Only a small part of people have a lot of money …
Fragment of the lecture notes for the Second Level on the topic "Money":
Only a small part of people have a lot of money.
In American casinos, when you go inside, a digital scoreboard hangs on which statistics run, how much money you lost today and how much you won. We lost a million and won 10 thousand. Any person who can think at least a little logically, as soon as he sees these numbers, will immediately turn around and leave.
Capital implies two objectives. The first is to create it, and the second is to save it. Those who, yes, created it, are developing such a system that it would be very difficult for the rest to get there. Today it is much more difficult to enter the club of financiers - the odds are similar to those in a casino. Although you can try …
You just need to first assess your abilities in relation to these financiers and billionaires. Do you have so much energy and vitality? Cunning mind? Most probably not. So, are you setting the wrong goals? Do you really need such big finances? Or do you just want to travel the world?

When we are hungry, we imagine big goals: now I’ll come and eat a whole elephant. And a little satiated - and we no longer need an elephant. The same is with money: when there is no money, we want a million, but when we start earning and reach a certain level, we don't need more.
Today, a new trend has emerged: we see that those who have never had anything to do with finance are becoming super-rich. In our world, sound specialists are becoming rich, the owners of the skin-sound vector bundle - the architects of the Internet and information technologies.
But did these super-rich sound people have the ideas of billions? Not. They had sound ideas. Like Steve Jobs or Mark Zuckerberg, for example. Not that they were going to work for free, they wanted to receive more income, but none of them had any financial ideas and goals. For example, Jobs had an idea to change the world.
Who are the richest people in Russia, billionaires? Smells? No, they are also people with sound. An accomplished sound engineer has the second right to bite after smelling. The man is in power. A person who does not need anything of this, but he has it all.
Continuation of the abstract on the forum:
Written down by Alexander Kuternin. January 24, 2014
A comprehensive understanding of this and other topics is formed on a full oral training in system-vector psychology