Loser complex
A loser complex is formed in the skin vector. Such an owner of the skin vector, like any normal person, seeks to climb the social and career ladder, but in the end, each time comes to failure. His brain biochemistry is changed in such a way that he gets his pleasure only from failure and therefore unconsciously strives for it …
Fragment of the lecture notes for the Second Level on the topic “Vector blending. Loser complex ":
A loser complex is formed in the skin vector. Such an owner of the skin vector, like any normal person, seeks to climb the social and career ladder, but in the end, each time comes to failure. His brain biochemistry is changed in such a way that he gets his pleasure only from failure and therefore unconsciously strives for it. You can rationalize what is happening as you like, but the unconscious scenario is aimed precisely at never achieving success, superiority.

The loser complex in the skin vector is repressed masochistic tendencies. How is it formed? In two ways: through physical abuse and moral humiliation in childhood. When a parent hits a child with a skin vector on delicate and sensitive skin, he learns to enjoy this process. The flexible and mobile skin psyche adapts pain through the release of natural opiates. And now such a child likes to be beaten, and he begins to provoke with his behavior a manifestation of sadism towards himself.
The moral humiliation option is no less dramatic. A child with a skin vector strives to rise upward, dreams of being a "real colonel", and they tell him: "You moron, get out of here, your hands stick out of your ass." After all, he is not the same as the owner of the anal vector, who has everything painstakingly and efficiently, the carrier of the skin vector made a blunder and then ran. He neither knows how to cut with a jigsaw, nor even walk through life, as his father teaches with an anal vector. We humiliate him with words, but it hurts him. Then the same mechanism of pain adaptation works.
The representative of the skin vector with a loser complex is literally looking for pain. And in the West, he can go to the office of the dominantrix, who whips him with a whip or shouts: “On your knees! You're fired!" She will give him pleasure from masochism in a sex game, but this is not accepted in Russia. For Russians, this is unacceptable, because we have a man always half a body ahead of a woman. "What am I, not a man, or what?" Therefore, in Russia, the implementation of the scenario of failure always occurs through failure in life.
To significantly reduce the negative impact of this complex on life, you need to give yourself the opportunity to realize it. Then it becomes possible to achieve a balance of brain biochemistry not by erroneous actions for failure, but by sexual actions, through masochism in bed, and not in life. You can get out of the loser complex by conscious tracking …
Continuation of the abstract on the forum:
Recorded by Eugene Korol. December 1, 2013
A comprehensive understanding of this and other topics is formed on a full oral training in system-vector psychology