His Majesty Shopping. Is It Possible To Buy Happiness, Or Cultural Trade Is An Honorable Work

His Majesty Shopping. Is It Possible To Buy Happiness, Or Cultural Trade Is An Honorable Work
His Majesty Shopping. Is It Possible To Buy Happiness, Or Cultural Trade Is An Honorable Work

His Majesty Shopping. Is it possible to buy happiness, or Cultural trade is an honorable work

The modern skin consumer society has somehow imperceptibly transformed the acquisition of material goods from a way of providing oneself with what is necessary into a process of satisfying mental deficiencies and psychological needs. At least in a try. When and why did this happen? How did it happen that the process of exchanging money for a commodity turned into filling psychological pits with junk? For whom “shopping therapy” became a panacea?

If the wife is a shopaholic, then the husband is a holozopik

Anecdote from the Internet


“They are shouting around - do not miscalculate, buy-sell, buy-sell …” These lines from the nostalgic hit of Tanya Bulanova come to mind every time I find myself in places of lively trade. Whether there is a market, a bazaar, a shopping center - it makes no difference. I love to walk between the aisles (boutiques) and savor "pictures from the fair." Sometimes you can become a witness of such aerobatics of trade that you are simply perplexed about the dismissive word “traders” invented by someone. The people who know how and love to sell do not correspond to it so much. And buyers are not at all as simple as it might seem to someone at first glance.

In fact, this is strange. Take theater, for example. It is worth talking about it, you only hear, the theater is a temple of art, the actors in it are the inhabitants of heaven, talents, servants of Melpomene. The spark of God burns in them! Or here are hospitals and clinics. These are the places where they treat, where they get to their feet, where they save lives, and doctors, respectively, rescuers - both by profession and by vocation. And what about schools? There they "forge" the character of a new generation, educate, teach, give a start in life. And they also work there by vocation - teachers, mentors, people with a capital letter …

But everything related to trade, for some reason, evokes epithets of a completely different kind. "Trade", "push", "push", "weld" - these and similar words pop up in the head one of the first, it is worth talking about trade and its employees. But cultural trade is not only "honorable work", as they wrote on Soviet posters. This is also a calling. Or rather, the need for a skin vector, which (especially in combination with some other vectors) is capable of giving birth to a person with a completely inimitable talent of a seller, a servant of the god of trade Mercury. And Mercury, by the way, patronized not only the notorious "buy and sell", with which this article begins, but also rationality, dexterity and eloquence.

The people behind the counter, including the virtual one, are, in fact, the modern earthly representatives of this ancient Greek deity. The best sellers represent the interests of Mercury, not only earning income in trade, but also performing a very special mission that is not directly related to making a profit.

Sell a dream

The owner of one of the largest cosmetics holding once said that he is selling to millions of women not lipstick, but a dream. And after all, if you figure it out, then with many purchases this is exactly what happens. We often buy not a thing, but our internal idea about it, about how it can change our image in the eyes of others; our expectations associated with it are, in fact, hopes and dreams. When buying a new lipstick, we hope to interest the man you like. And trying on the gloves we liked, we already see how his manly hand is squeezing a hand in a new dress …

Putting on high heel shoes in the store, we imagine ourselves slimmed and stretched. By the way, this dream is exploited by numerous manufacturers and sellers of "slimming teas" and corresponding dietary supplements.

Looking after a new car, we see ourselves at the wheel of a different person - more self-confident, successful, having left problems and sorrows with the old car somewhere in the past. In the series "new me" (as an option - "cooler me"), there are generally many interesting goods and services, mostly very expensive. VIP accessories and trinkets, jewelry, branded items, prestigious tours to expensive resorts and even fabulously expensive business dinner in a trendy restaurant. The list of examples goes on and on.

Often, the true motivation for such purchases is not a real need for a thing or service, but the underlying internal lack, which is difficult enough to fill in some other way. However, for the owners of some vectors, “other ways” will never be compared with shopping in terms of their effectiveness and the degree of internal satisfaction achieved through it. Speech, of course, primarily about the representatives of the skin vector. But not only about them.

Shopping therapy

Quite recently, Runet amicably relished a video posted by someone, in which two doll "girlfriends" of one famous oligarch with swollen lips, as if bitten by bees, told that they were able to spend any amount in a matter of hours. Anything that they will be given for shopping - at least 30, at least 50 thousand pounds, and even more. After all, good things are found only in boutiques and are extremely expensive. Therefore, only they can be worn, even if only once. The indignant Runet cursed with comments and could hardly restrain himself from spitting into the monitor. Which, however, did not prevent this video from gaining several tens of thousands of views.

His Majesty Shopping
His Majesty Shopping

The modern skin consumer society has somehow imperceptibly transformed the acquisition of material goods from a way of providing oneself with what is necessary into a process of satisfying mental deficiencies and psychological needs. At least in a try. When and why did this happen? How did it happen that the process of exchanging money for a commodity turned into filling psychological pits with junk? For whom “shopping therapy” became a panacea?

