Agatha Christie. Life as a detective
The famous Hercule Poirot is the beloved hero of Agatha Christie's novels. The reader likes everything in him - the analytical abilities of his "gray cells", attention to detail, suddenly flashing sound arrogance and at the same time the ability to hear and listen, visual empathy and indifference to people. These are the qualities of Agatha Christie herself, which she gave to her hero.
Conversation is invented to prevent people from thinking …
Agatha Christie
In the history of world literature, not every woman can boast that she owes her fame to criminal offenses. The inimitable Agatha Christie, Her Majesty the Queen of Detectives, has become the most beloved and adored writer for many generations of readers. System-vector psychology reveals the secret of the incredible charm and fantastic success of her work.
Happy childhood
Agatha was the youngest in the family, as a child she was considered a strange child. The baby loved solitude, fantasized a bunch of friends for herself and talked to them continuously. After all, she possessed a visual vector, which means she had a vivid imaginative intellect, a rich imagination, which tirelessly invented more and more characters in her future books and created short scenes with them. She lived every day in a world filled with invented characters from the saga she lived through. The girl was given a wonderful home education, which began with a funny story. Nobody taught Agatha to read, she learned to read herself!
Since childhood, Agatha was fond of arithmetic, invented poetry and short stories, and studied music. This is how the sound vector of the writer manifested itself, which pushed her to comprehend abstract mathematical laws and the laws of musical harmony. She could very well have become an excellent musician, but the anal-visual Agatha was very shy and always shy about performing in front of an audience.
A real event was the appearance in the life of little Agatha the canary Goldie. Visual children form a strong emotional bond with pets, and Goldie quickly became her best friend. Once a misfortune happened - the canary disappeared. All day little Agatha cried bitterly, all day she was reassured by her mother.
And suddenly in the evening the canary flew off the cornice and, chirping cheerfully, climbed into the cage. One day Agatha experienced the most bitter misfortune of loss and the most unthinkable happiness to find a friend again! And one more very important point - the visual girl felt the power of her mother's love and her sympathy at the moment of such a huge childhood grief.

At the age of four, for the first time in her life, Agatha fell in love with her brother's friend. It was pure adoration and a storm of experiences and emotions, because it is people with a visual vector that are able to experience the most vivid emotions and the deepest feelings. Overcome with love, she wandered down the street and created in her imagination various heroic situations requiring the rescue of her beloved. In her visual fantasies, she shielded him from a flying bullet, pulled him out of the fire or treated him for the plague. And she would definitely die, and her hero did not even know about her sacrificial love.
Agatha was brought up in a benevolent atmosphere of love and bright emotions. Raising feelings in the parental home helped her to become sensual and compassionate. All her life she was grateful to her parents for a happy childhood.
"The secret to success is to start …"
As an adult, Agatha fell in love with solitude and silence even more, which is so natural for a person with a sound vector. She loved travel, she was dexterous in driving a car and even flying a plane. She swam well and loved the sea.
During the First World War, she worked as a nurse in a hospital. The compassion and empathy of the skin-visual Agatha eased the lot of the wounded soldiers and gave them peace of mind. Then she worked in a pharmacy, which left an imprint on all her work. This became the hallmark of many murderers in her works - they killed their victims with the help of poisons.
At 24, she married Archibald Christie, gave birth to a daughter, Rosalind, and began writing. Skin and sound Agatha Christie worked hard and fast. She thought about the idea of a novel for several weeks, and then in ten days she would transfer her thoughts to paper and finish the book. Skin-like dashingly twisted intrigue, anal focus on details, sound meaning in every word and visual compassion for the victim of a crime - all this the reader finds in every work of the writer.
"I have already seen him - a neat little man who manically loves order and prefers square objects to round …"
The famous Hercule Poirot is the beloved hero of Agatha Christie's novels. The reader likes everything in him - the analytical abilities of his "gray cells", attention to detail, suddenly flashing sound arrogance and at the same time the ability to hear and listen, visual empathy and indifference to people. These are the qualities of Agatha Christie herself, which she gave to her hero. And of course, Skin Captain Hastings, who is always nearby. He's not very smart, but fast and always goes ahead, and besides, he is familiar with all the technical innovations. Hastings looks like a simple setting for the priceless Poirot diamond. But at the same time, he is simply necessary for a brilliant detective.
The inimitable David Suchet in the role of Poirot captivated the audience with his charm and accurate fit. He looks so natural in the role of a great detective that we cannot imagine another Poirot. His well-groomed mustache, which is given maximum attention, the neat suit, the constant liquor and the cane betray the habits of an anal pedant, but behind this theatrical facade hides the most amazing sonic intelligence capable of solving incredibly intricate crimes.

And another favorite character is Miss Marple. A tenacious mind and phenomenal memory, impeccable skin logic and a thorough analysis of the smallest details made this elderly and quiet woman capable of inevitably calculating criminals. She led a traditional way of life, sincerely felt compassion for the victims, and sometimes for the offender, who was driven by circumstances to commit a crime.
"The smart ones do not take offense, but draw conclusions …"
Agatha's family life in her first marriage was short-lived and dramatic. After her husband confessed to her in treason and asked for a divorce, a mysterious story happened that has not yet been solved. Leaving a note, Agatha Christie left in an unknown direction and disappeared. Ten days later, her car was found, but Agatha herself disappeared. When she was finally found, she refused to answer where she was, and she was diagnosed with amnesia.
Agatha never revealed where she was hiding for two weeks. Neither in the interview nor in the autobiography there is even a hint of solving this mystery. The detective queen remained true to herself. We can only assume that this happened as a result of extreme stress caused by the events that occurred, which fell on her head almost simultaneously.
"Thank you, Lord, for my good life and for all the love that was given to me"
After an unsuccessful first marriage, Agatha met a man who became her love for the rest of her life. The young archaeologist Max Mellowan, who was given to her by fate, became her husband and best friend for the rest of her life. For almost half a century they have lived in love and harmony. Max was 15 years younger than her, but this did not bother Agatha.
“I married an archaeologist because he is the only man who is more interested in his wife the older she is,” she wrote humorously. Max was always calm, balanced and reliable. Agatha learned the most important thing with him - family happiness, where love and respect reigned, which she so lacked before. Anal-sound-visual, they both loved silence and avoided the crowd.
He and Max traveled a lot, excavated in the Middle East and felt completely happy. And then, far from the hustle and bustle, they worked quietly and calmly. Agatha wrote detective novels, and Max wrote scientific works on archeology. So they lived together for 46 years.

With a circulation of over two billion in 103 languages, the Queen of Detective's books are still as popular today as they were in her prime. And the statements of Agatha Christie, full of humor and life experience, have become firmly established in people's lives as landmarks of wisdom and meaning.
Her detective novels are incredibly believable, for which we love them, intuitively understanding how accurately the sound writer reveals the inner world of her characters and the motives of their actions. Yuri Burlan's system-vector psychology will help you to become a connoisseur of human souls and learn better than any detective, at first glance, to determine who is in front of you and what can be expected from this person.
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