Mom, don't sing so loud! Protect the ears of a genius
Yes, I'm a mom or not, after all! Why can everyone in this house do whatever they want? Why do I only adapt to everyone, and I myself am deprived of even such an opportunity - to sing when the soul sings? …
Caution! Sound children
“Mom, DO NOT SING SO LOUD!” - you hear from the children's room as soon as you start singing. And so every time.
Why not sing when your heart is joyful and cheerful? Why not sing when song and housework are easier to deal with? How not to sing if, without a song, there is an oppressive silence at home, and everyone is sitting in their rooms gloomy? So sometimes I want to stir up and add at least a little joy to their sad faces! That is why you sing in order not only to reach your heart with a melody, but also to your consciousness - with the lyrics of the song. And therefore, you again tighten up vigorous:
“It’s easy on my heart from a funny song, She never gets bored.
And they love the song of the village and the village …"
- Mom, DO NOT SING SO LOUD !!!, - immediately heard from the room.
In such situations, you want to insist on your own. Yes, I'm a mom or not, after all! Why can everyone in this house do whatever they want? Why do I only adapt to everyone, and I myself am deprived of even such an opportunity - to sing when the soul sings? When such thoughts come to your mind, it will not hurt to know the System-Vector Psychology of Yuri Burlan. After all, not all children do not like songs out of harm or whims - there are those for whose development loud singing can be harmful. And the point is not at all how beautifully and sincerely you sing.
Can Mommy Singing Hurt Your Baby?
According to Yuri Burlan's System-Vector Psychology, our sense organs (organs of perception of information from the outside world) differ greatly in the degree of sensitivity. It depends on the innate mental properties of a person, which system-vector psychology calls vectors. There are eight vectors in total: skin, visual, sound, and others.
For example, in representatives of the visual vector, eyes are especially sensitive, and such a person is able to notice when looking at an object more nuances, shades than others, and also to distinguish shades of emotions when looking at another person. Owners of the oral vector are able to distinguish subtle shades of taste, so much so that by a sip of wine they can appreciate the full bouquet of aromas and even taste how sunny the year was when the grapes ripened for this wine.

Our article is devoted to those people whom nature has endowed with very sensitive hearing. In the terminology of Yuri Burlan's System-Vector Psychology, such people are called the owners of the sound vector. From birth, these people have a unique ability to perceive sounds: they are able to distinguish the slightest changes in sounds by timbre, color, mood, duration, as well as the slightest nuances of the meanings of words. They are distinguished by good listening comprehension and special auditory memory.
There is a downside to increased sensitivity. For each of us, the most traumatic is the irritation of this very sensitive organ. Sounds are most vulnerable to negative impact on hearing. Moreover, the threshold of the traumatic loudness of sound effects for them is much lower than for other people.
How to develop a sound baby?
System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan argues that innate sets of mental properties or vectors determine the desires of each person and the potential for realization. But the traits given to us at birth are not developed. And therefore, they need development, that is, the formation of a stable skill to use them to the fullest for the benefit of themselves and those around them. And the conditions in which the child grows are of great importance for the optimal development of the properties of each vector.
So in order to fully develop the unique mind and abstract intelligence of a child with a sound vector, you need to create special conditions at home, one of which is silence. Only she is able to direct this introvert in a square, like no one else, inclined to solitude and focus on himself, towards listening to the world around him and focusing on other people.
The silence outside contributes to the transfer of the sounder's concentration from himself to others. And the more “piercing” this silence, the greater the degree of concentration. That is why daytime, when there is noise and din around, such children prefer nighttime, when there is silence around and no one interferes with concentration and calm reflections.
Only silence contributes to the extraversion of the sound child. This, of course, does not mean that everyone at home should be silent. You just need to speak with a small sound engineer in a muffled voice, in no case shout at the child or in his presence, do not slam doors, do not rattle dishes, etc.
Loud sounds frighten a child with a sound vector and contribute to the fact that he is fenced off from the world around him, and sometimes completely refuses to interact with him. If you have noisy neighbors, consider additional soundproofing - your child is worth it! It is useful to include quiet music at home as a background, so that the child learns from childhood to enjoy such "listening", this will help develop the skill of concentration, which is necessary for a sound engineer.
Children with a sound vector are some of the most reading children. From early childhood, they often baffle adults by asking serious questions that are not childish: “What is the meaning of life? And what will happen to us when nothing is? And what after death? Sound children begin to read early and are usually fond of science fiction, which is replaced at an older age by philosophy, and later by psychology and more. These interests are caused by the search for an answer to the question about the meaning of life, which always sounds in the soul of such a person, regardless of whether the sound engineer verbalizes this question. In many cases, the search for meaning can happen unconsciously.

In a developed, filled state, the sound vector endows its owner with tremendous abilities to understand the world, which allows him to take place in those branches of science for which abstract intelligence is needed.
To sing or not to sing?
What will happen if a loudly working TV or tape recorder is a common thing, if doors are constantly slamming loudly at home and dishes are rattling, if the windows of the child's room overlook a noisy street, and parents sort things out day after day, if even at night he cannot retire and to be in silence?
In such conditions, the sound engineer, sensitive to external stimuli, will not be able to concentrate and will begin to “withdraw into himself”, engaging in introspection in search of answers to questions about meaning and meaninglessness, draw a line between himself and the world around him. It can be a prerequisite for a lack of motivation to develop communication skills in a sound child, up to autism spectrum disorders.
It is also important that the world around us opens up an infinite number of possibilities for finding answers to questions, while the world inside is limited. This means that the probability that answers to questions about the meaning of being will be found when concentrating within oneself is much less and the owner of the sound vector realizes this in a fairly short time. Thus, the self-centered sound engineer may come to the conclusion that nothing makes sense, and therefore there is no need to value life. This is the reason for depression, suicidal thoughts and other, sometimes very difficult mental states that are characteristic of the owners of the sound vector when they cannot realize themselves.
Therefore, if a small sound engineer grows up in your family, you need to make sure that there is nothing in your house that can “injure” his sensitive hearing. And when you hear "DON'T SING SO LOUD!" from your child with a sound vector - it's worth a lot! Your child still hears you and has not shut himself off from everyone and everything. This means that, if properly developed, he is able to reveal his enormous natural potential.
You can learn more about the properties of the sound vector at the training on System-Vector Psychology by Yuri Burlan. You can sign up for free online lectures at the link: