the question: “Huh? What? Are you contacting me? The rest of the time we try to avoid contact. Headphones, loud music. And constant internal dialogue. An eternal dispute with oneself, not embodied in any useful form.
So our brilliant abstractions remain formless reflections. And material reality evokes nothing but hatred. However, in such a state, the inability to generate a viable thought is for the better. After all, ideas about the destruction of all mankind or some part of mankind are also the fruits of the sound vector.
Why do I need if there is no sense?
All this would remain the absurdity of the image of an absent-minded person, if it did not entail problems for the sound specialists themselves. System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan says that the main desire of any of them is to know the meaning of life. No more, no less. The whole search for sound specialists is aimed at understanding what is hidden there, behind the scenery of the world. What is the meaning of this performance?
Most often, the search is unconscious. We rush about, not being able to find the right approach to the solution. And the less successful our searches are, the more we plunge into the depths of thoughts that there is no sense at all. Failing to find an application to our nature, we are increasingly fleeing the world, eventually falling into depression. And the world seems more and more illusory, colorless. And endless loneliness covers the head.
At first, we are still trying to grasp any opportunity to change consciousness, to feel life more real. Music helps a little. Someone is looking for help in drugs, getting bogged down forever in the death captivity of ever increasing doses. We are not afraid of physical suffering. The lack of meaning carries with it much more suffering. We are not afraid of death. We even wish it in order to get rid of the hated body in which the soul is chained.
The simplest escape from the annoying world is sleep. It seems so. Until insomnia comes. We sleep in reality. And even further we withdraw into ourselves.
Something strange … but quite normal
For the most part, we are normal members of society. If you look from the outside - no better and no worse than others. We try to grasp the interests of this world, create a family. To those around us, we seem a little more closed than they themselves, but you never know who has any character.
Only occasionally, as if waking up, we do not understand: “Where am I? What am I doing here? Why am I here? And we are looking, we are looking, we are looking. We ourselves do not know what exactly we are missing.
We, like others, go to work, communicate with friends. We argue about the universe, we argue about philosophy. But often, being sure that we have expressed a thought out loud, we actually say it to ourselves. For the same reason, we skip words in conversation. Because of this, speech seems ragged. We are sometimes not understood, but … you never know who does not know how to think logically.
Moreover, sometimes we do not even realize our desires. We feel that “some are not like everyone else,” but in what it is not clear. System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan shows this difference in the most accurate way, helping to find a way out of any state.
Time to wake up
The thinking of the owners of the sound vector not only carries a constant lack of meaning and its eternal search. Thanks to the peculiarities of our thinking, we can get much more pleasure from the world than others. And you don't need to have any special genius. Any sound engineer today is able to do what the philosophers of the last century only dreamed of. Know yourself. Learn the meaning of life. Then it will definitely be a pity to sleep through the minutes of life.
At trainings on System-Vector Psychology by Yuri Burlan, you can completely get rid of the feeling of the illusory nature of the world. Wake up in a completely new reality - understandable and incredibly interesting. Register for free nightly online trainings - follow the link.