Film "Merry Men". Comedy or Tragedy? Part 1. Travesty show: life, how big a holiday?
The film "Veselchaki" is the film debut of director Felix Mikhailov. In economically difficult times, he worked in nightclubs. There he met the artists of the drag show and heard unusual stories of their lives. At some point, he decided to write them down, and the thought of the film was born later.
"Travesti" from the Italian travestire - dress up
It was 1991. Moscow, cinema "Avangard", the film by Pedro Almodovar "High heels". I, a young and still Soviet girl, first saw a drag show and its artists on the screen. The film made an impression. Inside, there was a question about strange men who like to wear women's dresses. Who are these men? And is it men at all? Are they normal? Can you deal with them or is it better to bypass them?
But the question that was born inside remained unanswered. In those years in our country, we were just beginning to learn that anything can happen in the world. Any sexual characteristics were called with one capacious word - "perversion" …
Despite the fact that after the collapse of the USSR, streams of information poured into us, my question stuck … for as much as 25 years! And only today, with the help of Yuri Burlan's System-Vector Psychology, it is possible to find out the answer - accurate, comprehensive, giving hope.
Carnival film - for the first time in Russia
Almost two decades passed before our, domestic film about drag shows appeared - the premiere of the film "Veselchaki" took place in 2009. In the center of the film are the difficult fates of men, artists of drag shows. They lead a double life. During the day they are ordinary-looking people. But when night comes, everything magically changes: a big holiday full of music and bright outfits comes!
What does the appearance of such a film on the screens of our country say? Society has come closer to wanting to understand who travesty are, and, in general, who are people with sexual characteristics. I must say that it is often the artists who feel the demand of the society. There is such a request today.
This film has a truly stellar cast: Danila Kozlovsky, Ville Haapasalo, Ivan Nikolaev, Alexey Klimushkin, Pavel Brun and Alexander Mokhov, Renata Litvinova, Ingeborga Dapkunaite, Maria Shalaeva, Evgenia Dobrovolskaya and Olesya Zheleznyak. And it should be noted that none of the actors refused to act. The music for the film was written by Andrey Danilko, a prominent representative of the community of travesty artists, better known under the pseudonym Verka Serduchka.
Not fiction, but the truth of life
The film "Veselchaki" is the film debut of director Felix Mikhailov. In economically difficult times, he worked in nightclubs. There he met the artists of the drag show and heard unusual stories of their lives. At some point, he decided to write them down, and the thought of the film was born later.
However, the journey from script to filming took ten years. Why? Here is what the director himself says about it: “I was looking for money. Different people read - everyone, as a rule, liked it, but no one gave money. The theme was scary. " But, in the end, the money for the shooting of Veselchakov was found, and we were able to see the film. "Merry" do not leave their viewers indifferent precisely because the stories of the main characters are genuine.

Secrets of the unconscious
However, did this film succeed in answering the main question: what, after all, makes men change into women's dress? Each hero has his own version, but these are just rationalizations that do not explain the main thing. System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan helps to find out this secret, sending us straight into the unconscious. It is where consciousness has no power that the memory of the difficult path of development of the human species starting from the ancient human flock is kept.
The human pack needs strong men - hunters, warriors, cave guards. But from time to time strange skin-visual boys are born - weak, "sweet", pretty, similar to girls. Such one cannot kill or do hard work, and therefore is useless. Can an ancient human flock, which devotes all its strength to the struggle for survival, not yet touched by culture, allow itself to contain such a burden? Of course not.
Therefore, the life of such a boy is short. Do you hear heavy footsteps? This is an oral cannibal. He is looking for a "sweet boy" to cook for the pack. Scary?
- Where is the sweet boy? Come on out!
- I'm not a boy. I am a girl! Here, you see, I'm in a dress!
- Oh, are you a girl? In a dress, then? Show your panties then!
- Here are my panties - lace, beautiful! I am a girl!
- Still a girl … Well, we don't touch the girls.
Ancient people were cannibals. However, since cannibalism threatened the survival of the pack, it was limited to ritual. It was not possible to eat anyone, but only a useless member of the pack, which was precisely "calculated" by the chief's olfactory advisor. Later, with the development of culture, when human life gained value, a ban was imposed on ritual cannibalism - a taboo. However, the memory of this stage in the history of mankind is forever imprinted in the general unconscious.
How do you know? Find out the reason for the investigation
Yuri Burlan at the training in system-vector psychology reveals the concept of "skin-visual boy" - it is just such a ligament (combination of skin and visual vectors) that sets a certain life scenario. Previously, such children died en masse, today they survive. However, the unconscious has an invisible, but enormous influence on their fate - their life continues to be controlled by the fear of being eaten …
Men who like to try on women's dresses - what are they?
Starting a conversation about skin-visual men who have an inner need to dress up as a woman, we immediately exclude men who do this for completely different reasons. For example, for the sake of art, if such dressing is necessary according to the script of a play or film (films "Hello, I'm your aunt", "There are only girls in jazz", "Tootsie" and others) or for fun in various comedy shows.
Our real heroes try on lingerie, put on bright makeup and master pretentious manners, not because of the profession and not for the sake of profit (although one may not exclude the other), but, so to speak, at the call of the soul. And this call is of such an irresistible force that it completely subjugates a person, and it is absolutely impossible to resist it.
The root of this behavior is fear. Unconscious, deeply hidden. I must say that all people unconsciously feel this fear - skin-visual boys of any age smelling of fear (we are talking primarily about not yet developed children or unrealized adults) become victims, they are often persecuted and persecuted.