According to the System-Vector Psychology of Yuri Burlan, each of us is driven by our internal needs and deficiencies, reflecting the features of the vectors inherent in us, their combinations and the degree of development. And by and large it doesn't matter where we are at this moment - in the bedroom, in the bathhouse or in the store. You cannot hide yourself, as they say. And why?

As far back as I can remember my parents, for my dad the expressions “going through the pains” and “going shopping” have always been synonymous. All his life he resignedly wore what his mother carefully and with pleasure bought for him, bypassing the places of trade for a kilometer.

My mom, on the other hand, is from a completely different test, like millions of people for whom visiting a retail outlet is an event, and a joyful one. This is not just a hike for the right thing, it is an opportunity to show yourself and look at others, as well as at the assortment; touch, smell, try on a myriad of various things and outfits that will never be bought; or even please yourself with a new thing, which will instantly raise your mood and vitality.

For those who are familiar with the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan, of course, it is obvious that immersion in the process of acquiring material values is most organically given to people with a skin vector. And if they have a cutaneous-visual ligament, then here we can already talk about a very rich palette of emotional experiences associated with buying and selling. A fountain of emotions and a storm of inner passions, the sweetness of choice and disappointment from an unjustified purchase, joy and a desire to demonstrate a new thing to everyone, even to casual passers-by - this is, of course, ours, skin-visual. But owners of other vectors are also able to experience joy and enthusiasm from shopping.

Take, for example, the owners of the anal vector. It is believed that they approach the acquisition process too seriously - a long painful choice of a thing, a careful comparison of prices and parameters of the purchased item, thinking about the need for a thing, etc., etc. All this is there, but there is also the joy of a successful purchase, and a sense of pride in owning a rare item and other emotions associated with "buying"!

Of course, they are often associated with the professional activities of a person with an anal vector. Among my acquaintances there are two amazing people who are deeply and seriously passionate about their work. One is a professional musician, the other is a geography teacher. People who are different and do not intersect in this reality have something in common. The musician, indifferent to shopping as such, goes to music stores as if on holiday. Perfectly versed in string instrument makers and hundreds of guitar accessories. Keeps track of all new items appearing in online stores, as well as rare and rare guitars - a couple of times I even bought them at auctions!

The geographer is also seriously passionate about his profession, and being a stay-at-home in fact, he is an active "film traveler", not missing a single TV program about distant countries. He has been subscribing to National Geographic for many years and has an entire library of travel guides at home, including rare and expensive editions. And he is ready to leaf through these guidebooks and look at them for hours, getting into some bookstore that he has not studied much; and buying a new one becomes a whole event …

Urethral buyers stand apart. In the store, they are often kindled by the desire to salute and have fun, especially if they got there in a company with friends or accompanied by some kind of skin-visual cute. Well, how can you not boo in front of people and buy something the most expensive, the most brilliant, the most unusual? Buy and throw at the feet of an admiring audience! In this part, they, the urethral, are not at all original. They just need to show off, and not in front of themselves, but in front of the "flock", which includes not only the persons accompanying them during shopping, but also the sellers.

"Eh, walk, walk like that!" Is a completely predictable phrase for a urethral person when making a purchase decision, and I must admit that this phrase is the whole urethral essence. It happens that going into a store and not wanting to bother with a choice, urethralists buy several things they like at once, giving them away then to the right and left.

Holders of the urethral vector are born givers - and, I must admit, there is no sight more fascinating than the urethral leader buying gifts. Therefore, the urethral in the store makes up for the shortages, for its own money satisfying the ineradicable need to give, donate, support, give, help, save.

Can happiness be bought?
Can happiness be bought?

Selling is an honorable work

An innumerable number of books have been published on the sale and promotion of goods, and a lot of trainings and courses are held every day. A huge crowd of coaches calls "skill" the techniques they have invented (or peeped from others) to attract buyers, talks about secret "buttons" that need to be "pressed" from a potential buyer so that he still shell out. And at the same time, practically none of them tries to consider the buyer from a truly scientific point of view - from the point of view of system-vector psychology! But it is she who gives the real "keys" to understanding the essence of the purchasing process.

The way to the buyer's "wallet" lies through a real understanding of his deepest needs. The famous phrase of Archimedes "Give me a foothold and I will move the earth" in the application to trade could sound like this: "Tell me who has entered the store now and I will sell him an elephant (Maseratti / Cuba / mansion on the Moon / matches with diamond heads etc. - select the desired) ". If the seller knows exactly who is in front of him, he can unmistakably choose the approach to selling that will definitely work.

In this case, I will immediately make a reservation. System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan is not a system of gimmicks for predatory salesmen trying to "sell" all kinds of trash. This is knowledge that can raise the work of convinced servants of Mercury, who came to trade by vocation, to a completely new, dizzying level.

Shopping cures someone, cripples someone, forces someone to reveal and demonstrate those aspects of a personality that, perhaps, the person himself did not know about. And for those who are well acquainted with system-vector psychology, and for those who are just at the beginning of this fascinating journey, I propose to undergo the training of Yuri Burlan in order to correctly determine their vector orientation and learn to understand their desires and the desires of others. In order not to waste money in stores “in vain”, to find out what dreams they sell to us there, to understand what and how much we need from this life.

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