Word as a tool of information war
There was a preparatory stage in the Second World War - leaflets calling for surrender. There was also the BBC. Everyone listened to this radio - both the Germans and the Soviet leadership - in order to know the real situation on the fronts. Gradually the BBC learned to tell 99% of the truth and 1% of what needs to be said for their own benefit …
Fragment of the lecture summary of the Second Level on the topic "Tension between sound and smell":
Earlier, the written word went through a lot of censorship, and the word of mouth too. The principle was simple: there is no point in idly chatting what is not necessary. In addition, creating a written word was elementary expensive. The books were copied by hand. The censorship worked with time and money. Former Soviet people, out of habit, still believe the written word automatically.
Today the word is used as a tool of information warfare. There was a preparatory stage in the Second World War - leaflets calling for surrender. There was also the BBC. Everyone listened to this radio - both the Germans and the Soviet leadership - in order to know the real situation on the fronts. Gradually the BBC learned to tell 99% of the truth and 1% of what needs to be said for their own benefit.

The Americans quickly learned this and created the Voice of America radio. Radio Free Europe from Munich was also funded by American intelligence. They never directly said nasty things about the USSR, you yourself guessed everything that was needed. It was an information war.
It cannot be said that the Americans destroyed the USSR this way. We had a premature state, and it destroyed itself in the first place, but the fact that this process was somewhat accelerated by the information war is undoubtedly. When everyone started listening to this radio, they began to conduct a comparative analysis between the USA and the USSR, and not in favor of the latter: “How can you live in the USSR, their workers have a car, and we have to stand in line for it for 10 years, and then owe all neighbors! A little time passed, and the same radio began to listen to people higher up. And when those who were supposed to protect from this hearing began to listen, the process began to develop even more rapidly.
Information war is the impact of the word. Russian ears are special, it is easier to influence us, we are politicized. We constantly, through the word, say "Americans" and think that they say the same about us. We are mistaken. For them, Russia is generally an abstraction, well, somewhere there is. Try to influence them - but they don't need this for a hundred years. It is we who are politicized, we are showing our ears, moreover, we are also simple-minded, but the Americans are not. And when someone says something, they share it, they listen to both sides, not one: "He said, what do you say?" We have a collective thinking, it does not even occur to us to listen to the other side, this is simple-heartedness and gullibility collectivist, communal. Our ears are adapted in all senses, they are only waiting for us to be influenced by the word spoken or written, and better by both. We believe,that democracy is freedom of speech and that in America any journalist can write whatever he wants! This is a deep misconception, he will lose his job tomorrow if he writes what he wants: whoever pays calls the tune.
Information wars began to appear with our ability to perceive them. These are the most humane weapons, the most bloodless wars. They launched the necessary information on social networks on the prepared ground - so they took themselves and mutilated, and not a single American soldier is needed. The olfactory person is able to maintain his flock, dividing another, such is the nature of politics - divide and conquer. The first thing we did with Germany after the war, to guarantee the future, was to divide it, not in the name of freedom, but in the name of security, so that it would not pose a threat to us for the next 10 years. Today there is no need for cannons to shoot, but blood is still needed, at least 80 people on the sacrificial altar, where can we go without it.
It should be remembered that we have a natural gullible mind, and for 20 years in Russia there has not been a full-fledged social system that creates a collective thought. We are disoriented. People with the clearest conscience will stand up for evil, absolutely convinced that they stand up for good … Lost people, and they will still be very proud of this. We have lost our bearings - this is a bad process. In this situation, false goals are acquired … There would be someone to give them. For us, for Russia, it costs nothing to substitute concepts, only the lazy is not able to do this, and today we are predisposed to this, as never before, because we are trying to dominate not in content, but in form.

Moreover, we ourselves inculcate the reality in which we live. We create it, absolutely everyone is a participant, everyone is not outside the brackets, but inside. We have not yet begun to prepare for information wars and we do not know either the psychological aspect or the technological one. The world is so arranged that each state wants to maintain its integrity and has greater potential and opportunities if it weakens others. And in this equation, the goal of today's world is to weaken Russia as much as possible by dividing it.
The Internet is the best and most useful thing that has been created by mankind over the past decades, it is a breakthrough into a new reality, but it can also be used for evil. This Internet reality sweeps away entire states and peoples. It is especially capable of affecting our, Russian ear, and we have nothing to answer. We are people on the contrary: we stand for the truth in international politics to the end, and inside the country everything consists of lies. The opposite is true for the Americans. What is the truth in international relations? Personal interests only. This truth can be obtained in international interests only through great force …
Continuation of the abstract on the forum:
Natalia Zhikh wrote down. 8 March 2014
A comprehensive understanding of this and other topics is formed on a full oral training in system-vector psychology