This unconscious fear determines the characteristics of the sexuality of the skin-visual boy. The fact is that he is not homosexual or heterosexual in the sense that such a man in the past did not use his sexuality for reproduction - he did not have an established species role and, therefore, he did not have the right to bite, the right to a woman and transfer of your gene pool.
Therefore, the sexuality of the skin-visual boy is not taboo, he has no social shame. He is not ashamed to be naked, or to dress up in a woman's dress, or to accept courtship and security from a man or a woman. Sexuality was given to him not for reproduction, but for the preservation of himself. In other words, he loves who protects him.
How does it work?
Just imagine that a strange tension has seized your whole being, which does not subside, but only grows. You do not understand its source and therefore there is nothing you can do to get rid of it. These strange sensations weigh on you, do not allow you to live normally. But then one day, left at home alone, a strange thought comes to you … to try on your mother's panties or a sister's bra. And suddenly pleasant excitement covers, and the tension subsides - uh!
Now he looks like a girl, and cannibals do not eat girls. So the psyche of the skin-visual boy comes to a balanced state. It's a pity that not for long. A person always goes up. Further more. They use bright makeup and manicure, intricate hairstyles, mannerism that exaggerates the female style of behavior, outfits - bright and shiny. Real women simply pale against the background of this "sparkling splendor".
Some do all this sometimes, in private, and do not flaunt it. Others, when it becomes completely unbearable, "go out into the light." But in this way all of them relieve the accumulated tension, unconscious fears. Unconsciously.
When it's not enough to try on dresses and you want to try on a different body …
However, it happens that reincarnating into a female image is no longer enough. This happens when the fear of being eaten by a cannibal is particularly strong.
- Do not touch me. Do not. I'm a girl. See, here are my panties.
- Panties, you say … We've seen such. Show me, girl, what's in your panties!
And how to be saved from this horror! From the unbearable tension in my head, thoughts about sex change are born: "If I have such a tender soul, maybe God confused it, and I was born not in my body?" Unfortunately, today psychiatrists support such unfortunate people who are lost in the unconscious. They agree: "Yes, there is." They give the go-ahead for the operation: "You will be a transsexual, transgender with us."
What are they aiming at ?! They take on the role of God: “God was wrong - he thrust a woman's tender soul into a rough man's body. Well, we'll fix it now! The only problem is that the skin-visual man remains a 100% boy even after the operation. Only disfigured by hormones and a scalpel.
However, today a “cure for fear” has been found - the only one and very effective: at the training on system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan, a person understands what is happening to him, sees the reason for his fears - and the soul falls into place, because all fears go away.
The reverse side of the holiday
I must say that the drag shows are somewhat reminiscent of the gay pride parades that march across Europe and America. The LGBT representatives themselves say: “The Parade of the Merry”. But are they really having fun? What will we see if we manage to look behind a beautiful screen of bright outfits, outrageous behavior and ostentatious fun?

The movie "Merry Men" gives us such an opportunity. We see difficult fates of people with sexual characteristics, not like everyone else. Restlessness, loneliness, dreams of happiness, which remain unrealizable … The heroes of the movie "Merry" are each very unhappy in their own way. The system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan explains the reason for such a hopeless misfortune: it is difficult to achieve full realization in life if a person does not understand himself.
The heroes of the film are rushing about, trying to find an application for their unusual nature. Everything here is mixed and incomprehensible: we see the ex-wife of one of the heroes, and his adult daughter, and his homosexual relationship - just right to get confused … They do not really understand themselves: they feel the effect, but do not realize the reasons. Of course, the fact that you are not the only one in the world helps to relieve tension a little. Therefore, intuitively, the heroes of "Veselchak" are looking for their own kind and get lost in a group "by interests." However, this does not change the overall picture.
While the actors of the drag show from the film are rushing about like blind kittens in search of their happiness (or at least relieving the terrible tension), all the answers to the innermost questions have already been found and are available to everyone thanks to the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan. At the training session, Yuri Burlan says: “Not every homosexual changes into women's clothes. And not everyone who dresses is homosexual. It is important to understand where it comes from!"
Understanding your nature and your sexuality can take the skin-visual man to a whole new level of life and help to realize his natural talents and potential.
Read about the role of the skin-visual boy in culture and how to properly educate him in childhood.