New Year's Eve: waiting for a miracle
New Year's mood, anticipation of the holiday … Expectation of something incredibly kind and bright … It would seem that it's time for the dreams of positive changes in our life to come true.
What to plan for the New Year? What prevents dreams from coming true and where do they really lead?
At the time of New Year's holidays, you so want to believe in miracles. Flickering lights of garlands, colorful snowflakes swirling in the endless waltz of snowfall, long dark winter evenings, a warm blanket and a mug of fragrant hot chocolate. It seems that a funny gnome is about to crawl out from under the tree, and a winter fairy flashes through the snow-covered window. And this big starry sky is so close that all our cherished desires have a chance to be heard.
What if, in fact, the wish made to the chiming clock will come true? Maybe, if you really, really want, then this shooting star will make my dream come true? All that I miss in my life is just a little magic, and then everything will go like clockwork!
What actually makes us believe in a fairy tale, even if life convinces us of the absurdity of such a belief? Endless optimism or childish naivety?
Is it good or bad to believe in magic and hope for a miracle?
What, in general, are miracles, who do they happen to and why?
Anatomy of magic
A completely scientific definition of a miracle is given by the System-Vector Psychology of Yuri Burlan.
Fairy tales, magic, miracles and magic - all these are the fruits of the creativity of people with a visual vector. Their fantasy gives rise to amazing scenarios of the adventures of fairy-tale heroes, and the emotional coloring of the narrative makes the plot realistic and involves in the story, forcing their feelings with the heroes to experience. It is the visual people who put on the costumes of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden on New Year's holidays, take part in theatrical performances, hold matinees to give children a holiday.
It is through the efforts of visual people that the New Year holidays are overgrown with all sorts of signs, superstitions, fairy tales, fortune telling, predictions and so on.
The aura of magic and anticipation of a New Year's miracle is supported by the film industry, television, theatrical performances and all kinds of New Year's paraphernalia, which are also sponsored by spectators.

Like everything in our life, the results of "magical" creativity have two poles. Positive, when it creates a fabulous atmosphere, energizes, serves as inspiration, a source for new ideas and discoveries, gives rise to enthusiasm and pushes to live actively. And negative, when fantasies lead us into a maelstrom of superstitions, passive expectation of miracle and grace, they force us to give up. Thus, we deprive ourselves of the happiness and enjoyment of our own life.
Believing in a miracle means believing in yourself
It is our attitude towards miracles that determines their impact on our lives. Sadly, it often happens that the New Year's expectation of miracles, belief in magic, hope for a sudden, something that happened in some fabulous way, solving problems deprives us of the will to act, relieves us of responsibility for our life. We relax, relying solely on fate and "higher forces", do nothing to really change the state of affairs and solve our problem in order to improve our life. We cease to defend our interests, we do not realize the inclinations given to us by nature. The result is deplorable: not only does the manna from heaven not fall, but also the condition worsens due to a lack of realization.
For example, instead of building a pairing relationship, we spend our entire lives waiting for the perfect prince or princess. Instead of making a career and taking place in the profession, we are looking, waiting, sorting out options in the hope of finding the best, the most successful. Instead of finding answers to our questions and finally finding the meaning of life, we continue to focus on other people's ideals and opinions. As a result, we get resentment, disappointment, tantrums, anger, melancholy and hopelessness.
It is worth noting that a miracle for everyone has its own outlines: for a person with a skin vector this is an unexpected increase, a bonus, a successful contract, for a representative of the anal vector it is family happiness, recognition of his work at work, pride in children, for a viewer it is love and emotional connection with a person, the ability to share feelings with another, for a sound engineer - awareness of new meanings of his life, and so on.
A common miracle for absolutely everyone is the desire to enjoy life, to receive joy from it, not suffering. And understanding the intricacies of the human psyche makes it possible to fulfill this desire - both for oneself and for others.
Belief in magic and hope for a miracle, combined with knowledge of system-vector psychology, create a creative attitude and become a driving force that inspires us to new achievements, make us aim at more ambitious projects, conquer higher peaks, help to achieve the most unattainable goals at first glance. guiding our lives along the optimal path.
I'm not a magician, just learning
Changing our attitude to life through understanding the nature of the human psyche, we begin to look for ways to realize the entire spectrum of our innate properties. As a result, we get pleasure.
We build relationships with others in a different way, perceiving people adequately to their nature, according to their psychological properties, accepting them as they are. No judgment, criticism or rejection. As a result, we get pleasure from communication, friendship, love.
Our worldview is changing. Awareness of the ways and mechanisms of human development, the characteristics and differences of mentalities gives a deep understanding of social processes, social trends and changes taking place in society. Anxiety, uncertainty about the future, fear of the future disappear. A feeling of happiness appears. Life brings more joy. The positive is felt more than the negative.
Many listeners who have completed online training in systemic vector psychology call their changes in life for the better a real miracle and speak about it openly in their interviews.
Systemic thinking, which is formed during the training, makes it possible to look into the “magician's hat” and find out what miracles really are, how they happen in our life and why.
The best New Year's miracle is the opportunity to gain new knowledge of a level that matches the temperament of a modern person, allowing him to lead his life and work his own miracles in the form of full realization of himself in society, work and relationships.
Register for the next free online training on system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan by following the link and try to work wonders yourself!